
Dragon Ball Ultra Anime System

I don’t own Dragon Ball or any other anime used in this story

Jacksama52 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 21

After the dust startled from Vegeta's sacrifice I looked towards Majin Buu.

Mike: So you are Majin Buu I got to say I am disappointed. Alright let's get this over with you fat blob.

Majin Buu: You call Buu fat. Buu turn you into chocolate.

I teleported in front of Majin Buu and kicked his face. I then punched him on the stomach which sent him flying.

Mike: System what is Majin Buu's power level.

[ showing power level

Majin Buu - 100 billion ]

Mike: Looks like I have to go Super Saiyan.

Majin Buu came out of the rabble with a playful face.

Majin Buu: You're strong but you no match for Buu.

Mike: We'll see about that

I transformed into Super Saiyan and punched him before he could react followed by a upper cut. I then started punching very fast. After a few thousand punches I kicked his stomach which bend backwards.

Mike: Here's a new move I made.

I stretched my arm side ways with my other arm over it. I then started charging up a ball of ki in my hand. It started spinning as it started to turn blue.

Mike: Take this Resasan Kamehameha.

I smashed the blast on Majin Buu's stomach. The blast drilled against his stomach before shooting out wards creating a hole in Majin Buu's stomach. The area behind him exploded. Majin Buu looked angry as smoke shoot out of the holes on his head and arms.

During this time, Supreme Kai has been desperately trying to find Gohan when the recently returned to life Kibito finds both and heals them. Supreme Kai then teleports them all to his own planet. The first mortal to actually step foot on the Sacred World of the Kai, Gohan begins training with the Z Sword after pulling it from the stone.

Meanwhile, Goten and Trunks wake up, and Goku tells them about Gohan and Vegeta, which makes them cry about their deaths, but are angry at Goku for not saving them, even though this is actually not Goku's fault. Goku calms them down by repeating his belief they can face against Majin Buu.

Goku subsequently begins to teach Goten and Trunks how to do the Fusion Dance. They will take a long time to learn this, more time than Goku has. Since Goku is pressed for time, he ends up showing Piccolo the dance so that he can continue the training.

Meanwhile with the fight between me and Majin Buu is still going on. I am stronger than Buu but that annoying regeneration is a cheat. The only way to kill Majin Buu is to vaporise him down to sub atomic level but in order to do that I need to charge a attack large enough to do that. Of course I have tried charging up a super Kamehameha but Majin Buu keeps on disturbing me or out right dodging my attack.

To make matters worse Babidi keeps messing with my mind every time I try to transform. Apparently Babidi can read people's mind. I don't know if he could do that in the anime but in Shin Budokai 2 I remember him reading Trunk's mind.

Mike: Fucking wizard with your stupid magic. This is going no where I can't even transform. Why didn't they do this to Goku when he went SSJ3. At this rate I will run out of energy.

Babidi: Hahahahahahahaha you just gave me enough energy for this.

I look towards Babidi and to my horror I watch as another Majin Buu comes out of a cocoon.

Mike: How

Babidi: Oh this was a back up Buu that my father Bibidi made. We obviously could not make two Buu's since we did not gather enough energy from your previous fight but thanks to you I managed to awaken this Buu.

Mike: System what is his power level

[ showing power level

Majin Buu - 900 billion ]

Mike: Shit

Meanwhile at the lookout Trunks returns to the lookout with the Dragon Radar. Even though Goku never died he still managed to learn Super Saiyan 3 on King Kai's planet. Goku told them about his new transformation.

Goten and Trunks continue practicing fusion, but want to see Goku's Super Saiyan 3 transformation and Goku reluctantly agrees as Goten and Trunks promise to train harder.

Piccolo continues to teach the boys the Fusion Dance and, after two mishaps where they fail miserably, they successfully fuse to make the warrior Gotenks. Goku says that he will go to Other World. After giving Chi-Chi and Goten one final hug and telling that he will tell Gohan that he said hi when he sees him in Other World after Chi-Chi asks what is she going to do now that Gohan is gone, but Videl thinks that Gohan is still alive and Goku says goodbye to his friends and family before he teleports to the Other World.

In Other World, Goku asks King Yemma to see if Gohan checked in but finds that Gohan is still alive, just like Videl said. He senses Gohan on the Sacred World of the Kai and teleports there to help Gohan with his training. But then the Z Sword breaks due to a training-related accident with the strongest metal in the universe, Katchin.

Old Kai comes out but becomes hostile towards Goku for playfully attacking him with an energy blast. Old Kai is capable of unlocking Gohan's inner latent potential called the "Mystic Powers" but he refuses to. Goku tries to bribe him with an offer to kiss an Earthling woman. His first choice was Videl, but Gohan refused, because Videl is his girlfriend, and Goku settles on Bulma even though Gohan is afraid of her reaction. Old Kai agrees and begins training Gohan.

Meanwhile at the battle with Majin Buu and me. Majin Buu no.2 shoots a beam at me which I dodge but I realise to late that he was targeting Majin Buu no.1. The beam hit him turning him into chocolate. Majin Buu no.2 then snatches the chocolate and ate it then transforms into the super-intelligent and incredibly powerful Super Buu. But one noticeable difference between the original Super Buu and this one is that he is blue.

[ Quest ALART

Incredible Majin Buu

Majin Buu has fused with another version of him self forming Mega Buu. Defeat him.

Rewards: Majin Buu bloodline

200 million UP ]

Mike: System what is Mega Buu's power level.

[ showing power level

Mega Buu - 10 trillion ]

Mike: System why are these changes happening. No has purple energy is around them so it can't be Mira and Towa.

[ This is a result of a butterfly effect. ]

Mike: This is bad I need to tell the others. I can tell Goku about the ritual for Super Saiyan god. Maybe he can beat him and I can get a taste of god ki. There should be enough Saiyans for the ritual if we add me. If it is not enough I can just ask Elder Kai for the potera earrings and fuse with Goku SSJG.

I teleported to the lookout.