
Chapter 11

It had been a week since the events on Earth. Everything seemed to be back to normal, at least as far as I knew. However, my reality was very different. On the planet of Beerus, my training as an apprentice to the God of Destruction was in full swing, and honestly... it wasn't going well at all. 

"FASTER, APPRENTICE, FASTER!" shouted Beerus with a ferocity that made the planet's ground rumble, as he launched a fresh burst of Destruction beams at me. 

Dodging those beams wasn't just a test of speed; it was a challenge to my survival instinct. I had already failed once, and that mistake almost cost me an arm. Literally. 

'Beerus isn't holding back one bit.' I thought as my legs moved at full speed, zigzagging as best I could to avoid the purple energy blasts. Each passing bolt of lightning grazing me seemed to tear the air around me, leaving a trail of pure destruction. On and on I went for what seemed like hours, though it was surely only minutes. 

Finally, Beerus stopped his attack, slowly descending from the skies and landing in front of me with the elegance of a satisfied predator. I seized that moment as best I could, falling to my knees as I tried to catch my breath. My muscles burned as if they were on the verge of breaking, and my entire body trembled from the effort. 

"That's it Mira?" Beerus asked as he landed next to me. "As God of Destruction I can't afford to have a weak apprentice, if you can't dodge these simple lightning bolts, how can I expect you to be able to fight me and beat me." He added in a frustrated tone.

Apparently according to what Beerus had told me, to become God of Destruction, one has to be able to defeat the acting God, in a 1v1 fight. This is the main requirement, this is done to ensure that the next God is at least as strong as the previous one, as this one is tasked not only to destroy to maintain the balance, but to protect this balance from threats that put it at risk (like Majin Buu) and that is only possible if the God is extremely powerful.

"I... I'm trying, Lord Beerus," I said between gasps, beads of sweat trickling down my forehead and my chest rising and falling rapidly. 

"Do it or don't do it! There is no such thing as intent!" he reprimanded me with a stern expression, his eyes glittering with a mixture of frustration and disappointment. 

I took a second to process those words, though all I could feel was how my body was begging for a break. 'Right, like it's that easy...' I thought wryly, though I obviously couldn't bring myself to say it out loud. 

From the side, Whis' voice broke the tension with his usually relaxed tone. 

"Hoho, don't be so hard on him, Lord Beerus. Remember how you were when you initiated with me." 

Beerus clicked his tongue and turned to Whis with a look that could have pulverized a planet. 

"You shut up, Whis! This is no time to reminisce about old times." 


"Oh, what a grump.... If you keep up that tantrum, I won't take you to Earth," Whis replied with a smirk as he waved his staff lightly. 

My eyes widened like saucers at those words. 

"You're going... to Earth?" I asked, jumping almost to my feet despite the pain coursing through my body. 

"Well yes, Lord Beerus is looking forward to trying a delicious dessert that he didn't get a chance to taste the last time we were there," Whis replied calmly. Then he added with a hint of mischief, "Why, Mira? Feel like saying hello to your Earth friends?" 

"He's not going anywhere!" interrupted Beerus with a roar, turning his gaze back to me. "He's not done with his training yet today." 

"Oh, come on, Lord Beerus. They've been training for days now without a break. Don't you think it would be wise to take a break? Besides, remember that if we rest now, we can go get that dessert you wanted to try so badly." 

The mention of dessert seemed to appease Beerus' anger slightly, though not without resistance. 

"Grrr, okay," he finally said, with a frown on his face and his arms crossed. But suddenly he spun toward me with a shout that made me gasp. "MIRA!" 

I quickly stood my ground, like a soldier in front of his superior. 

"When we get back, we'll do a double speed training session. Understood?" 

"Yes, Master Beerus," I replied in a firm tone, trying not to show my displeasure. 

Inwardly, I sighed in relief. At least I would have a chance to rest... and also to see my friends on Earth. That filled me with renewed motivation, even though I knew the training storm wasn't over; it was just on pause. 

Whis, who seemed to be enjoying all this, twirled his staff slightly and smirked. 

"Well, then let's go. It will be a short, but fruitful journey." 

With those words, a sphere of light enveloped us, and before I knew it, the planet of Beerus disappeared from my sight. For a moment, my thoughts turned to what awaited me on Earth: a chance to rest... and perhaps, be able to see her again.