
Dragon ball: The legend of human

On Earth, the 89-year-old martial artist known as the god of martial arts dies, but wakes up like a baby in a world he had dreamed of being in.

Thelector · Others
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23 Chs


After several weeks practicing ki control and perception, in addition to increasing physical training, I can say that he has improved remarkably. However I have realized that the amount of ki I have is still very low, just I can form 3 balls of ki before exhausting me.

After thinking a lot about it, I have concluded that I need to improve in several aspects. The first would be, the strength of my body, unlike the Saiyajins, has a natural limit, that is, from a certain point can hardly be improved without the use of ki.

The second is my amount of ki. Although it is true that for a normal child, I have a large amount of ki, compared to a Saiyan or another warrior race, I have very little.

The last aspect to improve is my combat style, because, although it is very good for normal combat, as soon as the ki attacks come into action, I get to see me somewhat depressed, so I have to adapt my style to this energy.

For the first section I think I have obtained a solution. I must devise a technique that strengthens my body permanently and expands my natural limit. Currently it is easy for me to strengthen my body momentarily with the help of ki, this is achieved because I direct my ki in the direction of the part I want to strengthen and this interacts with the cells of my body, inflating them with energy, which is quickly spent to generate more strength, speed and resistance. My theory is that the saiyajines not only have more ki but their bodies consume less to obtain the same result as an ordinary human. That means that their bodies need less energy to stay strong so they have more resistance.

The human body is not designed to use ki.

However, the technique I have in mind solves this in the following way: it stimulates the cells with a large amount of ki when they are damaged (after doing a physical activity and creates a muscle break by reaching the limit) so that they adapt to the ki and that the following cells resulting from these, are increasingly accustomed to ki.

If the technique works not only will it strengthen my body but it will reduce my consumption of ki. There is also the possibility that this process, by spending so much ki on my own being, improves the amount of ki that my body generates, but that is still to be seen.

In short, the technique allows to overcome the limits of the body to go through a process of healing and destruction of it.

To carry out the technique it would be necessary to reach physical exhaustion without spending ki, and ultimately spend almost everything on the injured cells.

Before trying a technique of ki inside my body should consult the master Roshi, not going to be as dangerous as what I have not noticed.

After talking for a while and telling me about how ki affects the body, I have come to the conclusion that technique is possible, although doing it will be more difficult than I thought.

Master Roshi says that if you apply ki to an exhausted muscle, what you achieve is that it recovers faster, so surely the way to perform technique is guiding a lot of ki, cell by cell, in a subtle way, which requires almost absolute control.

Although I do not know if the technique work, I decided to focus almost entirely on the control of ki. In any case I do not think it would hurt to have a great control of ki. Also having as little ki as I have now must be much easier than when I have more.

I was practicing about 4 months until I had incredible control over my ki. Also now I am able to feel the ki from miles away. I really have a long way to go, considering that Goku can feel the ki of almost a whole universe.

In any case, I decided that today I would try my technique (since I already have the control of ki required) and I would see if my theory is true.

I started training without actively spending ki, and about 6 hours later I was totally exhausted and without physical energy.

After that I lay down on the floor, close my eyes and execute the technique, although it cost me to direct my ki to each of my cells independently, finally achieve it. Immediately I began to direct ki, after a few seconds, I began to feel a great freshness and a very gratifying sensation filled me.

Although I did not know if the technique had worked, the sensation by itself was incredible, comparable to drinking water after having been 5 days in the desieto with nothing to drink.

After about 20 minutes using the technique, I ran out of ki to continue. Stop, I opened my eyes, I got up, and I noticed that my muscles had recovered from all the training.

I clenched my fists and immediately noticed. It was more stronger.

It seems that the technique worked as I assumed it would. However I can feel that the technique can be improved and polished. I really hope I could polish with the use.

Thanks to the technique, my training will give more results and I will be able to strengthen myself much faster than any other human that has existed.

This technique is the first step to be the strongest in the universe.

After creating my first ki technique, I decided to call it Absolute Strength Technique.

This is the third chapter.

It is possible that I have made some mistake in the theory, if so, I would like to be explained to rectify it.

If there is support, there will be more chapters.

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