
Dragon Ball Saga: Conquest -REWRITTEN-

Waking up in a strange place, only to be sent somewhere we all wish we could go. What will a lazy man do when he finds himself in such a precarious situation? Will he become more than he was? Join along to find out! . . . . . :DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own the rights to the Dragon Ball franchise, nor anything involved with said franchise.

Endless_Crow · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 2: Reborn!

Opening his eyes, Theo found that he had trouble moving his body. He found remembering anything difficult, his name, where he came from, where he was. It took him a moment to come to his senses, finally remembering his death and going through the portal. More importantly he recalled his name. "Theo, my name is Theo." This thought echoing in his mind, he took in his surroundings.

Theo was suspended in a golden-green fluid which was held in an egg shape glass dome. The dome looked to be mounted onto a dark-grey machine that was reminiscent of a metallic egg cup. The room beyond the glass dome told him he wasn't alone in whatever this room was. He saw not only what appeared to be doctors and nurses roaming about, but also, other pods filled with their own occupants. He reached down to scratch his right leg while lost in thought.

While doing so, he happened to look down, noticing three things which concerned him. First, he noticed his hand. Particularly that it was much smaller than he remembered. In fact, his whole body felt smaller. "Did I shrink?" Secondly, he saw what at first, he thought was a tube of some sort, looking closer, he realized it was attached to his back. Theo soon realized that he could move it just by thinking. "Is this a tail? It is! …it reminds me of a monkey's tail." Theo put it out of his mind, moving on instead to the last thing he had noticed.

A machine shaped like underpants was attached around his waist. Connected to the machine was a mid-sized tube which was attached in turn to the back of the glass dome. The machine seemed to not only be absorbing his waste, but also injected something into his hip from time to time. Nutrients would be his guess, as there was no tube running to his mouth. "Hmm… the needle hurts and I can breathe. I couldn't do either in limbo. Am I not dead anymore? Was I reborn somehow? Was it the portal?" His thought's spiraling, he found himself suddenly interrupted.

Almost as if the glass dome he was submerged in sensed he was awake; it came alive with light and sound. Right before Theo's eyes images started to appear on the glass as if it were a television screen. Words, numbers, pictures, even noise began to assail his senses, even throughout the fluid around him. It didn't take him long to figure out it was an education system of some kind.

After an hour had passed, he now had a much greater understanding of his situation. He had indeed been reborn, as a Saiyan no less. His name in this world, was Arlic. He was the son of a mid-class female Saiyan warrior named Luffa. His father was not mentioned. He was born six months ago, on Planet Vegeta. He was born during the rule of King Vegeta III, who had just welcomed the birth of his first son Vegeta IV.

Planet Vegeta itself was annexed by the Planet Trade Organization a year before he was born, King Cold the previous head of the P.T.O. had retired one month ago. Lord Frieza, Cold's heir apparent, took over and quickly began to transform Planet Vegeta along with the rest of his father's empire. Saiyan's were now used to conquer worlds while wiping out their civilizations, all in an aggressive expansion effort.

Theo was excited for his second chance at life. He even embraced his new name along with his new situation, unlike his old life, he would make the most of this one. "If I am to live in this reality, I can't be as I was." Knowing that his personality would not help him here he resolved to change and grow stronger. Strength was the only thing that would ensure his survival, especially if he was in the universe, he thought he was in.

Frieza being here meant there was a high possibility he had been reborn in universe seven. That fact alone meant he didn't have much time, Planet Vegeta would soon be destroyed. What he needed was more information, of course training and resources wouldn't hurt either. He could even start practicing [Ki Control] while he was in the dome.

The dome, which he now knew was an [Incubation Pod] did not seem to care, however. He soon felt a rush of medicine shoot into his body through the injection needle in his hip, becoming tired the newly named "Arlic" began to pass out. "Damn incubation pod!" It was right there in the name and he had missed it. These things didn't seem to work as Dragon Balls lore suggested.

No, he should not be awake at all. The pod shouldn't be giving him information either, or even capable of doing so for that matter. "No, I'm the fool for expecting everything to be the same as the series…I…" Not even able to complete the thought, he finally lost consciousness. Four uneventful months passed by in the incubation pod, waking him only occasionally to teach him something new.

He learned how to read, write, as well as various kind of mathematics. He learned two languages, Saiyan and galactic common. He was now in the middle of learning Saiyan physiology, particularly how to use battle power or [Ki]. Saiyan's possessed a natural aptitude for the manipulation of energy, while not what he saw on the shows or read in the manga's, it was still valuable information.

Towards the end of his learning session, as he was learning about Zenkai Boost and Great Ape Form, there was slight bit of conflict outside the pod. Peering through the glass, he noticed a familiar face. "That's Paragus, isn't it?" Paragus was shouting at one of the doctors. "What's he saying?" Focusing past the pods attempt to educate him, he listened in on Paragus' shouting.


(Paragus POV)

Paragus was furious. "What do you mean, why would King Vegeta have my son sent off world? Where is Broly?" Paragus ranted at the doctor who only seemed to be able to make excuses. "Please Saiyan, control yourself. As I said, King Vegeta ordered your son to be sent off world as an infiltration baby." Paragus still couldn't believe it. "Broly isn't even a year old! Why would the king do something like that!" The pink skinned doctor only sneered before saying. "Why don't you go ask him Saiyan, I need to get back to work." He walked away leaving Paragus standing there seething.

Paragus had served the king for many years. His son was born earlier that year with an astounding power level. Why would the king send him away knowing his potential? "It doesn't make sense!" Thinking this Paragus decided to take the doctors smug advice, he would ask the king directly. As he walked away amid the shuffle of doctors and nurses, neither he nor anyone else in the large room seemed to notice the smile on one of the pod babies faces. A smile which suggested the child new something the adults didn't.

Chapter 2s final edit is up. Please enjoy.





You will notice more changes in this chapter. I believe it reads much better now. Please remember to tell me what you all think.

Endless_Crowcreators' thoughts