
So..... What's the Plan? (5)

Back inside the Incubation Chamber

"Follow me if you want to live," Paragus said aloud before turning his back and leaving the room.

Nobody in the room knew who he was talking to specifically but none were willing to take chances, quickly getting off their knees, the aliens hurried after Paragus.

Mushro was on the floor, visibly confused. He was more than certain that he was dead and was almost content with it, death by a stronger foe in even combat was fair game, however, he was still here. He was more than certain Paragus was speaking to him so he tried to get off his feet but Paragus had worked him.

Stumbling for a few moments, Mushro supported himself with a nearby table.

Standing up, he saw something.

The baby.

Paragus had left the baby.

Mushro thought for a few seconds before picking up the baby, this time carefully and walking outside with him.

"SAIYANS!" Paragus shouted with all his might trying to attract as much attention as possible, his new form helping him communicate much better than his base.

"LISTEN WELL, I am tired of living under a cowardly king who does not care about his people! This morning King Vegeta prepared a plan to kill my Son because of his awesome potential! I am tired and personally disgusted by his shameless act of tyranny! I have decided that reign under such a king is a fate worse than death!"

Paragus didn't waste time with unnecessary words, Saiyans were simple people, they followed the strongest.

Paragus moved quickly, clearing a path among the crowd and making a dash to the transportation dock, followed by the aliens in Incubation Chamber still not wanting to be killed by Paragus. Seeing the crowd of people openly planning to leave the planet, many Saiyans who would have stayed were swept in the momentum while others scoffed saying they weren't going anywhere.

Although Planet Vegeta was big, there was only one Sayain settlement, one Saiyan city with the royalty at the centre and the poor at the outskirts. Nearly all Saiyans on the planet heard the words of Paragus, who now looked like he was now causing a stampede, and those who didn't quickly heard from others and had a decision to make.

1. Stay on Planet Vegeta with Freiza and King Vegeta.

2. Follow the tall muscular man with scary ki that wanted to start a revolution.

Was that even a decision?

Let's fucking go!!!!!!!!!!!!

A massive number of Saiyans followed Paragus, influenced by his stronger energy and confidence. It was a sight to behold.

Arriving at the transportation dock, Paragus saw entire spaceships, ready to be used for their escape.

"Aspa, always over-doing I see," Paragus said with a slight smile on his face.

"Paragus, you're here right on time, I had to knock out all the workers in charge of the transportation dock- Holy Shit!" Aspa said, covered with scratches, recognised the multitude of people behind Paragus.

"A-All of them?" Paragus asked.

"All of them," Aspa said with a wide smile.

"Who's gonna fly the ships?" Celery said arriving with a white and green backpack.

"Uhhhhh, it's not my fault?" Aspa tried.

"You idiot!" Celery said facepalming.

"Fighting Junkie" Paragus muttered Aspa's nickname while shaking his head.

Paragus suddenly felt sorry for the aliens, Aspa had fought in his name.

"Did you really think I would let you go so easily?" King Vegeta roared.

King Vegeta and several of his loyalists as well as other races armed with ki rifles, blocked the crowd from the ships.

"Paragus! Come out and atone for your sins!"

Paragus walked out, directly confronting King Vegeta.

"FIRE!!!" King Vegeta said wasting no time, Paragus had stepped out of line in his eyes.

Multiple ki beams struck Paragus' body, however not only was he significantly stronger than before, but he was also wearing full battle armour so the beams didn't do much damage at all.

Paragus took a step towards King Vegeta.

"Take another step and we'll shoot at the crowd!" King Vegeta declared hastily.

Paragus thought for a second before taking multiple steps forward, nearly reaching King Vegeta.

"FIRE!!!" King Vegeta shouted, desperately trying to overpower the crowd





"He shot me! Thar motherfucking bastard shot me!"

"I'm gonna kill him!"

"No, I'm gonna kill him!"


Paragus was speechless.

From the crowd emerged several Saiyans who jumped King Vegeta and his goons, the first wave getting washed with ki blasts, the second and third however landing successful consecutive blows, essentially swarming them. Enough ants can kill an elephant after all and this fight was akin to a thousand ants fighting a cat.

"Paragus!" Celery shouted, finally getting his attention "We need to go before Freiza arrives!"

That's right.


Paragus had almost forgotten Freiza existed, Paragus was sure Freiza had several spies planted among the Saiyans, hell there were probably spies among the crowd, waiting to report back to Freiza.

A troublesome situation.

Paragus was still thinking.

"Let's fucking go!" Celery shouted tugging Paragus' arm causing him to fall forward.

Celery, Aspa and Paragus headed inside the first ship, Celery sitting in the pilot's seat.

"Where are we going?" Celery asked Paragus.

"Uhhhhh...It's not my fault?" Paragus tried.

"Why are all my friends, IDIOTS?" Celery screeched.

Saiyans and other races began to fill up the ships soon, bypassing the recommended capacity.

"Lead by example, we'll look for a planet in the air, we have enough fuel for it," Aspa said quickly.

"He's right, the other ships will follow when we suddenly leave," Paragus added.

"Finally, a fucking plan," Celery said with visible aggression.

"Try to stay on your feet,"


The spaceship swam into the air, the other races, whose bodies could not resist the movement, began to bounce around the ship before settling as the anti-gravity technology began to function.

Eventually, 100 or so ships could be seen on the horizon of Planet Vegeta before zooming out of the atmosphere completely.

"I thought you said, King Vegeta tried to kill your kid, where is he?" A round, grey alien asked Paragus something that had been bothering him.

Paragus' heart stopped.

He left his son.

Everything that he had worked for, he left it behind.

At the end of the day, Paragus was only a regular person, he was not immune to forgetting things and he was caught up in the momentum of the revolution, embarrassingly leaving his son behind.

Paragus felt like exploding, his body and his ki losing strength and vigour. He once again returned to his original size.

"I have him," A voice among the group of people cramped in the ship had spoken up.

Mushro stood behind Aspa holding a sleeping naked boy in his arms.

"You should really get him a blanket or something-" The round grey alien spoke up again.

"BROLY!" Paragus cried, disorienting everybody on the ship, some even kneeling and putting their hands up indicating they weren't a threat.

"Cowards," Aspa muttered, earning the scowls of a few aliens.

Paragus felt relief, his mind finally at rest but this was interrupted.

"Uhm, I don't know how to tell you this, but I see an awfully familiar ship coming towards us,"

"Oh shit!" the grey round alien exclaimed.

A ship, almost twenty times as large as the one Celery was flying, appeared on the edge of Planet Vegeta.

PEW! A single laser beam escaped from the ship piercing three of the ships that had just escaped Planet Vegeta, turning them to dust.

On the ship, there were only two words at the side.

Two words that made everyone on the ship collectively panic.

The two words read 'Freiza Force'.

The last chapter I'm going to publish until I get some feedback, tell me what you think of the story so far in the comments.

Will go back to regular releases when I get a feel for my viewers.

LOLRIPcreators' thoughts
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