
A Conspiracy! (50)

Dr Barrel was seated at a smoothie shop with a huge newspaper that covered his face and upper body.

[Huge News! Celery's Buttery Smooth Secret Revealed!]

[Chilling! Dr Synthesis' frozen formula leaked!]

[Super Broly 2.0! Have scientists hacked Saiyan DNA?!]

Dr Barrel's eyes flickered over the headlines disinterestedly, although all new was available on a holo-pad, Dr Barrel belonged to a small faction of people who preferred to use actual paper. He looked over the Newspaper, angling it carefully as he gazed at his target.

His eyes found Dr Console who was busy discarding a smoothie and leaving the shop.

Dr Barrel waited for Dr Console to leave and then hastily dropped his newspaper and followed him down the busy road.

Dr Console was a shorter young man and among the Tuffles who were all quite short, Dr Barrel had a hard time distinguishing who was who in the crowd. Dr Barrel then quickly wore a scouter, one that he had personally modified to track down Dr Console.

While Dr Console was waiting for his smoothie, Dr Barrel had remote-controlled a spider nano-bot to crawl onto Dr Console's hoodie. Dr Barrel then saw the Nano-bot floating atop an invisible moving object through his scouter.


Dr Barrel followed the flashing symbol on his scouter with one eye and used the other eye to navigate the crowded streets.

Although there was a lot of space that could be used for the expansion of the Tuffles, a general survey performed concluded that 82% of Tuffles preferred to their houses to be within five metres of another Tsufurian.

This led to the crowded walkways, Dr Barrel navigated.

Dr Barrel made his way through alleyways, under bridges, past shops until he reached the outskirts of Tuffle City towards a relatively large mansion complex.

Dr Barrel squinted as he saw the Nano-Bot went around the house, into the garden behind and stopped.

Dr Barrel didn't blink and approached the Nano-Bot quickly, urgent to not lose his target.


An unknown hand pressed hard against his neck smashing him against the wall.

"Why are you following me!" Dr Console shouted, a sharp glowing knife transforming from a bracelet in front of Dr Barrel's face.

"Wait! It's me! Dr Barrel!"

Dr Console's eyes hardened.

The glowing knife in his hands transformed into a fist, completely covering his hand.


Dr Console drove his fist into Dr Barrel's chest, forcing him to cough up blood.

"You idiot! Why did you have to make me an enemy of the Saiyans!"

Dr Barrel crumpled to the floor, struggling to breathe as he was assaulted by the young man.

Dr Console lifted up his shoe enabling a hidden function causing diamond shards to grow out the bottom.

"Do you know how many sleepless nights I've had? What's your problem!"

Dr Console thrust his foot down towards Dr Barrel.

Dr Barrel panicked, gripped a pendant tied around his neck and shouted.

"Force Field!"

A blue transparent barrier suddenly pushed Dr Console back, forcing off his feet.

"What do you want?" Dr Console said bitterly, his gaze grim.

"I need your help"

"I refuse"

"I want to build a robot"

"I refuse!"

"To repel the Saiyans!"

Dr Console looked around him, his heartbeat increasing three-fold and his face turning white.

"I'm listening," he whispered, still checking his surroundings.

Dr Barrel deactivated his barrier and stood up.

"What do you think would happen if the Saiyans one day woke up and chose violence?" Dr Barrel said walking towards Dr Console.

Dr Console winced.

"I've already spoken to Queen Nana, she says she has measures to ensure our safety but I'm in charge of weapons. We have no viable defence if the Saiyans attack us! She thinks just because she's sucking off one of them we'll be fine!"

"So I need your help," Dr Barrel said extending an arm to Dr Console.

"To do what?" Dr Console said eyeing his hand dodgily.

"We're going to modify Baby," he said quietly.

"Baby?" Dr Console said confused.

"A super-secret robot that can possess people, we're going to programme it so that it can possess Broly!" Dr Barrel said, revealing his hidden intentions.

Dr Console's eyes expanded.

"Is such a thing possible?"

Dr Barrel chuckled.

"With technology anything is possible, even flight that the media worships the Saiyans for is possible with a Horizon Suit and I can programme any property I want into the ki of the robots I build unlike the Saiyans who only know how to explode," Dr Barrel said proudly.

Dr Console sighed out loudly.

"I listened to you last time and look what happened, that Saiyan kid snapped, you were the one that told me to try and embarrass them as much as I could, I even tweaked Dr Engine's robot between fights and look where that got me," Dr Console said, pointing to his house.

When Queen Nana found out that Dr Console was the one who controlled Zes, he was effectively exiled. What's more, he heard that Mushro had even begged to reduce his punishment, embarrassing him further.

It turned out the enemy was the only one to defend him.

"Trust me! This plan is watertight! What could go wrong? Who else apart from you and I knows about this? Who can build a Robot better than I? And with your creative tricks, it's a wrap!" Dr Barrel said, emotionally.

"No tortilla"


"I'm in!"


"Meet me at the Robotics department headquarters in a few days, this plan is foolproof!" Dr Barrel announced before fleeing into the surrounding woods.

Dr Console waited a few seconds and considered his options.

It would be a lie to say he didn't fear the Saiyans, their nightmarish figures reigning over his dreams but he didn't know about this level of action.

He was committing treason.

And although he was punished it wasn't nearly as severe as it could have been.

Dr Console was deep in thought.

'I could turn Dr Barrel in and use that as leverage to get my city rights back'

Dr Console mulled it over.

"I'll work with him, for the greater good of Tuffle kind but if he goes too far I'll pull the plug," he said to himself as he walked inside his house.

[Narrator: A devious plot unfolds! Dr Barrel succeeded in recruiting Dr Console to further enhance Baby! With the two of their brains put together, does Broly stand a chance? Find out in the next chapter of Dragon Ball Revised!]

Power Stones


We hit 800 Collections! YOSHA!

Baby (Vegeta) is going to be a core character!

Thank you for reading!

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