
Dragon Ball RE

12 years after the events in Dragon Ball Z, we check in on the lives of gang. Kicking off with Pan at the Martial Arts Tournament.

Im_Jihi · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Mei's Last Ditch Effort

The arena buzzed with excitement as Bulla's transformation took everyone by surprise. The announcer couldn't contain his enthusiasm, "Folks, it looks like Maid Dragon was none other than Bulla, and boy, has she switched up her style!"

The crowd was abuzz, drawing connections to past legends. "She's got that vibe from the Heroes of the 25th World Tournament," one spectator noted, excitement lacing his voice. "Reminds me of the Cell Games warriors," another chimed in, both nostalgia and a hint of anxiety in the air. Laughter and murmurs spread, "Hope we all make it out in one piece this time."

Pan, standing across from Bulla, with her jaw dropped in shock. *Really? Super Saiyan because you're afraid you might not get a boyfriend?* Pan thought. She took a deep breath. "Ugh, this is why I hate you," she muttered. But despite the odds, she was ready. *She's got power, but no skill, maybe I can outlast her,* she thought, gauging Bulla's newfound aura.

Suddenly, Bulla vanished and reappeared right in front of Pan, delivering a slap that sent Pan skidding toward the edge. Pan, thinking fast, propelled herself back into the air. "Look at Mei Jueku fly! Is there anything she can't do?" the announcer quipped, echoing the crowd's wonder.

From above, Pan assessed Bulla. *Stupid Bulla's underserved form made her faster. Now, what's my best course of action* Pan mused, a mix of annoyance and determination in her thoughts.

"Get down here!" Bulla demanded, frustration evident. Pan realized her advantage. *She can't fly. This is my chance,* she figured, positioning herself higher. "Time for some long-ranged fun," Pan smirked, preparing her next move.

"What are you up to now?" Bulla shouted upwards, puzzled and agitated.

Pan didn't answer; instead, she unleashed a volley of ki blasts, each narrowly dodged by Bulla. "What's this?!" Bulla exclaimed, dodging and weaving. "You're cheating, that's what this is!"

"Should've spent more time on your training then," Pan retorted, her attacks relentless.

Fed up, Bulla took a massive leap towards Pan. "Whoa!" Pan dodged just in time, Bulla's momentum carrying her high above and then back down.

"Now's my chance," Pan grinned, seeing Bulla's vulnerable state. Bulla, realizing her predicament, panicked, flailing in an attempt to stabilize herself. Miraculously, she managed to slow her descent, causing Pan's planned strike to miss. "How are you doing that without flying?" Pan called out, baffled.

"Doesn't matter. I'll get my revenge for what you've done!" Bulla declared defiance in her tone.

"Why are you even mad? You came to the tournament to fight!" Pan said

Adapting quickly to the situation, Bulla found her rhythm in the air, using the force of her jumps to propel herself like a character straight out of a fight scene. 

"You didn't have to punch me in the face!" Bulla retorted and with a burst of speed, she aimed herself at Pan, hitting her with the force of a freight train. Pan crashed to the ground, a mini crater forming on impact. "Ouch, that's gonna leave a mark," Pan winced, pushing herself up as the arena spun around her.

Just as the world started to stabilize, Bulla was on the move again. Pan knew it was now or never. "Alright, let's turn up the heat," she said, channeling her energy. "KA... ME... HA... ME..." A brilliant sphere of blue energy gathered between her hands. As Bulla neared, Pan released her might. "HAAAA!!!" The energy wave surged forward, colliding with Bulla in a spectacular explosion of light.

When the dust settled, Pan was gasping for air, drained, while Bulla stood defiant, her outfit a testament to the battle's intensity.

Bulla, with a glare, started towards Pan. Pan's thoughts raced, a mix of fear and resolve. *No way I'm losing this. Grandpa Goku wouldn't give up, and neither will I.*

With gritted teeth, Pan charged. "I refuse to lose!" Her punches, fueled by desperation, seemed futile against Bulla's defense. With a dismissive slap, Bulla sent Pan flying out of the ring.

The announcer jumped on the mic, "And there you have it folks, Maid Dragon, a.k.a. Bulla, takes the win!" But Bulla wasn't done, her anger boiling over. "You! This is all your fault! My tooth, my clothes, my secret—ruined! You're gonna pay for this!" she shouted, stepping out of the ring to confront Pan head-on.

Piccolo intervened with a swift move, blocking her path. "That's enough, Bulla! The match is over." Bulla, fuming, turned her frustration towards Piccolo. Throwing a punch, Piccolo evaded leaving a gentle tap on her neck knocking her out. "Your power's impressive but it'll take you years of training before you catch up to me," Piccolo said. 

Pan, barely hanging on, watched the chaos unfold, her energy fading fast. As her vision blurred, she whispered, "Did I... did I do good, Grandpa?" before succumbing to her exhaustion and slipping into unconsciousness.