
New Future

All of the resurrected Saiyans on the platform were petrified by the new arrivals to the palace. Many of them remembered the terrifying presence of King Cold, their former master. King Vegeta had no idea what was going on or how to react to the changing circumstance.

"If it isn't the infamous Raditz, the newest Emperor to grace the galaxy." King Cold drawled. His speech carried an air of nobility. "I had no idea a long dead planet and people could come back into existence. How did you accomplish this?"

"You seem pretty calm, considering what I did to Frieza." Raditz said.

"Well, I was furious when I saw the report on the Galactic News. But after consulting with my other son, Cooler, I realized rushing to kill you might be premature." he motioned to Cooler upon mentioning his other son. "Not to mention the time it took to squash some of the rebellions that cropped up because of your actions."

"My brother was overly arrogant and overly spoiled. It was only a matter of time before he self-destructed." Cooler stated, crossing his arms.

"That being said, we feel that Frieza canceling our contract with the Saiyans might have been... hasty. Since it seems all of you are back, we could renew our previous business relationship." Cold offered.

"You can't be serious Cold." Raditz laughed. "You really can't believe I would accept that. How about you and Cooler work for me."

"No we didn't think that you would accept our offer, but it was worth trying. It would be a shame for someone as talented as you to die." the father and son duo grinned.

"How am I going to die? Are one of you going to kill me?" Raditz questioned. "I don't think you could."

"Unlike my brother, I feel no problem with training. Thanks to the recordings of your battle, I gained great insight into your style. You stand no chance against us." Cooler calmly threatened.

Kakarot ran up to stand beside his brother, followed by Nappa and Vegeta. The Saiyans entered into their fighting stances. Even though Nappa had fiercely trained while working as part of the Menagerie crew, he still could tell fighting against either of the two aliens would be bad for him.


Cooler hunched over, shouting, as his Ki began to spike. The palace and the surrounding area trembled from Cooler's rising power. The muscles in his chest inflated and reformed into white armor. His arms and legs swelled, increasing in mass. His head's armor turned white and extended out from the back of his head similar to a triceratops. When he was fully transformed a final armor piece closed over his mouth.


King Cold also began his transformation, following his son's lead. A ball of opaque purple energy surrounded Cold, obscuring him from sight. Cracks started to appear in the energy ball after less than a second. Light streamed from the cracks as the ball broke away like an eggshell revealing the new King Cold. He looked like a mix of Frieza and Cooler's fourth forms. He was a bit shorter than he was previously. His head armor with horns had been replaced by a round helmet with a mouth cover.

His body was purple with white markings. The cape he was wearing was still attached, even after the transformation.

"I'll take Cooler, if you want to handle King Cold." Raditz suggested

"Fine by me, but it looks like the surprise I was saving for the next time we sparred is going to be ruined." Kakarot smirked at his brother.

"What do think about there their strength?" Raditz questioned his brother.

"A lot stronger than Frieza, but I'm really itching to fight someone at that level." Kakarot smirked.

"How many Panacea beans did you bring?" Vegeta asked.

"None." Raditz answered.


The Saiyan brothers charged their Ki, preparing to face off against the new challengers. Cooler watched with his arms crossed in front of his chest. King Cold wasn't worried, but he disliked waiting to finish his opponents. Cooler had convinced him to wait to kill the Saiyans involved in Frieza's death until it would have the most impact. He wanted them to be seen trampled at their peak strength.

"Salza." Cooler said, "I'm curious, what does the your Scouter say about their power?"

An alien with short blonde hair and turquoise skin walked forward next to his boss. Salza was the leader of Cooler's elite troops. He pressed the button on the side of his green lensed Scouter, activating it.


"The Scouter says the one with the shorter hair has a power of six million!" the alien said.

"Pathetic." King Cold was not impressed.

"The one that killed Frieza has unclear readings." Salza concluded.


Raditz's muscles in his body slightly increased in size as his hair turned golden green. He had been working since Namek to get a handle on his Super Saiyan form. He learned to not only use it without the Great Ape power, but also transform faster than the first time.

Raditz took on a confident grin. He looked over to see his brother was still focusing. From the way his Ki was surging, Raditz was positive his brother had learned to transform into a Super Saiyan as well.


The readings on the Scouter began to go crazy skyrocketing out of control. The green lens on Salza's Scouter cracked before the device explode. He winced from the pain of something exploding over his ear and eye. Raditz made it a point to have that design flaw removed from Promethean Scouters.

Kakarot was enveloped in a fiery golden aura. His energy surged around him as he screamed out, his power surging higher. His hair turned a bright gold and stood up clumping together into spiked shapes.

"There's two of them now, Cooler!" King Cold was shaken, "Plans for giving the Saiyans another chance are over, we can't let this continue!"

"I agree." Cooler was still calm, "Salza, take the troops and kill everyone. My father and I will handle these upstarts."

Vegeta once again saw the birth of a Super Saiyan that wasn't him. He needed to gain the power himself, considering he was supposed to have been the prince of all Saiyans. He was motivated to train even harder than before. He was fearful that if he wasn't careful, Nappa would be a Super Saiyan next.

He thought it might be better that his father will no longer be king, and by extension he will longer be prince. If he was required to handle royal duties, it would leave him with less time to train.

King Vegeta and the resurrected Saiyans couldn't sense Ki, but the energy coming from the aliens and the Super Saiyans was oppressive enough that they felt the pressure. King Vegeta never imagined that any beings could be so powerful.

"Nappa, Vegeta, you guys should be able to handle the soldiers pretty quickly. In fact the citizens probably can take care of themselves for the most part. As long as the leaders of the troops are killed." Raditz said. He just brought the Saiyans back, he really didn't want to jump through hoops to do it again.

Bardock clenched his fists in disbelief. He never imagined that a Super Saiyan was a real thing. If it was real, he would never have guessed either of his sons would be a Super Saiyan, let alone both. He knew if they were victorious, then everything would be different for the Saiyans from now own.

The troopers Frieza's family brought with them started to descend on the Saiyan city, led by Salza, Neiz, and Dore, Cooler's elite henchmen. Nappa and Vegeta charged their Ki and flew off to intercept the troopers.

Nappa and Vegeta flew through several groups of soldiers to reach the elite henchmen. The troops that were knocked to the ground by the two Saiyans were immediately attacked by the citizens on the ground. They were a warrior race and wouldn't just die when there was a chance to live. Bardock followed after Nappa and Vegeta. He was a Saiyan too, and his blood was boiling in anticipation of the battle.

King Cold and Cooler walked towards their Super Saiyan enemies and vanished. Raditz and Kakarot followed suit, disappearing from where they were standing. King Vegeta and his guards were thrown to the ground by the shockwaves of the battle. The king was wide eyed by the speed he witnessed. His eyes couldn't keep up with what was going on. He rapidly turned his head, trying to get sight of the battle.

Raditz's father had caught up with a large group of troopers. He began throwing Ki blasts and attacking in an all out fashion. He was fighting harder than he ever had before because he knew what losing meant for the planet.

Bardock put up an impressive fight against a group of soldiers, until he began getting overwhelmed by their numbers. He was too distracted by the troopers engaging him to notice he was being targeted by a soldier about to release an energy beam.


The trooper targeting Bardock exploded along with the several attacking him. He looked back to see King Vegeta and his guards had entered the battle. They had assisted him by killing the person about to sneak attack him along with the others.

"The fate of the planet is at stake, we have to assist the Super Saiyans by defeating these weaklings!" King Vegeta ordered. He swallowed his pride at the fact his reign may have come to an end. He chose to do what was best for his people and assist in the defense of the planet as best as he could.

King Vegeta saw a barrage of purple energy blasts rain down towards the city. He was relieved to see the energy balls trajectory was going to have them hit outside of the city. The explosions caused the ground to violently shake throughout the city. If one of those blast hit in the Saiyan city, it would have been erased.

In the red sky, above the palace, Raditz and Kakarot engaged their opponents in fierce combat. They exchanged hundreds of blows in the few moments since the battle had started. Cooler fired a barrage of purple energy blasts at Raditz. The Saiyan worked to make sure the blasts were deflected away from the city.

"Your movements are more refined than the recordings I saw." Cooler stated, "Before, it seemed you lost your mind when you became a Super Saiyan."

"I'm not the same as I was then." Raditz replied.

"Certainly not. You seem more tame, but weaker." Cooler deduced.

Kakarot and King Cold were going back and forth in their fight. The Saiyan seemed to have the slight edge against his enemy. Cold possessed extremely good defenses, but Kakarot was slowly wearing him down.

"You cursed ape! You dare to do this to King Cold!" Cold raged in frustration. Unlike his name, Cold had turned into a furnace of anger.

He charged at his full speed towards Kakarot, delivering a earth shattering punch to the face of the Super Saiyan. The clouds behind Kakarot became rings of dust as the blow sent the Saiyan flying back through them at supersonic speeds. The king vanished and reappeared above Kakarot performing a hammerblow sending the Saiyan rocketed towards the city below.

Kakarot knew if he impacted in the middle of the city, it would cause massive damage if not outright destroy it. The Super Saiyan managed to flip around before he hit the ground, landing on his hands and knees. He used his Ki to fight against gravity to mitigated the force of the impact. When he hit the ground his work paid off, causing only a small crater to form under him. He rose back to his feet and looked up at the alien in the sky fume over his survival.

"Cooler, hurry up! I'm ready to just destroy this planet!" King Cold rushed his son.

"He's working as fast as he can Cold! Saiyans aren't simple opponents!" Raditz laughed.

Hope you enjoy.

Next Chapter Monday

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