

Pov Raditz inside his pod


'Ever since planet vegetas destruction I was always forced to do missions with nappa and vegeta those bastards they threaten me and and make me a damn punching bag everyday my saiyan pride becomes more and more broken as I'm cast aside as a inferior mid class warrior compared to those elite class saiyans and what's worse is that I feel a unsightly feeling towards my family which is disgraceful in saiyan culture feeling grief and sadness is true weakness from the moment we are born our power level determines how we live and how we are brought up if you are weak like my brothers kakarot and daiku you would be shipped to conquer a planet for that damn frieza and if we fail to take over a planet we die either by the hands of frieza or the hands of the inhabitants many times I have been on the brink of death however my saiyan pride didn't allow me prevented me from giving up to inferior species and being cast aside like a pawn in chess while vegeta nappa and even frieza Don't face my suffering, not knowing if I'd live or die on a mission or whether you can change the puny power level you were born with and stop being treated like a broken tool.

My saiyan pride won't ever allow such disgusting feelings like guilt, remorse, or sadness to cloud my judgement. If I want to survive in this world, I'll have to use any trick necessary. Many fighting dirty would be compensating, but to me, it's just using your head compared to Vee in the intelligence department. I'm of the same calibre, but just because he is the Prince of all Saiyan, his saiyan pride turns into complete arrogance.

And the most frustrating thing is that I can't do anything but idly comply with my superiors.

It pains me every time I don't gain substantial zenkais. Every time I put my body to the limit, I'm still like a small fish in a pond gazing at the sharks, and to make it worse, every night I have the same dream of being killed by Frieza. Vegetable, Nappa, and the Ginyu Force I don't know how to make it stop; it's on loop in my head. I don't know what to do, but today is the day I change everything. I'm no longer Raditz the runt; I'm now Raditz the Saiyan warrior, and I'm going to get my two brothers to join me in making a plan to destroy the Frieza Force, at least with numbers and the power of the great ape. Even if my brothers power levels are insufficient, they could at least be used as strong footsoilders. Yes, I have a perfect idea. I'll first land to earth to collect kakarot then ill head to a planet called namek which is a planet home to the legend of the wish granting orbs I could use them to gain immortality and ill drag kakarot with me for backup incase the inhabitants are strong due to those wishing orbs after wishing for immortality I will finally crush all my enemies killing them one by one in the most satisfying way,I only told vegeta and nappa about kakarot because i revealed daiku that would ruin my plan as they would be suspicious of me trying to overthrow them and also I would be killed just because they would think I wouldn't be use to them ones they gain immortality those bastards ill get stronger and kill them all just you wait vegeta just you wait


Pov change daiku


'I sense Raditz's ki he must of landed. Luckily, I told the farmer to leave the area before he came. I wouldn't want the strongest character to die after. Gohan is currently hiding behind Goku to think he will beat Frieza Cell and Buu up and manage to hold his own. Such a great nephew. I wonder what Bardock would say. Haha. However,  Chichi really doesn't like him fighting, but I get her point. Gohan is a kid even if he is one of the strongest saiyan in theory.

He is held back by his sense of security that Goku will save the day so he can relax and take a back seat in times of peace, which I don't like. That negative quality is what I don't like about Gohan's character; he has the most potential but doesn't do anything with it when there is no threat. That's why I relate to future trunks, and I can't wait for him to meet him. He is Vesu's son after all.


While Daiku was thinking, a young boy tugged on his robe.


'Wow, I really was in deep thought, haha.


Daiku: Hey, your gohan, right? Im your uncle, daiku. Your dad went to catch up with me.


Gohan: wait really? I never knew I had an uncle. That's so cool. You have the same hair as me too.


Gohan's face changed from his usual timid appearance to a more cheerful and surprised one.




Roshi: Now that I think of it, you both have tails and the same hairstyle. You look like twins. I would have thought you were Gohans dad.


Everyone laughed as they heard the joke.


Suddenly, Daiku was whispering in Gohan's ear.

Daiku: Hey, Gohan, let me get you in on a little secret.



Daiku: You could be stronger than me and your dad soon.


Gohan paused a bit and whispered back.


Gohan:I don't like fighting. I want to be a scholar.


Daiku: Well, if you want to be a scholar, you could be the first scholar to research Ki. And how does it work? Wouldn't that make you a great scholar, Gohan?


Gohan: Wow, that sounds pretty cool, but how do I learn more about Ki?


Daiku: You have to fight Gohan.


Gohan: OK, then I'll fight, and then I'll become the greatest scholar.


Daiku:I know you can gohan.


'I guess this solved most of my problems for the future. All that's left is Raditz. Damn, he will be a pain. I'm going to go check on him.