
kami lookout training

Gohan: My daddy can beat you up; leave my daddy alone!Gohan's power level rose higher and higher, reaching 1 thousand, and as his power rose, so did his anger. Gohan finally unleashed his power and tapped into his hidden power.Raditz's eyes widened. In horror

Daiku: Gohan, that's enough.

Swiftly, Gohan's motion stagnated as he was held by the tail by a man who looked at his spitting image.

Goku:gohan How is that possible? Your Ki signature spiked massively, increasing a thousand times.

Daiku:kakarot I think because he is half Saiyan, his potential as a fighter is higher than all three of us.

Goku: Really? Well,  Chichi doesn't like Gohan fighting. Believe me, I tried,but it didn't work out.

Raditz: Kakarot, what nonsense! Don't you see your son's potential? He can be the key to beating Nappa and Vegeta, who are coming here. I believe I'm a year old.



Raditz was holding his rage by a thread; he would rather be killed by a saibaman than listen to this oaf's stupidity.

Daiku:son goku Listen, your power level is around 1k while Nappa is at 4k or even stronger while Vegeta is at 16k. Don't you see people who are 16 times stronger than you and want to kill everyone on earth and sell it to the highest bidder coming in one year?

Bulma:that's.. terrible How on earth can we beat them?

Krillin: sheesh I guess we'll need to train harder to even touch those guys.

Raditz: Yes, that may be true, but Daiku is already stronger than Nappa and half the strength of Vegeta. However,  i believe he is hiding his true power.

Roshi: Hoho, well, at least we have some hope.

Daiku: Guys,my power is indeed stronger than theirs, but my plan is to get them to join us to beat someone who is even stronger than me.

Everyone looked in fear,one shock after another. This day surely was strange.

Goku: Yeah, you already told me about the refrigerator. I guess we have to get stronger, but I know a person who can give us advice.

Daiku smiled, thinking about the earth's guardian.

Goku:Kami, he could help us. I believe he could tell us a place to get stronger. Let's go to the lookout.

Daiku: OK, kakarot, is it just Krillin Piccolo Gohan and you because I can sense other people on this planet with power levels similar to Krillin?

Goku:Oh yeah, we could tell Tien,  Chiatzu, and Yamcha to come with us.

Bulmas face changed; she looked frustrated hearing that name.

Bulma: Hey, no, that damn Yamcha, you don't want to see him again. Trying to diffuse the situation Goku makes a suggestion.

Goku: hey daiku It's getting late. If you want, I have room for one more. Which one of you wants to stay the night at my place? I'm sure Gohan and Chichi won't mind.

Raditz looks confused.

Raditz: Kakarot, don't make me laugh if I stay near you any longer. I might become as dumb as you. Besides, I'm sleeping in my pod.

Krillin: Good one, Raditz. Who knew Saiyans could be funny?

Roshi: He doesn't seem that bad; maybe he just needs a special magazine.

Bulma, already enraged, becomes even more angry hearing the old pervert. In a fit of rage, Bulma hits Roshi, sending him out the window.

Krillin: That's going to leave a mark.

Goku daiku and Gohan head to Mount Pauzu. Goku and Gohan are on the nimbus, and Gohan and Goku are flying.

Gokus house

Goku, Gohan, and Daiku finally arrived and rang the doorbell.

Goku:we're home!

Chichi was shocked as she opened the door, staring at Goku Gohan and a man who had an uncanny resemblance to her son and husband, with a tail wrapped around his robe.

Chichi: Goku, what have I told you about inviting strangers into our home? Who is he?

Chichi eye brow raised in confusion

Daiku greeted Chichi with a bow.

Daiku: Hello, sister-in-law I heard from Goku about how good of a wife you are. My name is Daiku, and I'm Goku's brother.

Chichi's mouth was wide open in shock as she screamed.

Chichi: Goku has a brother; why didn't he tell me?

Chichi stared furiously at her husband for hiding such an important piece of information.

Goku:Chichi I didn't know I had two brothers until today.

Goku sheepishly scratched his head, leaving Chichi astonished.

Chichi: Two. You have two brothers.

Daiku: Me and Kakarot are twins; we were separated at 3, and he must have suffered some sort of accident that made him forget about his family.

Goku: Well, I did hit my head as a child. Master Roshi told me something about it while Daiku left to meet Raditz.

I used to be a bit aggressive as a baby till I fell down a ravine and hit my head, and then I became more peaceful and happy-go-lucky.

Chichi: That makes a lot of sense. Chichi sighs in relief, letting her family into the house.

Everyone sat down and enjoyed the food. Chichi told Daiku about how she and Goku met and about Goku's adventures, while Daiku did his best to pretend to be shocked as he already knew about these events as he watched them as a kid. After eating, the family went to bed, and Daiku slept in the guest room.

'Tomorow is a big day. I'll meet Tien Yamcha and Chiatzu, and we all will go to Kami to train. I really want to learn Kaioken and visit King Kai. Hopefully, Kami sorts it out like in Canon. It shouldn't be a problem since Goku was Earth's saviour. Kami couldn't possibly turn the Saiyan down.

It was finally the next day that the Z fighters were all at Kami Lookout, waiting for Kami to tell them how to train next.

Kami and Popo arrived and greeted the Z fighters. Kami stated curiously at the two strange men with tails who resembled Goku.

Kami: Who are you both, and what are your goals?

Daiku: Me and my brother Raditz, like Goku, are saiyans, and we know two evil saiyans are coming to take over earth, and we need to beat them, and we need power to do it.

Could you please recommend us somewhere suitable to train for our current level of power?

Kami pondered while putting his palm on his chin, wondering if their intentions were pure. Therefore, he used his magic to sense the intentions of the two.

Kami:I shall allow you both, as I know a person capable of training you three only, as this training is very intense and the rest of you will have to train on the lookout.

Yamcha and Tien looked confused as they both gazed at the strange men with tails.

Yamcha: Man Goku has relatives. never thought that

Tien: Is that all you got from that? The situation we are in is bad. How can we just be okay with being surpassed? No way in hell, as a martial artist, will I be sidelined? Yamcha,  let's train hard this year.

Popo emerged next to Tien, giving him a devious smile. Popo whispered in the ears of Tien and Yamcha while Kami was distracted.

Popo: You maggots want to train, huh? Well,  I guess you will be trained by me. Be ready to face pain worse than death itself.

Yamcha and Tien froze upon hearing the words coming out of that demon (not because he is black, by the way).

Piccolo stared at Gohan. After being informed of Gohan's potential, he realised Gohan could become his right-hand man and help Piccolo conquer Earth.

Piccolo: Hey Goku, do you mind while you and those Saiyans are training? I can train Gohan in martial arts since his potential is pretty high.

Without hesitation, Goku replied instantly.

Goku:Of course, Piccolo I can't wait to see how strong Gohan gets, and I know it could be a good experience for him.

Piccolo was shocked at Goku's stupidity. He wasn't sure if Goku was too kind for his own good or just an idiot, but that didn't matter as Gohan was taken by Piccolo as they both vanished out of plain sight towards a forest.

With humans training on the lookout and Saiyans being requested to go to the King Kais planet, there was still hope for earth.