
21 years of training

'It's been 21 years since I arrived on Namek. I've gotten a lot stronger, and I've become one with my emotions. Through the first few year was spent training ki with nail I was still 3 years old so all the training until I was mostly ki control and controlling my great ape form if I did mouth beams nail would just knock me out my potential isn't as good as goku so I had to work my ass off to be strong I lived with nail and I spoke to other namek but nail was the one I chilled with most when I was 10 I was allowed to start sparring opponents like nail everyday I remembered what I wanted and that was to kill frieza and avenge my race he destroyed many innocence and would come to namek I would need to kill leaving not a trace of his existence right now I was at a power level of only 2000 I would easily get beat by 2 saibamen my training was meaningless but I still trained 5 years after that I trained harder than ever and mastered a form of my own the power of a great ape in base I call it ikari prime because I perfected the ikari form after controlling my ki kind of like mastered super saiyan but to a lesser degree my current power level was at 25k but with ikari prime it was at a 5x multiplier only because my body couldn't handle the strain and I could only use it in bursts after that I spent 11 more years training in my base to surpass itself and beat first form frieza and I also increased the ikari state by 8x whilst also focusing on my mental and spiritual training to be strong and try to reach a form beyond ikari 

Super saiyan 

I trained with Nail for the past 21 years, and he has gotten considerably stronger, from being at 40k to now being around 70k.

While I am at

65k in base and with Ikari I am at 520k in Ikari; however, my limit is at 30 minutes, and it hurts my body even more than what Kaioken does.

After 2 decades In this world, I finally gained enough strength to go to earth before Raditz. I set the coordinates to earth a long time ago, so I'm ready to go now, but first, I need to visit Guru. It's been a month since I last spoke to him.


Guru pov


'Im so proud of Daiku. He has been training every day in order to protect Namek, and he always helps us when we need him to construct houses and buildings. Though knowing about our dragon balls, he doesn't use them because he wants to gain power. Based on his own hard work, he has grown into a great young man, and I believe he needs to leave Namek like a bird in the nest and try to achieve his true life goals rather than being stuck on Namek.I see the young Mana eye burn with passion at the thought of gaining power. His heart is not pure, yet he has admirable qualities that are not of a Saiyan warrior but a Namek. I believe he lost his disposition of a Saiyan nature and has learned to control his emotions and ki and became one with nature. Today is the day I let him out of the nest'


Pov change nail


My life has changed because of that kid at first I thought he was just a kid way over his head who had a thirst to get beat up by his opponents but he actually shattered my false perception of him he doesnt fight to fight evil people or to be emperor of the universe he fights to be better than the day before daiku at first wanted revenge and to avenge his people but after years meditation I could sense the evil thoughts fading like a sketch being erased he didn't just change my perception of him but this absolute powerhouse of a saiyan helped give me a few power boost over the years ive finally achieved my dream of surpassing the super namekian form and I've also remained stronger that daiku even though when he transforms into the red eye form he becomes inconceivable its as if nobody can beat him im not saying this out of envy but out of joy I want to gain a power like his something that is inconceivable ive learned about the legendary orange namekian form a technique used by the strongest namek zalama One day I will gain that form and surpass daiku, and even the great evil daiku and guru speak about. Recently,  guru has gotten a premonition about the planet being in danger, and the details are getting more and more clear. I believe the dark times are near again, and I can't let my people suffer due to such evil.


pov change at grand elders gurus house


Guru: It's been a long time, daiku. I see you became stronger than ever today. I called you here to discuss your future endeavours. It's apparent that you're ready to leave and pursue your own journey as an individual. Us nameks have supported you, and we will continue to support my child, Daiku.


Daiku: Thank you, Grand Elder. It's a pleasure, hehe. After all, you guys are my family, right? Nail little Dende, cargo, and all the other Namekians. I was planning to leave today anyways. Guru,  its a strange coincidence. Did you have a premonition again?


Guru: Well, my child, no, I sensed your ki was different recently. Feeling a sense of fulfilment from experiencing everything Namek has to offer, I believe you should leave. I packed you food and I used magic to create food that's native to the planet, which in the past you talked about going to, Earth, right?


Daiku: Yes, grand elder, thank you. I'll take my leave.


Guru: Wait before you leave. Take this present.


Daiku: This is an earring; what's it for?


Guru: Hahaha, my boy, even in my old age, your child, like naivety, still puts a smile on my face. This is a legendary ear ring used by Zalama, the legendary namekian. It grants immense power to its user, making them gain an ability that matches their soul. Its called the

Ryu potara, or dragon potara, is infused with a portion of the energy used to make the dragon balls in the hope you take care of them. child, take care.


Daiku: Thanks a lot, grandpa.


Guru: Grandpa?,that's new! Goodbye, my grandson.