
Dragon Ball Goku's twin

Well hey guys like i got bored or really disappointed with this one dbz ff so here i am writing my own so just read it if you guys are in the mood and this will NOT be a harem and ill try and implement bulma xD well ppl may not like my story or my writing and all that stuff may suck but oh well not like i care ~ well the story will be going on about goku's twin brother and he will be sent with kakalot(goku) to earth to destroy all humans xD but Kakalot will be scared and the mc will be completely fine and get stronger and he will be a gentle soul and not like the power and greedy sayens but he will train and get stronger and his overall power will be a lot stronger well just a ps. well you see guys not everything will be correct, im writing with my memory and all that and will go to the mr google to help with the plots and all but i do have a couple of ideas that i have thought about and dont worry ill listen to you guys advice so do comment Done~

EtiUwU · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


alright guys before the chapter starts give you guys a heads up xD

thoughts ' '

speaking " "

system or messages ( )

and do comment i could use your help and all that but bulma will be the main heroin of the story and if you guys dont like it im really sorry but i just feel like she really need someone other then vegeta and all that so yea dont hate me XP

oh another note he will wish for eternal youth so he doesnt age so yea gonna try to make lots of chapter but im not the best writer and its hard to write long chapters and not every chapter will be the same length and i really dont want to write those adulteries and ill just say they did it and stuff like that but if you really want those kind of scenes then ill write those but in the far future tbh ^^

ill need you guys to help me remember the plots and the story will be slow pace when he gets a lil older tho and all that stuff xD like i want to try writing a romance and stuff and ill definitely try writing lots and lots of dates and bonding and stuff like that ^^

here ya go~


(next is quests, host please think 'quests' and the sub option for that will pop up)

'okay Mia, Quests'



when something important will happen or when the systems feels its important then quests will pop up, it is missions, there will be rewards as well as penalties that depend on the difficulty of the said quest.

Quest varies in difficulty and ranges from multiple ranks to determine the difficulty.

F-rank (lowest rank and can be repeated limitlessly)

E-rank (Easy quest such as daily quest such as to train or to eat or sleep rewards are usually low)

D-rank (normal rank quests they are harder then e and f rank quests and are more comonly unlocked)

C-rank (chalangeling but could be completed on host power level, rewards and penalties are higher and have a timelimit)

B-rank (hard level quests that is difficult to complete, rewards and penalties is higher then normal)

A-rank (quests that may be impossible for the host to complete and may be needed to come back to it in the future)

more ranks will be unlocked in the future.

current active quests:

1. learn more about the system(D-rank)

rewards : 3 gacha tickets

penalty: mia will be deactivated until the age of 5


(host next up is effection option)

'mmmm ... okay mia effection'



the way people sees and feels about you, the action you take can influince the way people see you and it can develope in many scenarious and the most basic is:




in love






kakalot: familial 10


(next up is the shop)




points:0 (will be sp in status from next time on)




gacha tickets

in this section host can spend the sp that oener earns from quests are defeating enemies to buy new thing like power boost injecter etc from items, or skills like instanious transmission etc, or host can buy bloodlines like the legendary super saiyan, and finaly host can use sp to buy gacha tickets but beware they are expensive and can drop duds


( and last but not the least the legendary gacha system, host please say gacha)

'jeez its just a gacha it isnt even that important tho. Gacha'


gacha system:

host can use and buy gacha tickets at this sub system, the gacha can bring out items,skills, bloodlines or money that the system will automatically convert to the hosts current planet.

available gacha:

1. 3 gacha gifts from god (no duds)

2. 3 gacha from system reward after completing the quest.


(Ding! quest has been completed)

(rewarding 3 gacha tickets to host as well as 10 000 sp )

(host may now wonder and ask Mia any questions at any time as Mia was made specifically for host)

'thank god that finished i was getting so sleepy'