
Chapter 8: Fate of a World


As the chaos went around the battlefield and the screams of a giant Solace were met with screams of fear; a sense of silence pervaded the two-on-one fight. Namarc in his new form stared down at Lord Shuang who was in a buffed-up version of his third form. Oozak who had decided to back up Namarc was patiently waiting for any openings.

A massive gust of wind passed by the fighters as a couple of ship parts from the stratosphere fell by them. When the ship parts hit the ground, a scatter of explosions went off becoming their signal to begin the battle. Namarc was the first to go forward as the aura of golden ki around him died down and gathered around his clenched good fist. Shuang in reaction sent a barrage of death beams in order to counteract his charge.

In annoyance, Namarc's hand went into a one-armed flurry and punched all the beams with his coated hand dissipating them. Oozak from behind Namarc sent some blobs of orange ki around the sky before having them all fly towards the acrosian. Lord Shuang put up a red barrier around himself and rushed towards Namarc tanking the blasts of ki. In response, Namarc met him in kind and crashed into him with a barrage of ki-infused punches and kicks.

Crashing through the barrier, the acrosian moved his head to the side avoiding Namarc's punch, and sent a punch to his sides. With zero hesitation, Namarc took the punch and traded the shot with a body shot of his own using a knee. Then began a battle of punches as streaks of red and gold lit up the dark skies of Namek. Explosions of the space war above still going on, they would crash into bits of falling ship pieces vaporizing them while fighting.

However, Lord Shuang managed to catch a knee and took the moment to land a nasty hit to Namarc's chin sending him backward into the air. Watching his opponent fly backward, the acrosian took a nasty smile as he rose his hands up in the air. Slowly, two red disks of ominous energy formed and reached completion. Sadistically the acrosian laughed in joy and flew forward throwing the disks as he went. Namarc dodged the two beams with a spin mid-flight groaning as one managed to slightly graze his broken arm.

Before he could make sense of things, he was immediately hit by a smiling Lord Shuang's tail driving him down toward the ground. Very quickly, his body crashed into the ground causing a massive pillar of dirt and rock to fly up. Once all the ground and dust fell back down, a dirt-covered Namarc was seen standing there holding his bleeding broken arm looking up at the acrosian.

"A pity." Lord Shuang would begin as he began to charge a giant ball of red ki above his head with but a finger. Almost fully done charging his attack, Shuang would look down at Namarc with disgust. "A collectible primate will have to be expired by my own hands."

But before he could finish forming his attack, a spiraling beam of green with some red pierced his elbow totally removing it. Hit by sudden pain, all the gathered energy he had above that hand lost control and caused a massive explosion. Oozak suddenly appeared by Namarc and put his hand over his arm sending orange waves. Namarc familiar with the technique used by the namekians accepted the healing as the wound on his broken arm ceased to bleed. His broken arm however remained as a massive shockwave of red cleared the dust above them.

Eyes strained and red and half of his face scorched, Lord Shuang looked at Oozak with rage. "You bastard!" He croaked venomously as blood dripped from his deformed mouth his good arm pointed towards the surface of Namek. The explosion had also burnt a little of his voice box causing him to have to enhance it with ki to speak. "For that, I'll blow up this planet along with you!" He croaked ominously as an extremely dense and crimson-red ball of energy began to spin in his hand.

"Well, it's one way to go out I guess." A voice suddenly said as a blue aura-covered Kanassan chief appeared and kicked Lord Shuangs hand up causing the blast to go towards the space fight above them. With a smile, the Kanassan chief looked at the now entirely pissed-off acrosian and chuckled. "Damn, that face sure is ugly, no matter if I saw it before. I'd like to punch it but that doesn't look possible..."

Viens popping from his forehead, Lord Shuang drove his arm through the Kanassan chief who seemed to see it coming but couldn't react. Holding the heart of the chief, he crushed it and waved his hand as blue blood dripped down. "You talk too damn much vermin." Lord Shuang croaked out as he kicked the now collapsed body of the chief aside and rose his hand into the air to form a red disk of destruction. The attack he prepared to destroy the planet with exploded outside the planet's surface causing a massive light of red to shine down on the surface of Namek.

Blood from the chief on his hand and the charred and disfigured face were highlighted as suddenly three disks of red energy flew at specifically Oozak. "I need you out of the way bastard." Lord Shuang croaked venomously as he appeared before Namrc and deliberately aimed at his broken arm with his attacks. Namarc focused on protecting his left side fought back with kicks and a punch every now and then. Oozak in the background was preoccupied with dodging and deflecting the disks with ki attacks.

As a surprise, the tail of the acrosian dug into Namarc like a blunt weapon making him skid against the ground. Skidding back, Namarc saw a finger of Shuang go up and prepared to defend himself by shielding his vitals with ki. A stronger and more concentrated death beam pierced through Namarcs left side as he groaned in pain. Focusing his ki to be a beam, Namarc burned his left side to quickly cauterize the wound and rushed back towards his enemy.

Dust and streaks of red and gold once again went across the battlefield mowing through acrosian soldiers fighting on the ground. Dust storms rose and the two fighters desperately fought to get a one up on each other. Lord Shuang once again went for a surprise attack with his tail only for it to be caught by Namarc who was smiling menacingly. Reinforcing his fingers with Ki, Namarc dug into the tail of Shuang and began to twirl him around him.

Unable to counter, Lord Shuang felt a bit hopeless as he twirled around in excruciating pain as a dust storm began to form. The excruciating pain then became equivalent to molten rock as a loud pop was heard through the battlefield. Going through the dirt with his face, the acrosian screamed in pain as he quickly got up and looked to find Namarc holding his tail.

Namarc with an eerie smile held the tail of the acrosian. "A sense of deja vu... no???" He questioned before using some ki to disintegrate the tail. Lord Shuang understanding the taunt roared in rage and dashed towards a now calm Namarc who was looking elsewhere.

Confused, Lord Shuang suddenly felt a heavy force hit him from the side and knock him to the ground. Now held down, he saw a massive Solace with only white in his eyes savagely staring into this soul. And with a roar, Solace shot a giant beam out of his mouth which slightly burned Shuang causing nothing but slightly more pain to his burnt face and anger. Taking his legs, he quickly knocked the massive Solace into the air and spin kicked him into the wall of a giant fallen ship. Metal creaked and broke with loud crashes as Solace disappeared from the battlefield for now.

Thoroughly annoyed, Shuang stood still for a bit and kicked the ground like a child. "I'm tired of it. Why are you all so annoying?" He began quietly before beginning to stomp causing massive shockwaves and earthquakes to form. "Why are you so annoying?!?!" He repeated a bit. "Why are you all so damn annoying?!?!?!" He then roared as blood spurted from his throat with a massive amount of red appearing around him completely blowing away everything whether it be ships, debris, or the corpses of his soldiers.

"I'm ending it here." He croaked with venom as he raised his good arm pointing but a finger and slowly rose to the sky. Namarc and Oozak got pushed back by the aura surrounding Lord Shuang and could only watch helplessly as a familiar attack began to take form. The failed attack from earlier was growing larger than it previously was and seemed to be the size of 2 namekian villages. Still floating up, the acrosian began some slight dialogue to send off the two.

"You two have thoroughly caused me much trouble." He croaked out in an eerily calm manner. "For that, I will congratulate you two for making me absolutely pissed. So much so that I regret not being there for the destruction of Sadala." Staring directly at Oozak, his tone took a more venomous tone. "And it's a damn shame I can't have you live to witness your planets destruction. But I assume it can be considered poetic if you die with it."

Oozak and Namarc looking at each other for a brief moment came to a collective decision. The acrosian soldiers getting mauled by a reappeared Solace even stopped fighting to look at the giant ball of red with fear and terror. Kanassan and Yardratians who had joined the fight also stopped fighting. Every figure on the field realized that this attack would be the decide the victor and defeat. If Lord Shuang won, the planet would be destroyed and they would all die. If Oozak and Namarc won, it could be the destruction of the planet as well.

"You'll be rebuilding my home for this by the way," Oozak said as he brought two hands together and a bright light of orange appeared blinding the watchers. Calming the light, it began to form and change color into a perfectly condensed Green ball of totally still energy. Next to him, Namarc brought his arm back and began to charge a golden beam. Forcing the two golden balls of dangerously unstable ki together, he managed to fuse both together into one and condensed it. Gold and Green auras around the two seemed to mix as if both understood the mission of their owners.

"Final Assault" Oozak screamed out with Namarc following Suit. "Big Beam Attack" Namarc screamed out with full seriousness. Oozak standing next to him only gave him a weird look before focusing on the giant ball of death.

"It's useless. Why can't you see that?" Lord Shuang mumbled to himself as he casually pointed his finger forward. The disgustingly large mass of energy slowly made its way forward and soon clashed against the beams. To the horror of the watchers, the ball only slowed down a bit and was slowly gaining ground on Namarc and Oozak. Oozak seeing this quickly screamed out "Diao-ken!" as a blue aura sharply mixed with his usual purple.

A stalemate was then met as the ball of red stopped moving entirely. Lord Shuang seeing this grew annoyed with veins popping out of his not so burned part of his face. Shuang began to scream as blood ran down his mouth and neck and his energy attack began to get the advantage.

Namarc and Oozak seeing this grit their teeth and pushed on desperately trying to hold on. Namarc's head filled without thoughts about his destroyed planet fueled him. Memories of Lily, his comrades, and the burden of his promise to Solace's parents came back up to him in full force. In response to his emotions, his golden hair seemed to spark more electricity and his muscles bulged. His aura became wilder as his beam became bigger and more powerful.

It seemed all for naught as Lord Shuang's attack seemed to still be making ground toward the duo. Oozak was also filled with memories about his planet. The only thing keeping him conscious was his will to keep his race and planet alive. The burden of Daio-ken was slowly damaging his organs and his eyesight was going in and out.

And just when Oozak felt he was at his limit, a singular hand gripped his ankle and began to wash his body with an orange light. "Don't stop here...." The elder coughed out weakly as blood covered his face which was full of exhaustion. "You are the only thing we have left Oozak.... I'll keep your Daio-whatever up."

Being healed and overwhelmed with new emotions. Oozak's will translated to his beam as his muscles bulged and the Daio-ken surrounding him became a lot more apparent. Screaming, Namarc and Oozak filled with newfound purpose began to push the energy attack back toward Lord Shuang.

Powerless to stop his own attack, Lord Shuang began to lose his balance and was getting pushed back. "This is bullshit!" The acrosian screamed in despair with bloodshot eyes. "I'm the chosen race! I was never supposed to lose here! Why the hell am I dying on this backwater planet!"

Forced to use his singular hand to push his attack back, his skin began to burn. Screaming in agony, Lord Shuang slowly was encapsulated by his own energy attack and began to melt. First, his skin was torched in an instant followed by his muscles. After that, his organs went and his ki signature disappeared entirely. Once the attack was pushed out of the stratosphere and plenty away from the planet..... Lord Shuang had become space dust.

Silence pervaded the battlefield for a bit until a massive flash of red light was seen in the distance of space. A bit after the blinding light a force met the planet's surface causing a massive torrent of wind. With the wind came the ship debris, rocks, and dead bodies that would hit whoever was too weak to react. The Yardratian elites capable of teleporting saved who they could on the allies' side from the terrible situation. Those unfortunate enough to be in the wake of the wave met their end or were terribly injured.

Now safe and recognizing that the battle is over, exhaustion overcame Namarc as his golden hair reverted back to black. Falling on his knees, tears ran down his face as he thought about everything he has just lost. Tired and out of ki, he would pass out still shedding tears of anguish.

Solace's rampage also came to a sudden close as he suddenly passed out while squishing a soldier's head with his bare hands. His body shrank back to its original size with him beginning to snore while covered in blood. A Yardratian Elite would instant transmission over and teleport him to safety away from some soldiers trying to take advantage of his weakened state.

Oozak had a delayed reaction, he had a moment of calm before the force Diao-ken had on his body became extremely apparent. Immediately, his body began to convulse and he began to scream silently. Once the convulsions were over, he fell to his knees and looked around in pure exhaustion.

What he saw was his planet in shambles. The homes of his people dead, his people dead, soldiers, and ship debris spread everywhere. Mountains, hills, and lakes are gone and destroyed. His planet now looked sick and probably wouldn't heal for a long time. Moans of pain and the dying filled the battlefield causing a massive gloom to overtake the planet. Confused about what to do now, he looked down to where the chief was grabbing him only to find him dead.

There were some namekians left. The namekians helped out the allies clear out the remaining soldiers and no one to Oozak's senses seemed out of their ability to handle. 'It's done.' Oozak thought grimly as he for once sat down and relaxed. His shoulders visibly sagged and his eyes closed for a bit in thought before opening them slowly.

"What now commander?" He mumbled in hopes of getting a direction to go.

Yet the commander never replied.
