
Dragon Ball Empire

(A wish fulfilment, op Novel)A 21-year-old Dragon Ball fan ends up reincarnated as a Saiyan 5 years before Planet Vegeta's destruction. Watch how he escapes the planet and tries to rebuild the Saiyan race into an empire. _________________________________________________________ Creation is hard, cheer me up with some stones! If there are Illustrations they are in comments on that chapter or at Discord My discord link- https://discord.gg/3GDnU3Y

Daonexus · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

"While that may be true, I and Piccolo would like to learn the reason you wished for eternal youth for both of us."

"I hope I do not come kind of cold to you but, You two with your ability to create Dragon Balls are the only way for restoring a lot of the species that the PTO have wiped out over the years.."

"Here, these are the new dragon balls. You should spread these out on earth," said Plantos as he gave Piccolo, the new dragon balls.

"It looks, the material still, produces some changes in the dragon balls. They have remained Glass balls even after it is used, all the difference is that there are no stars in it."

"Well, you and Guru keep on the discussion. By how much more time will your training at the Hands of Guru take Piccolo? Because I may need to leave the Planet soon enough and you don't have a spaceship "

"Well, I think it is going to take 2 more months."

"That is okay then. I can stay for the next two months."

For the next 3 months, Besides from practising made sure to discuss with Watah about the planning of the city of Saiyans. Some of the decisions taken were ones that could only work in the dragon ball universe. Like one of the decisions was that there was no need for roads.

This was because the majority of Saiyans would never need to own a car because they could probably fly over and there was no need for an elevator and stairs. The Saiyan could just fly over to their house, the glass Panels of their home would slide and they could enter their homes.

There was no need for a physical market, as with the cybernetic implant they could buy everything from the internet. For the food and other supplies, the robots could get themselves without having to brother the Saiyans.

The other thing that changed was gravity training centres throughout the city. these replaced community parks.

Other than that in designing the homes, Plantos had mentioned the concept of the Internet of things. Where all the devices are connected to the internet, to help monitor and maximise energy savings. It looked like this concept had been mentioned in the scientific research in the laptop, but in a very limited way, just as a way to monitor the device whose data needed to be collected manually.

Watah was impressed by his creator if he knew that Plantos was regurgitating knowledge from his previous life he would probably lose his respect. Another thing that Plantos suggested was Hydrosonic showers, which was his nerd fantasy from Star Trek. With the amount of time Saiyan's spent working out, they would probably need it.

For the government structure, he was making it similar to Naruto. He would be the first Greenskeeper of the Saiyan race. In the future, when he establishes an empire he would abdicate the position, and give it to a trustworthy person.

This also solved the problem of the organisation of missions. They would be classified as S, A, B, C, D,

ranks and people would need to do their task to increase rank. He created the simple ranks as Seedling, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond. While he wanted to use chunin, genin and stuff directly from naruto, Plantos didn't even know the meaning of those words, other than the fact that they were titles.

Ultimately, while he wanted to create an empire, He figured that the Saiyan government should be separate from the new galactic empire. This was because he knew that he was a special case and any Saiyan prime minister for the Empire would be too militaristic. While there were gentle and calm Saiyans, the other Saiyans would probably never accept a leader who wasn't stronger than them and the odd that a gentle Saiyan would be stronger than a militaristic one wasn't high.

Even though he would be trying to educate them from childhood the importance of knowledge through the use of the new incubator pods. He was not all optimistic about the results. He knew that Saiyans would slowly change throughout the next generations. He knew it wouldn't happen in one generation.

But he would lay down a solid foundation for calm headed Saiyans, with his incubator pod teaching meditation. He was trying to create a buddha type figure in Saiyans somewhere down the line. He didn't know if it was possible to reach enlightenment by meditation, but by making it a compulsory part of education, he was hoping one of the future Saiyans would be one.

All this effort was because he knew that while it was possible to be a warrior race in times of chaos and expansion. Once a long-lasting peace came they would always be on the bad end of the stick. Because who wants to waste money on an army in peacetime?. This was human nature unless there was an enemy to be on the lookout it was a hard choice to maintain an army.

During this period of planning that he had come across a fatal flaw, the age of his army. The first generation Saiyans who were probably going to become his soldiers and citizens were still kids so he would probably need to wait at least until they were 10 years old to start his plans.

This would probably be a bad idea if they were earthlings, but for Saiyans after extensive research, he found that it was probably okay due to the fighting instinct and blood-boiling affect the Saiyans had when they were fighting, if he could he would try to avoid it he would, but this first generation would probably need to be used.

Further planning for the empire, he debated with himself which form of government to use, he knew it would be a monarchy, but what type of monarchy. He wanted it to be an absolute monarchy, but he knew that it wouldn't be a healthy system. In the end, he chose a constitutional monarchy. but with some modifications.

His modifications were as follows

1. The Governors of each sector will be appointed by the emperor, they would have no power for voting on the legislature

2. The Senate will have Legislative powers and may form the government according to the majority of the party. They may also form the office of the Chancellor, the chancellor will lead the senate.

3. The power of the Emperor is absolute. If the Emperor feels the need and loses trust in the government he may dismiss the government and Chancellor. All treaties and laws will be valid only with the signature of the Emperor.

4. Every citizen must either have a certified degree from the government recognized by the Empire ASI(Artificial Super Intelligence. Essentially Watah) and five years of military service in any government department or seven years of service in police forces or one term as governor of a state or someone personally Knighted by the emperor. This is an important requirement for a citizen seeking to enter the elections for senate.

He had also copied down the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from Earth and changed it to Universal Declaration of Sentient Rights. This was to be a backbone of the constitution.

He had also changed the way from specific requirements for joining the Empire.

After that, he tasked Watah to research Law as much as possible to create a constitution for his empire. Plantos asked Watah because as an ASI, his learning capability was High and as his loyalty was to Plantos and he did not have greed influencing his decisions and the fact that as an A.I the chances of errors was very low was another reason.

With him Milking Watah for all his processing capacity by making him set up entire government structures, a constitution, A financial system, Education system for the Saiyans at least, Creating inventions and planning his City. He was probably the most carefree emperor. In the future, he would probably ask Watah to create an education program for him and...

Exactly at the moment, it struck him like a lightning bolt, the learning method of the incubator pod worked on some level of connection to the brain as he had been given directly to his mind and he could communicate with it. That meant it was the beginning stage of Neural VR.

Immediately he flew straight to Watah.

"Watah, Urgently I have a question for you."

"Do you know about the concept of Virtual Reality?"

"Virtual Reality? Let me check. No, there are no references to any concept named Virtual Reality."

That made him stop in his tracks, the probability of a whole universe to never think of the concept of a virtual world stunned him. But whatever he was in a fictional world, what did he know anyway.

For the next 3 hours, Plantos sat Watah down and told all the knowledge he had on the concept of virtual reality.

When he was done the look of shock and admiration in the eyes of Watah made him feel both ashamed at taking credit for it and also feel Pride, so he showed his pride but hid his shame.

"Now that you know everything about this technology, Is it Feasible?"

"Yes, Absolutely, But I would probably need to create an entire server and proxy body for the research subject and would need to conduct many experiments."

"You can build anything you want just as long as it doesn't delay the Saiyan City. The Plans for the empire are at a lower priority than the VR because the building of the empire won't start for at least 10 more years."

"Neural Link VR will change everything, so it is best to base the future empire around it, rather than integrating the technology afterwards the empire is established without stretching the bureaucracy thin. It is always easier to introduce new ideas during the time of reformation rather than after it."

"Yes, Bigbrother as you said I will focus on VR and its potential applications before making plans for the empire."

"And Watah as you probably know, the efficiency and cohesiveness of an empire are based around three things, those are Communication, Transportation and Education. I want any research you conduct in these fields to be a priority."

Creation is hard, cheer me up with some stones!

If there are Illustrations they are in comments or at Discord

My discord link- https://discord.gg/3GDnU3Y

Daonexuscreators' thoughts