
Dragon Ball: Dimension Distortion

Read the entire synopsis if you want all of the details Welcome to the Re Write of my first story on webnovel! The previous one being Dragon Ball Time Patrol: Universal Destruction! This is a brand new story! but some things will remain the same! this story is about The Time Patrol there isn't just one MC! I hope you enjoy the story and remember to leave a comment on how it could be better! I will still include all of those extra chapters when the main story is complete! Ill be adding more Characters so if you have an OC of yours and you want them featured Message me on Discord at Nico Leztier#6474

Nico_Leztier · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Zarbon the Elegant!

The sun was shining bright in the time nest and the grass swayed in the wind. Toki Toki was sleeping on a bar in the middle of the lake. Chronoa shouted out for someone.

"Xeno!", Chronoa managed to startle Toki Toki awake.

A man in red and black walked into the time nest and sat down in a chair sipping tea.

"Yeah?", Xeno was looking directly into Chronoa's eyes, his jet black hair accentuated his Crimson red eyes, he almost looked like a vampire upon first glance due to his long hair.

"I need you to join a team", Chronoa was straight to the point.

"What team?", Xeno was holding the cup up to his mouth ready to drink after she talked.

"Our team…", Samantha stepped out of the shadows and xeno met her Blue eyes and realised she was a saiyan.

"You wish for me to join Madmuazel?", Xeno stood up revealing he had a tail.he walked over to Samantha slowly and Joyfully.

"Yeah Nico went down in battle because of me and i could use the extra help….", Samantha rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.

"Nico?", Xeno stood still in front of Samantha and looked deeply into her eyes looking for any indication that she could be his and found none, "The half breed upstart?", Xeno laughed and turned around and sat back down in the chair drinking his tea looking at Chronoa waiting for orders.

"Hey he's not an upstart!", Samantha's temper spiked and this wasn't normal for her and she knew it, "Hes Courageous and Nice", She didn't know what she was saying and she snapped out of her trance, her face turning beat red.

"Stop teasing the poor girl Xeno", Chronoa shook her head, "Honestly, What am i going to do with you?", Chronoa walked over to the time vault and picked out a scroll and handed it to Samantha, " you know what you have to do", Chronoa turned to Xeno and scowled, "Do this correctly this time Xeno", Chronoa stormed off into the time Vault. Xeno got up and walked over to Samantha and grabbed her shoulder and they went off.

[Age 762]

"You're going down!", Vageta yelled at the Blue man with earrings and a variation of what looked to be Saiyan armor.

"You think you can beat me Vageta?", The blue man responded with an Accent.

"Well Zarbon it's either take you down or your boyfriend will!", Vageta was as rude as ever and it was clear he was going rouge.

"It almost sounds like you think i-", Zarbon was cut off but a swift punch to the face.

"Not think Zarbon", Vageta yelled and continued on, "I'm Vegeta, a Super Saiyan!", He was too caught up in his own delusions to notice that zarbon was covered in Dark Energy this was a fatal error on vegeta's part as Zarbon swiftly took advantage of vegeta's destruction and beat him into the dirt.

"You're gonna regr-", Vageta was ragdolled in the dirt and Bulma screamed.

"How Irreparable and you call yourself a gentleman, yet you make a woman scream in terror", Xeno walked over to vageta and assessed the damage.

"What do you know, lover boy?", Zarbon was clearly pissed.

"More than you apparently…", Xenos Crimson eyes pierced Zarbon's soul, " i wont even need half of my power for this.", Xeno got in his stance, which is him just standing with his arms crossed.

Zarbon threw a Qi blast Xenos way and a cloud of smoke exploded on Xeno and Zarbon smirked seeing that Xeno was all talk until the smoke cleared and Xeno was still standing but he had his arm extended outward.

"Was that your best?", Xeno narrowed his eyes and Charged a blast in his right hand and the Qi was a deep maroon color, "Say goodnight Pretty boy", Xeno shot off the blast and it vaporized zarbon not leaving a trace left of the "Pretty boy", Xeno just sat down on the Blue namekian grass and started to drink tea.

"What the hell?"Samantha was speechless yet again.

"What i warned him…", Xeno sipped his tea and looked to the sky sensing 5 powerful QI signatures heading toward the planet.

Samantha let out a deep sigh and sat on the grass too.

Sorry for the late chapter ive come down with a virus but ill still post the next few days,

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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