
dragon ball creation and destruction

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs


"call out!"

Son Goku stopped talking nonsense, took Piccolo and Son Gohan into the sky and left here.

"It's time for us to go back, two Miss Bulma." Qi Tian said to the two Bulma.

With that, Qi Tian stretched out his hand and asked two Bulma to hold his hand.


Qi Tian took two Bulma and left immediately through Instant Transmission.

Only Leping and Klin were left on the scene.

"This fellow Qi Tian didn't expect to really travel through time and space." Le Ping was shocked.

"Who said it's not... he really did, got two Bulma" Klin sighed, "Poor me, I am still alone, not even a girlfriend."

"What girlfriend do you want?" Le Ping laughed and said to Klin, "I will show you a fun place, where the girls are very beautiful and open.

"Is that the kind of place you took the teacher to?" Klin asked.

"Hey, you can understand." Le Ping nodded, "It's just kind of. Every time you have to spend a lot of money."

"I don't have that much money." Klin shook his head.

"No, let's ask Shenron for some money, right?" Le Ping suggested, "I'll invite you this time!"

"If you ask Shenron for money, you might as well have a girlfriend." Klin rolled his eyes.

"That's also true." Le Ping nodded and replied, "but it's boring to have only one girlfriend. It's still fun in that place. You can change your girlfriend to play."

"Leping, you fellow Klin sighed, "You are really depraved. "

"What can I do? I am the one of our lowest strength, and I have no talent for fighting." Le Ping said solemnly, "I think I should enjoy life."

"There is a certain truth to what you say." Klin nodded, "But Leping, why bother with you?"

620 "What do you mean? What does it mean to stay close and seek further distance?" Le Ping was stunned.

"Don't you still have Poole?" Klin grinned, "Okay, I have said everything that should be said, I am going to practice, and I don't want to be killed in three years."

"call out!"

Klin rose into the sky and left the scene immediately.

Leping stayed here alone, scratched his head, and silently understood what Klin said just now.


Why do you want to say Poole?


I thought about it!

Poole this guy!

Couldn't he change into anything?

I go!

How can I react to such valuable information now?

Leping was so excited.

Poole, here I am!

Leping returned home quickly and took Poole in his arms.

"Leping? What are you doing?" Pool was reluctant to force it.

"Pool, my good Poole, you quickly become a beautiful woman for me to have fun." Le Ping said excitedly.

"I have hemorrhoids," Poole said.

West Capital.

some company.

"Emily, how did you do what I asked you to do?" a man sternly shouted at Emily.

"I... I'm doing it." Emily looked innocent.

"You are doing it? How long have you been doing this? How is your progress?" the man shouted.

"I just returned to the company and took over the job at hand. It's only an hour. How can I make progress?" Emily was speechless.

"You just returned to the company? Who asked you to ask for leave? Do you know that the company is very busy these days?" the man angered.

"This is my annual vacation. I accompany my boyfriend and friends to go shopping. Am I wrong?" Emily shrugged.

"Do you dare to argue?" The man became even more angry.

"Manager, don't you have a crush on me?" Emily sighed. "If you have a crush on me, just say it."


Who has a crush on you?

"But my boyfriend is very good. Oh, he came to pick me up. Do you want to know each other?" Emily smiled and looked behind the man.

"What? I don't understand what you are talking about." The man was stunned.

"Manager, he's behind you." Emily smiled.

"Behind?" The man turned his head mechanically.

There is no one.

"Emily! Can you stop making this kind of joke, there is no one behind!" the man shouted angrily, "Do you think your boyfriend is a ghost?"

"I mean, the window." Emily pointed to the window calmly.

The man looked in the direction Emily pointed and saw Vegeta appearing outside at a glance.

The man was scared silly.

This is the 28th floor.

How did this person climb up?


He seems to be floating in the air.

Emily hurried forward and opened the window.

"Vegeta, are you here to pick me up?" Emily asked excitedly.

"Emily, how is your relationship with that Bulma?" Vegeta asked.

"She is my best friend, what's the matter?" Emily asked.

"I want his father to help me make something, you can talk about it." Vegeta said to Emily.

"What are you making?" Emily asked.

"Huh, a gravity system" Vegeta replied.

"Well, I don't understand anyway, let's go together and talk to Bulma's dad directly." Emily responded, saying this, and climbed to the window.

The man in the room was frightened.

"Let's go!" Emily said, jumping directly from the window in the direction of Vegeta.


Vegeta ducked away.

"what "

Emily let out a sharp scream and fell quickly.

The man in the room almost fainted.

Damn, this spiky hair has a great personality.

Are you really Emily's boyfriend?

Emily leaped at you, but you actually avoided it.

"This vulgar woman!" Vegeta gritted his teeth, rushed to catch up with Emily.

Emily was scared to pee and hugged Vegeta tightly like an octopus.

Vegeta: "(ahfd) "

This is so special!

This vulgar woman!

However, Vegeta had a slight change in mentality after thinking that he and Emily had a son in the future.

Vegeta took Elemi and flew quickly in the direction of Universal Capsule Company.

The headquarters of the Universal Capsule Company.

"Dad, mother, you are really not interesting." Bulma akimbo, pouting, "I have such a sister Li Sheng, but you don't tell me."

Brive: "...


Bulma's parents were a little confused.

How come there are two Bulma?

The two of them look alike.

Why don't we remember that Bulma also has a sister Li Sheng?

Breff and Brigitte looked at each other, and looked at the future Bulma carefully.

"Dad, mom, I want to kill you." Future Bulma threw herself into Brigitte's arms.


what's the situation?

She calls me mom?

Is it really Bulma?

"Ahem, Bulma, what's going on? Did you learn any clone technique? Just like that Tien Shinhan." Breff helped his glasses and looked at Bulma and asked.

"No, she is really not my clone, she is a veritable second lady of the Magnum Capsule Group!" Bulma smiled mysteriously.

"Dad, you are getting old too." In the future, Bulma looked at his father carefully.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" Breff was puzzled.

"Hehe, it's up to you." Bulma said to her future self.

"Dad, Mom, I am a real existence." Future Bulma explained, "I am from Bulma in the next 20 years, and Qi Tian brought me to this era. After I came back, I went to Namek again. Rejuvenated."

Brive: ""


The couple suddenly realized.

"Hehe, Dad, in the future, I will do research together with the future me, it will be much more convenient." Bulma chuckled.

"You really thought of such a weird way," Breff smiled bitterly, "but how do we call you in the future?"

"It doesn't matter what the name is. We are both called Bulma. We are the same person and the best sisters." Bulma said, embracing the future Bulma.

Even the two kissed each other.


Brigitte: "...

There was a short silence.

"Bulma, when will I find a future for my mother?" Brigitte asked.

Qi Tian: "

Qi Tian wipes sweat.

It turns out that Bulma followed her mother.

It didn't take long before Vegeta took Emily down from the sky.

Vegeta and Emily appear together.

At Emily's request, Dr. Breff agreed to his request.

"300 times the gravity." Breff sighed, "This is too terrible, Vegeta's weight is 60 kilograms, so it has 180 tons of gravity."

"Kakarot has done 100 times the gravity training, I want to do three times his." Vegeta gritted his teeth.

"You are wrong, what Kakarot is doing is 200 times the gravity training." Qi Tian said, "So, do you want to make you a 600 times gravity training room?"

Vegeta felt that the whole person was bad.

I feel that I can bear 300 times the gravity.

600 times, I will die.

"Emily? I almost forget how you were when you were young." Mirai Bulma said, holding Emily's face.

Emily looked compelled.

How come there are two Bulma?

Are you kidding me?

And the two Bulma look exactly the same.

Yes, if they look different, they are not called Bulma.

"Hehe, Emily, is it fun?" Bulma smiled like a flower.

Vegeta was also a little surprised.

How is this going?

Baozi Mountain.

Son Goku's home.

"What? Don't be kidding Goku, I don't allow you to influence Gohan's study!" Chichi shouted angrily, "You haven't come back for two years. You will take Gohan away as soon as you come back, and let him practice with you! You can practice. , But Gohan doesn't need to practice, you go and Piccolo to practice.",

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