

Dying due to poverty, Chandra is woken up as a human , later to be cast aside as an infant in the fictional yet real world of Dragon balls. In a realm where the strong decides the the rules of the world, Chandra uses his past experiences to become strong as possible or at least tries to. However much to his ire, he is born with a weak body even by the standards of humans. The story delves into the perspective of a scared but experienced man, trying his best to survive even if it means doing the unquestionable. Will he prevail and fine solace or be another statistic in the world full of constant conflict. Disclaimer: Dragon Ball, DBZ, DBGT, DBS, and other DB spin-offs are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, and Akira Toriyama. Any content and references made belong to their respective owners. Anything original in here that I wouldn’t get sued for belongs to me. The cover images belong to @enonami on reddit, please go and support their art work. If the owner wishes to remove please notify through a message and will do so. Hope everyone enjoys this story. The first parts are done so for a test run and depending on the comments and support I will try and make it a permanent work that is updated weekly. Thank you.

neo_red · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

CHAPTER ( 2 ) : Awakening

Time passed very slowly for me as I neither enjoyed or got a break from all this Ki training. But as the law of equivalent exchange suggests, the compensation for such grueling training was rewarded with a dramatic increase in the quantity of of my Ki capacity

Though it was not suitable for a normal individual to be able to sense one kilometer using the limited Ki reserves I had, my precise control over it, allowed me to do so without any wastage.

I did not further increase the range as of now to prevent my brain from over loading but I tried master the amount and the quality of information I can receive constantly. This also helped me in mapping the surroundings and sense living creatures inside the temple.

My biggest boon was however finding an ancient underground storage unit that was sealed off from the monks inside the library. The information I received indicated that area to be predated at least 2000 - 5000 years old depending on the cracks and materials used.

' I mean I can always ask for a monk to accompany me to that area but since I am selfish, I really want everything inside to be my own '

' I know that typical young monks at the age of 4 will be allowed to enter the library for reading and meditating purposes , so waiting for another two years is not that hard considering how much time and effort I have to allocate for training. '

In the mean time with the ongoing training sessions, I familiarized myself with both the orphans and the care takers. Many, due to my nonchalant and cynical attitude, distanced themselves from me. But to my surprise one that stood out from this boring group of people was another famous DBZ character.

Krillin, often ignored because of his small stature compared to his age, received many forms of young childish bullying. Surprising seeing a familiar isolation within me , he would often come to me unconsciously seeking help and to sense some form of kinship.

' now I know, why the guy always relied on Goku for help every time' I thought to myself as I watched him getting picked on for the third time of the day. Although one could feel pity in cases like this and would throw themselves to help the poor fellow, I initially refrained from doing so as I knew bullying would either change you to better yourself and be more accustomed to the world or make the already existing situation of having a very low self esteem worsen.

But I decided against this after much thought for two simple reasons. 

1) In the future, if odds are pitted against me and I have to make a very immoral decision such as killing or leaving another behind , the bold ones opinion will matter a lot, to deter the future protectors scrutiny away from me.

2) Killing 18 rather than saving her will be excused by him without any unwarranted revenge. 

Yes , you heard me right, I don't plan on befriending that emotionless robot just because someone ask me too. Don't misunderstand and assume that I do not know of her situation. Having a predetermined coding to kill thus taking her free will away can be considered a well thought excuse but my reasons for killing her are different. It's because I am petty and jealous of her power and her infinite key generator that was built within her body granting endless stamina and strength.

Once I'm done with her and her brother, I'll ask Dragon Shenron or Bulma to reverse engineer the androids infinite ki generator to fit into my biology without any forms of bodily rejections.

'Heh all that stamina and Ki will allow me to train for ever theoretically without needing to spend time to recover'.

Coming Infront of the lanky senior who was picking on Krillin, I said " My fellow seniors of the Multi forest temple, the head monk has called you guys, for something very important" . " I suggest you making you're way quickly as he seems rather angry "

Adjusting to the way of speaking in the temple, I quickly drew their attention to me.

Hearing the new party they quickly listened and went away to not feel the wrath of the head monk. Though it may seem as problem may arise as I have lied to them, I have already planned a cunning trap prior to this for these kind of incidents as I have already talked to the head of the Orin temple regarding their conduct.

Admitting the bad implication on the temple's popularity if such information were to be leaked, together both of us planned this plot to distract them away and at the same time punish them once the cost is clear


Krillin seeing that I saved him quickly began to thank me repeatedly. After the short banter me and him separated with the later feeling particularly happy for having a friend for the first time and made way to our respective doom rooms. But in the middle of the road I came across the previous bullies whom were now sprouting a red mark in their bold heads.

Seeing me , the seniors who were once wore a hurtful expression turned furious marched towards me, possibly intending to harm me. " TCH, guess they figured it out or they were told by the head"

" I wouldn't be surprised as I went against their customs most of the time like not shaving my head like the others at the temple"

preparing to defend myself, I entered an emotionless like state to maximize my moves without trying to waste my energy too quickly by disregarding my emotions which I would later named it as "egoless" as the seniors are much more experienced in fighting albeit much weaker than me but with more numbers on their side.

Seeing and feeling of the sudden shift in my expression they became even more angry as I did not show the usual victim behavior. Quickly closing without letting them come in my space, I struck the leader in his unsuspected weak muscle joints at an perfect angle, to render him immobile.

Seeing their leader being attack without being able deliver any form pre- fight threats and banter and quickly being disposed of, they were momentarily frozen to which I used the leverage to appear on the side of the next strong senior and delivered a hard punch on their groin.

Collectively flinching for the madness I was performing towards the male gender as a whole, they made their way to reprimand me.

" Oho, it seems this will be fun " Grinning due to the excitement for the battle, I later frowned as such emotions shouldn't exist within me in this state. Contemplating the incomplete form I was using I lamented inside my head " I need to practice this some more ..so annoying "

  - END -

" A really egoless person is not humble at all. He is neither arrogant nor humble; he is simply himself. "

- Osho -

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