
Dragon Ball: Body and Spirit

Everything changed on Lux's sixteenth birthday. He didn't know if he was human anymore. He stopped aging. He didn't require food and water to sustain himself anymore. He became detached from his friends. But, once again everything changed when he came across a towering pillar whose upper end couldn't be seen. He realised that he was in the dragon ball world. He embarked on a path, unique to his own. Follow Lux in his adventure~ ______________________________________________ 'Lux' in india, is a underwear brand. I used the the name as a pun, just like 'Bulma' came from the word 'bloomer' in Japanese pronunciation.

Mike_Lu · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


In the centre of a white void, on a reflective floor, stood a building with two side wings with housing, food supplies, bathing quarters and sleeping quarters. On either side of the building, was two giant hourglasses of emerald sand.

Just a few meters away from the forefront of the central building, Lux, in his usual lab coat, was standing face to face with Trunks, talking about something. He suddenly paused, and from his lab coat pocket, he took out a small, disk-like object and threw it to Trunks.

The disk was heavy for its small size. It had a glossy black surface and was about an inch thick. It was flat on one side and convex on the opposite, with a red button in the middle of the convex side.

"What does it do?" Trunks asked with confusion and uncertainty.

"Hold the flat side of that disk against your chest and press the red button. You'll find out," Lux instructed.

Trunks placed the disk on his chest according to Lux's instructions and pressed the red button.

The moment he did, the disk flashed with red light. After the ephemeral glow, Trunks heard a gender-neutral, mechanical voice from the disk.





When the countdown was finished, the disk melted and fused with the white shirt Trunks was wearing, staining the spot with black colour.

But the process didn't stop there. The black stain on his shirt's chest area started to expand. It was similar to how an ink spot spreads on wet paper.

"Don't worry. It will fuse with your clothes and transform it into a suit which will assist you in the training," Lux clarified and reassured.

A few seconds later, after all of his clothes had turned into a black latex-like fibre, a silver, honey-comb design appeared on the surface of the fabric. The silver line then flashed and the fabric shrunk to Trunks' size and fitted his body perfectly like a swimsuit.

After the transformation was complete, Trunks again heard the same mechanical voice,


Suddenly, Trunks felt that his body had become heavy along with the air pressure threatening to squeeze everything out of him.

Trunks, being a warrior who had gone through countless life and death battle (him being hunted by the android duo) with the androids, quickly adjusted his emotions.

He understood what Mr Lux's training was all about. It was similar to how gravity training worked, i.e., slowly adjusting the body to higher gravity increases strength and potential within certain limits.

"Your guess is pretty much correct," Lux smiled and said to Trunks who appeared shocked. "No, I didn't read your mind."

"As I was saying, you guess is pretty close to the truth," Lux explained with clarity. "But, unlike training under only increased gravity, the Resistance value is slightly different. One R-value is equivalent to tenfold gravity, pressure and viscosity of the air around."

"Now, for the next six months, your only goal will be to land a punch on me, while wearing the suit," Lux chuckled at Trunks' horrified face. "Don't worry, every day you will get two hours break for eating and an extra five hours for sleeping."

"And, don't use your super Saiyan transformation otherwise the main purpose of this training will be in vain," Lux warned.

"Ok then, let's start."


For the next six months, Trunks went through one of the most difficult times of his life as of yet.

Daily, after the five-hour rest, he would take bath, and then have a hearty meal.

Five minutes after his meal, his suit would be automatically activated and for the next few hours, he would have to try to land a punch on Lux under the harsh condition simulated by the suit. To keep Trunks from giving up midway, Lux would always move at a speed slightly higher than Trunks. Whenever Trunks' punch came close to hitting him, Lux would increase his speed and dodge.

No matter how exhausted Trunks was after each training session, Lux never allowed him to rest more than the designated time.

He also never used magic to heal Trunks, if not seriously injured. His reason was that Trunks would become overly dependent on it if he used magic for healing, just how a normal person becomes dependent on drugs.

Another reason was that the food Trunks ate was special. The calories each serving contained was a hundred times more than the daily energy requirements of an adult on average. Lux also used magic to slightly increase the healing property of the food. It was very minuscule but enough for Trunks' body to heal on its own.

The training was hellish, but the result was equally rewarding.

After six months of training, Trunks' body had adjusted to 60 R which was equivalent to 600 times the earth's gravity, its atmospheric pressure and the viscosity of air.

"Now, that you are well adjusted to 60 R, we'll begin the next phase of the training, that is, control and combat training," Lux informed Trunks who was doing push-ups under the 60 R-value.