
Dragon Ball Attribute Picking System

Ye Yu traveled to the Dragon Ball world and successfully activated the attribute picking system As long as someone is fighting, he can pick up the combat power attribute dropped by others and use it to strengthen himself. Ye Yu: Son Goku, Vegeta, you transformed into Super Saiyan right here to perform… No, just fight here. then…… [Ding, congratulations to the host, get the combat power attribute +100,000] [Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Instant Transmission attribute] [Ding, congratulations to the host, get the Kamehameha wave] The battlefield of Majin Buu and Vegeta. [Ding, congratulations to the host, get the super-speed regeneration attribute] Then, Ye Yu is awesome, not only has Majin Buu’s super-speed regeneration ability, but also Son Goku’s Instant Transmission, as well as Ginyu Guldo’s time pause ability. Hit, they said that your flash time can pause time by 0.1 second?

TharinduIndunil · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Universe First Speed?

"Damn, damn Vegeta..."

After Vegeta killed Guldo, the two of Guice and Bart over there gritted their teeth.

If it weren't for Ye Yu here, Gudu would kill if he killed it, and it wouldn't have much effect.

After all, in the eyes of Bart, Guise and others, killing Vegeta, Son Gohan, and Krillin was a matter of minutes.

But because of Ye Yu's existence, everything is different.

When the detectors were used to detect Ye Yu's combat effectiveness, the Scouters of all three of them exploded due to overload.

The only thing left is Guldo's Scouter.

Originally, they planned to ask Guldo to contact Ginyuu, and Ginyuu would come and face Ye Yu together.

But right now, Guldo was killed by Vegeta, and the Scouter worn by Gudu was also destroyed.

A good plan was destroyed by Vegeta in this way. Guise and Bart were naturally very angry.

"What should we do now?"

Bart stared at Ye Yu on the huge rock over there, and asked with a nervous expression on his side.

Now that the plan is destroyed by Vegeta, I can only think of another way.

"Bart, isn't your speed the best in the universe?" Guise glanced at Bart, and then turned his gaze to Ye Yu over there.

If it is in normal times, Bart must be very confident and determined to say: Of course, my speed is the first in the universe.

But not long ago, Bart also noticed the astonishing speed when Ye Yu flew over.

This time, Bart didn't have much confidence.


But for the sake of face, he still said: "Ah...it's the number one, what's wrong?"

"Very well, you rush out as fast as you can, and then tell Captain Ginyuu about the situation here, and let Captain Ginyuu deal with this guy!" Guice whispered in Bart's ear.

"Mr. Ye Yu, they want to relocate soldiers!"

Just as the two of Keith were talking, Toss, who was standing behind Ye Yu, moved his ear slightly, as if he had heard the conversation between the two of Keith, and he immediately reported the incident to Ye Yu.

Hearing Toss's words, Ye Yu's brows suddenly raised. He didn't doubt Toss's words.

Because Ye Yu knows that the structure of Toss' ears is similar to that of Namek people, and they can hear very far away sounds.

Just like Piccolo, you can hear the conversation between Trunks and Son Goku a kilometer away.


Sure enough, shortly after Toss told Ye Yu about the incident, a powerful air mass burst out of Bart's body over there.

In the next second, his figure drew a white line above the sky and flew directly towards the sky.

"Don't want to escape!"

Vegeta naturally could see that Bart wanted to move rescue soldiers.

In Vegeta's view, if Bart finds Frieza or Ginyuu, then they will undoubtedly die.

However, just as Vegeta was about to leave and chased after Bart, the pineapple-headed Rakoom flashed and came to Vegeta in an instant, blocking Vegeta.

"Little Vegeta, your opponent is me!"

Rakoom's huge body is like a wall, blocking Vegeta's road to death.


Seeing Bart leaving, Vegeta clenched his fists and looked unwilling.

However, at this moment, Ye Yu, who was originally sitting on the rock, disappeared in place without knowing when.

When Ye Yu appeared again, he was already 100 meters above the ground.

Although Ye Yu was not afraid, Bart went to bring Frieza or Ginyuu over.

However, Ye Yu could not tolerate that someone sneaked away in front of his eyes.


Ye Yu didn't catch up with Bart right away, it seemed that Bart was specially asked to run 50 meters first.

After a few breaths, Ye Yu suddenly exploded with a very violent breath.

call out--

In the blink of an eye, Ye Yu's figure was like a light, and at an astonishing speed, he chased up in the direction where Bart was leaving.

At the same time, a powerful wave of air broke out in the space below Ye Yu.

That scene was like a rocket launching into the air.

Soon, the air wave swept the audience, and the people below Vegeta, Son Gohan, Rakoom and others were all affected by the air wave.

"Ahem...what's up?"

In the smoke and dust, Krillin coughed a few times and said with a complaint on his face.

"Krillin, that Saiyan, seems to be chasing after the Universe guy who just left!"

Son Gohan on the side said aloud.

"Hey, I want to chase Bart, Bart's speed is the first in the universe!"

At this moment, Rakoom looked up at the sky, and after looking at Ye Yu who was leaving, his face suddenly showed a sneer.

From Rakoom's point of view, although Ye Yu is strong in combat effectiveness, he definitely can't catch up with Bart.

"Master Ye Yu!"

Just as Rakoom thought this way, Rapp's delighted voice came over there.

Following the sound, I saw that Ye Yu was flying over here quickly, and he was holding a corpse in Ye Yu's hands.

The owner of this corpse is no one else, but Bart, the "Universe First Speed".



At this moment, Rakoom saw this scene before him, as if he had been shocked, with a look of horror on his face.

Universe's first speed, was overtaken so quickly and killed?

"This guy..."

Gieth's expression on the side was also very complicated, shocked and horrified.

He was shocked that even Bart was caught up so quickly.

To his horror, if this Saiyan wanted to kill them, they would not even have a chance to escape.

Death is not terrible, waiting for death is terrible.

This threat of unknown death makes people suffer mentally.

This is the feeling in Guise's mind right now.

He doesn't know when Ye Yu will kill them.

"That's amazing, Saiyan!"

"How could I catch up with that Universe man so soon!"

Just as Guice and Rakoom were frightened, Son Gohan and Krillin on the side also had eyes flashing and their faces changed.

Bart's speed, they had seen it with their own eyes before.

In order to prevent Frieza from getting seven Dragon Balls, Vegeta then threw a Dragon Ball with all his strength in front of Ginyuu and the others.

But before everyone could react, Bart flew out and picked up the Dragon Ball that Vegeta had thrown out.

At that time, Bart's speed was beyond shock to Vegeta and others.

But right now, this Saiyan caught Bart with such ease.

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