
Dragon Ball Attribute Picking System

Ye Yu traveled to the Dragon Ball world and successfully activated the attribute picking system As long as someone is fighting, he can pick up the combat power attribute dropped by others and use it to strengthen himself. Ye Yu: Son Goku, Vegeta, you transformed into Super Saiyan right here to perform… No, just fight here. then…… [Ding, congratulations to the host, get the combat power attribute +100,000] [Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Instant Transmission attribute] [Ding, congratulations to the host, get the Kamehameha wave] The battlefield of Majin Buu and Vegeta. [Ding, congratulations to the host, get the super-speed regeneration attribute] Then, Ye Yu is awesome, not only has Majin Buu’s super-speed regeneration ability, but also Son Goku’s Instant Transmission, as well as Ginyu Guldo’s time pause ability. Hit, they said that your flash time can pause time by 0.1 second?

TharinduIndunil · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Time Suspended for Actual Combat

[Ding, congratulations to the host, get 260 combat power attributes]

[Ding, congratulations to the host, get combat power attribute 470]

[Ding, congratulations to the host, get the combat power attribute 310]


Just in the melee between Vegeta, Son Gohan, Krillin, and Rakoom, Ye Yu's mind is constantly ringing the mechanical beeps of the system.

On the battlefield where Vegeta and Son Gohan and others were located, the combat power attributes continued to drop.

Although the rate of drop of that attribute was not as fast as that of Toss against the Saibamen, the quality of the attribute value was far higher than that of the Saibamen.

The attribute value of each combat power is above 250.

After all, the combat effectiveness of Saibamen and Toss is much lower than that of Vegeta, Rakoom and others.

Although the system prompts sounded continuously in his mind, Ye Yu's own attention has always been on Ginyuu's body in front of him.

After all, that combat power attribute value can be collected later.

But if you don't pay attention to Rakoom's [Exchange Body], then it's really not worth the gain.

Ginyuu, who flew out of the deep pit, stared at Ye Yu who stood in the sky above the sky, with blue veins on his forehead violent and his face unwilling.

Ginyuu knew he was not Ye Yu's opponent before he played against Ye Yu.

After all, he has only 120,000 combat effectiveness, and Ye Yu's combat effectiveness exceeds 180,000.

The reason why he dared to jump like this in front of Ye Yu is because of the skill of "Exchange Body".

What Ginyuu originally thought was that after exchanging bodies with Ye Yu, he could also have 180,000 combat power.

However, what Ginyuu didn't expect was that Ye Yu would not give him time to display [Exchange Body] at all.

Right now, I can't beat it.

Exchanging the body has no effect.


Ginyuu was naturally very unwilling in his heart.


After Ginyuu watched Ye Yu for a long time, he inadvertently glanced at the bodies of Toss and Rapp who were floating in the sky over there.

(These two guys seem to be here together!)

Ginyuu glanced at Rapp and Toss, and immediately recalled in his mind the scene where Rapp and Toss were standing behind Ye Yu when they first came.

At this moment, Ginyuu seemed to have something in his mind, and the corners of his mouth curled up.


In the next second, when Ginyuu waved his big hand, a basketball-sized Ki bomb was instantly launched at Ye Yu in the sky.

"it's useless!"

Ye Yu, standing in the air, watched the impact of Ginyuu's Ki bomb, unmoved.

When the Ki bomb really approached him, Ye Yu seemed to be driving a fly and waved like this.

The Ki bomb that attacked Ye Yu was directly bounced off by Ye Yu.

"It's now!"

As soon as Ye Yu knocked the Ki bullet into the air, the corner of Ginyuu's mouth suddenly showed a smile of conspiracy.

Without any hesitation, a powerful air mass burst out above his body, turning into a streamer, and flew directly towards Toss over there.


Seeing Ginyuu rushing towards Toppo, Rapp reminded him anxiously.

But the power gap between Ginyuu and Toss was too big. Before Toss had time to react, the figure of Ginyuu appeared behind Toss and grabbed him in his hands.

"let me go!"

Toss, who was caught by Ginyuu, immediately struggled, but in front of Ginyuu's 120,000 fighting power, Toss's 3,000 fighting power seemed to be a baby.

No matter how he struggled, he couldn't get out of Ginyuu's hands.

"Master Ye Yu!"

At this moment, Rapp on the side saw Toss being caught by Ginyuu, his face suddenly became anxious.


Although he wanted to rush to save Toss, he was daunted by the terrifying power of Ginyuu.

In desperation, Rapp just cast a look for help at Ye Yu over there.

"Don't move, otherwise, I will pinch this kid to death immediately!"

Before Ye Yu could speak, Ginyuu immediately grabbed Toss tightly and said to Ye Yu threateningly.

"Ginyuu, is this your last resort?"

Ye Yu was not intimidated by Ginyuu's threat, but said something without wavering on his face.

"Yes, if you don't want this kid to die, just listen to me!"

As soon as Ginyuu said this, Ye Yu's mouth turned into a playful arc: "Do you think you can threaten me by catching a kid?"

While speaking, Ye Yu seemed to be provoking Ginyuu, and his figure slowly flew towards Ginyuu.

Didn't you tell me not to move?

I'll show it to you.

"I said not to come..."

Seeing that the threat was useless to Ye Yu, Ginyuu's expression suddenly changed.

However, at this moment, Toss, who was caught by Ginyuu, suddenly showed a dazzling light.

"this is?"

After seeing the light radiating from Toss, Ye Yu's Gujing Wubo's face suddenly changed.


Yes, Toss wanted to blew himself up.

"Mr. Ye Yu, I promised you that I will not drag you down!"

Tos said stubbornly, and then the light on his body instantly flourished.

"Master Ye Yu, hurry up and save Toss!"

"That guy has always admired you and wants to worship you as a teacher!"

When Rapp over there saw that Toss wanted to blew himself up, he immediately shouted at Ye Yu.


"This kid still has a bit of spine, so let me kill you myself!"

Seeing that Toss was determined and didn't want to drag Ye Yu, Ginyuu immediately slammed his heart and pierced Toss' back with a hand knife.

But just when Ginyuu's palm was about to penetrate Toss's body, time seemed to be suspended at this moment.

The light on Toss no longer flashed.

The hand knife that Ginyuu stabbed out froze in place, motionless.

The Vegeta and Rakoom who were fighting over there also stopped in the sky.

Just when everyone's time was suspended, Ye Yu slowly fell in front of Ginyuu.

(This kid... would rather blew himself up than drag me down?)

Ye Yu looked at the stubborn Toss, and after sighing in his heart, he directly snatched Toss from the hands of Ginyuu, whose time was suspended.

After rescuing Toss from Keanu's hands, Ye Yu lifted the [Time Static].

At the moment when [Time Static] was lifted, Ginyuu's hand knife did not stop there, but directly stabbed.

But in the next second, Ginyuu was shocked to find that Toss in his hand was gone.

"Toss, you don't need to blow yourself up!"

Ye Yu, who had Toss in his hand, ignored the shocked Ginyuu on the other side, but said something to Toss in his hand.

After all, although Toss was rescued by him, his self-destruction was not relieved.

After hearing Ye Yu's words, Toss realized that he was no longer in the hands of Ginyuu, but in the hands of Ye Yu.


what on earth is it?

At this moment, not only Ginyuu, Toss, Rapp, but also Guice over there, all of them looked dumbfounded.

How could Toss, who was still in Ginyuu's hands just now, reached Ye Yu's hands when he reacted.

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