Not going to be super omega strong, will hover around Goku and Vegeta, but the MC wants to be stronger than Goku! Goes through Dragon Ball- DBZ, DBGT, and DBS. read if you want, or don't~ This is pretty much my respect for Toriyama
Zeku burst out laughing, slapping his forehead, "You're done! By ME! Zeku! AHAHAHAH!" Buu was stunned and Zeku punched out lightly, "Heh~" Buu was blasted across the world!
Zeku yawned and stretched out his hand, catching Buu's face from behind him. Zeku spat out his tongue, "Bleeeeeeeh~" before slapping Buu out, flashing to the other side, bouncing him back, "Serve's up!"
As Zeky teleported back, jumping up and slapping Buu, "Spike!" He teleported to the other side and lunged out, bouncing Buu back up, "Saved!" before jumping up and spiking Buu down!
Buu laid on the ground as Zeku jumped in the air, cheering and laughing, "What a comeback! And the crowd goes wild!" Buu steamed and attacked Zeku, who yawned while turning around, "Yeah, get my back, a little higher. Oh that's nice!" as he flashed, now holding a newspaper…
Buu was angry and slammed down hard!
Zeku slammed into the ground, "Oh no! It was all a bluff he found out!" Buu shouted, "You tricking Buu?!" Zeku looked scared, "Oh no! What should the Great Zeku do?!" Before laughing, "SIKE!" before jumping over Buu, stomping him into the ground, "Gotcha!"
He grabbed Buu and stretched him out, jumping rope on the spot, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8…" Buu roared and exploded with pink energy!
Zeku threw him up into space before flashing above him, laying in the void on his side, holding up his head with his palm, yawning. Buu turned around and steamed, shouting something!
Zeku dug in his ear and cupped over it, mouthing, 'What?' Buu shook and attacked him as Zeku rolled over, flashing before suddenly having a blanket and pillow. Buu waved his arms and stomped in the void, blowing steam from his head!
Zeku laughed and held out a hand. Buu paused and Zeku suddenly had a hat. He showed Buu and then took out a Bunny! Buu was dumbfounded and Zeku showed Buu the hat. Buu looked inside before a fist came out and punched him in the face, shooting him back to the earth!
Zeku laughed soundlessly in space, rocking back and forth, crying from laughter.
He teleported back down and looked at Buu, "Hahah! Did you like my magic trick?!" Buu jumped up and down angrily, "No! Bad! Buu angry!" Zeku chuckled and held out his palm, it lit ablaze, "Alright, time to finish you off."
Buu crossed his arms and braced himself before blinking.
He looked and Zephyr stood there in a daze, looking around. Goku's voice came into his head, "Hah… Time's up!" Zephyr said in shock, "WHAT?!" He looked at Buu with an ugly face, "Don't go killing anyone, I'll be back." as he flew away.
Buu: ????????????
Zephyr left and appeared on Kami's Lookout, looking around. He didn't see Rocket and Gohan, but Launch and Bullets were there. He let out a breath and walked over as Piccolo said "What happened to Goku? What was that Ki signature from before!?"
Zephyr's lips twitched, "Me and Goku fused…" Piccolo was dumbfounded, "Why didn't you just kill Buu?!" Zephyr covered his face, "Don't talk about it… I don't want to talk about it ever again… Where's Goten and Trunks?"
Piccolo's lips twitched and he brought Zephyr over.
Zephyr looked at Goten and Trunks, saying "I'm going to be teaching you now." Trunks and Goten looked at him and pouted, "What about Goku?!" Zephyr said flatly, "He's with Gohan. Now watch carefully…"
He demonstrated with Piccolo and explained before watching Trunks and Goten practice, correcting them from time to time.
Launch came over with Bullets, "Z-Zephyr?" Zephyr turned and Blue Launch looked at him worriedly, seeing the Majin Mark on his forehead… Zephyr snorted and smiled at her.
Bullets, Trunks, and Goten paused, "He smiled! WOW!" Zephyr's lips twitched and the Majin mark suddenly disappeared!
Piccolo looked out, "Babidi's Ki… it's gone!" Zephyr dusted his palms, "Good riddance!" as he walked over to Launch, stroking her cheek, "Were you scared?" Launch nodded and hugged him, "Mhm…" Zephyr kissed her head and Launch cried, "Rocket, she…"
Zephyr patted her back, "She's not dead." everyone froze and shouted, "WHAT?!" Zephyr looked at them and explained, "Only Vegeta died…" Bulma sat down and shed tears as Zephyr sighed, "Don't worry, we can wish him back later… Gohan, Rocket, and Goku are with the Supreme Kai."
Piccolo was stunned, "How do you- Goku told you?" Zephyr nodded and talked nonsense, "Gohan, Rocket, and Goku are on a Supreme Kai planet with the Old Supreme Kai who was sealed in a sword a long time ago. Currently, Gohan and Rocket are getting their potential unlocked…"
He looked at Krillin, "Go get all the 'magazines' you can find… and all the 'DVDs'." Krillin was dumbfounded, "He wants THOSE?" Zephyr nodded helplessly and Krillin rubbed his nose, "Huh… Alright, I'll be right back." as he flew out.
Zephyr shouted, "Get the best quality you can, Krillin!" Krillin gave a thumbs up and Piccolo's lips twitched angrily, "What on Earth…" Zephyr whispered, "The Old Supreme Kai is like Roshi…"
Piccolo sighed, "What the fuck." Zephyr rubbed his nose and calmed the ladies down while looking over Trunks and Goten's fusion practice.
While doing so, he looked at the shop.
[Balance- 952,018p]
He already bought the Yamamoto Powers… that was the secret training he did! But he had so many more points now from fighting Gohan and Buu…
He started looking leisurely as he waited for Krillin.
[Wizards Weekly Swimsuit Calendar- 100p]
[Ultra 64K HD TV set and DVD player- 1000p]
[Steamy Kai's Beach Day DVD set- 1000p]
[Demon Realm's Hottest Girls Magazine- 100p]
[Infinite Multiverse's Hottest Women Full Magazine- 100p]
Zephyr bought them all and prepared a crate. Krillin came back and looked at the crate before putting everything he brought with him inside. Zephyr sealed the crate and kept it in a Capsule, putting it away, "Next time I see Goku, I'll bring it to the old fart."
Krillin nodded as they continued teaching Trunks and Goten.
A few days later