
Dragon Ball- Universe's Strongest Human

Not going to be super omega strong, will hover around Goku and Vegeta, but the MC wants to be stronger than Goku! Goes through Dragon Ball- DBZ, DBGT, and DBS. read if you want, or don't~ This is pretty much my respect for Toriyama

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

The first Wish!

They traveled far and came to a town. Bulma got off and said "We can refuel, you guys go while I buy capsules and clothes." Zephyr got up and said "Wait, Bulma. I'm coming with you." Bulma nodded happily, "Okay!"

They walked off and came to a Capsule shop, the owner was clearly scared and Bulma got 5 Capsules, Zephyr squinted happily, "I want all your capsules." Bulma was stunned, "You're so rich?!" Zephyr chuckled and the boss packed all the capsules, shivering "Of course, you don't have to pay!"

Bulma was dumbfounded and Zephyr whispered into her ear, "Someone said something about a Rabbit Gang around here… Look he's scared half to death, we can make a killing here!" Bulma froze and whispered, "That's not very nice…" Zephyr pouted, "I'm completely broke. What else can I do? I can't even buy clothes!"

Bulma's lips twitched and Zephyr packed the capsules into a backpack, smiling happily at the cases upon cases of Capsules.

A few minutes later

He was also carrying a capsule case worth of clothes.

Anyway, it was free! Haha!

As they came back, two men wearing bunny ears walked over, "Hey, you don't see a girl like that around here! How's about it, girlie? Wanna come with us?" Bulma snorted and Goku looked up, punching one guy.

Zephyr slashed down with the sword, chopping a guy to the ground. He put the sword back and scratched his head, "These guys are so weak?" Goku grinned and Bulma said happily, "It's cus you two are too strong, right?"

Zephyr was stunned, was he so strong? How come he didn't know?

One of the guys pulled out a radio, "B-Boss come down here… There's two super strong guys here!" the group was in the car already, looking around at the panicking people. Bulma wondered, "What's he mumbling about?"

A man on the side said in disbelief, "You DON'T know?!" before running away in terror. Bulma huffed, "I got a bad feeling." Oolong rolled his eyes, "Gee, what made you feel that? Was it the panicked citizens?"

Bulma's eyes twitched and she punched him on the head.

It didn't take long for a Rabbit to come over!

The group was stunned and Bulma said "He doesn't look so strong…" Zephyr was eating an apple, saying "Oh, I know this guy. If you touch him, you'll turn into a carrot." Bulma and Oolong shouted in shock, "WHAT!?" Zephyr nodded, "Then he can eat you and poof, you're dead. Haha!"

Bulma roared "HAHA?!"

The rabbit walked over, "Hello! Let's shake hands!" Bulma roared "AS IF, FREAK!" Zephyr slashed with a sword and the rabbit guy was terrified, "What the hell! That's a sword you know!" Zephyr looked at him, "And?" The Rabbit was stunned, "AND?!" Goku smashed him on the head with his Staff as he was stunned.

Goku scratched his head and said "Well, what do we do now?" Zephyr said suddenly, "Huh? Tie them up and send them to the Moon!" Goku laughed, "Alright!"

A short while later, the group was on the road again.

Zephyr looked over as the car exploded. He held his bag and grabbed the Dragonballs, putting them inside as they flew out.

A mech ran over and looked for the Dragonballs, "Huh!? Where are they?" Bulma got up and shouted "You want my Dragon Balls?! Goku! Beat him up!" Goku ran over and smashed the mech with his staff, beating it violently.

Zephyr, Bulma, and Oolong got up, looking at the mech that was smashed into oblivion. Bulma cheered, "To the moon, Goku!" Goku sent the dog to the moon with the Rabbit before they continued on their way to search for the last Dragon Ball.

Zephyr smiled, how simple was this? What a leisurely ride.

They came to a castle and Zephyr looked up, "There should be traps in the castle, right?" Oolong put his hands in his pockets, "I'd put traps there." Bulma pointed up, "Then we just fly up there, right?" Goku asked, "Should I go get it?" Bulma gave him a thumbs up, saying "You got this, Goku!"

Goku smiled and flew up, going into the castle.

He came across a dwarf with blue skin and a woman with black hair. They looked at him and Goku saw the Dragon Ball on the table, smiling "Nice!" The blue skinned dwarf shouted "Wait! That's mine!" Goku looked at him, "Huh?"

A few seconds later

Bulma, Oolong, and Zephyr watched as two more people took a vacation on the moon.

Goku flew over with the Dragon Ball, smiling "Hehe~! I got it!" Bulma cheered, "Now we can summon the Dragon and make a wish!" Zephyr looked at her, slumping "Are you really gonna wish for a boyfriend…"

Bulma snorted smoke, "Of course!" Zephyr said speechlessly, "Why don't you just find one yourself…" Bulma retorted, "Why find one if I can wish for one?!" Zephyr pointed at a rock, "There's a guy behind that rock that wants to wish for a girlfriend, do you believe it?"

Bulma was speechless in an instant, "There is?!" As she ran over to check.

Zephyr took out the Dragon Balls, "Hurry, before she comes back!" Oolong was stunned, "You want to wish too?!" Zephyr waved at him, "What are you gonna wish for? Panties? Why do you want to waste such a precious thing?!"

Oolong was dumbfounded, "How did you know?!" Zephyr rolled his eyes and said "Rise Shenron!" the sky darkened and a massive green dragon came out of the Dragon Balls!

Bulma gasped, "Jerk!" as she ran over.

Shenron said "I will grant you one wish!" Zephyr said instantly, "I want my body to be in its physical prime for my entire life without locking my potential and growth rate!" Shenron paused for a moment, saying "You will gain the same physical traits as Saiyans but without the tail, potential, bloodline, or lifespan."

Zephyr asked "So I'll look young for my whole life but die at the same time as a natural human. Will I weaken as I age?" Shenron shook his head, "You will not weaken over time, as you said, Permanent Physical Prime until your lifespan runs out." Zephyr asked, "Do I also have infinite potential?"

Shenron replied, "No, your potential remains the same. You will have eternal youth appearance and no weakening over time. I can't grant you Infinite Potential. Is that your wish?" Zephyr nodded, "Yes, please!"

Shenron's eyes flashed and Zephyr felt his body heat up, he laughed happily and Shenron disappeared. Bulma wilted, "Aw man!" Oolong looked at Zephyr sighing, "You wished for this?!" 

Zephyr nodded, "Are you kidding? This is the best wish possible. If you're in your Prime forever, then when I'm 100 years old, I'll look the same!" Bulma's eyes widened, "You can wish for this!?" Zephyr looked at her, dumbfounded, "YOU DIDN'T KNOW!?"

Bulma shouted in shock, "I WOULD'VE WISHED FOR ETERNAL YOUTH!" Zephyr smiled and waved, "Well, come find me and Goku next year, we'll help you." Bulma paused and looked at them, "Really?" Goku and Zephyr smiled, "No problem, Bulma! You're our friend, right?"

Bulma burst into tears, hugging both of them, "Thanks guys! Wuwuw~! You're the best!" Oolong was stunned, "What about me?" Bulma looked at him in confusion, "Who?" Oolong jumped up and down, "Damn it, Bulma!"

After deciding to see each other next year, Bulma gave Zephyr the Dragon Ball radar and split up. Zephyr looked at the cloud and jumped on it, passing right through! He was dumbfounded and Bulma sighed, "It doesn't let handsome people on it either…" Zephyr's lips twitched and he smiled sheepishly, "That… can you give me a lift?"

Bulma smiled happily and said "Sure!"

A while later