
Dragon Ball- Universe's Strongest Human

Not going to be super omega strong, will hover around Goku and Vegeta, but the MC wants to be stronger than Goku! Goes through Dragon Ball- DBZ, DBGT, and DBS. read if you want, or don't~ This is pretty much my respect for Toriyama

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Stone Throwing? I can throw stone good!

They arrived at the island, seeing Zephyr laying on the beach with a bloody nose. Krillin kicked him, "Get up!" Zephyr woke up and gasped, "Huh?! What happened?!" Launch leaned over, "Huh? Do you forget too?" Krillin blocked her face, "Launch, please! I don't know how much more he can take!"

Zephyr blushed, rubbing Krillin's head "Oh…" Launch giggled, feeling that teasing Zephyr was really fresh!

Goku floated on Kinton, "Huh? There's other people on this island." Roshi nodded, "There's around 300 people on this island." Goku jumped down, "Finally time to train? I'm so excited!" 

Launch pointed at herself, "Me too?" Roshi looked at her for a moment before nodding, "Yep!" Launch clapped her hands, "So exciting!

Roshi looked at them and said "Alright. Now you'll begin your special training." he looked at Launch, "If you can't handle it, it's alright. Don't force yourself." Launch clenched her fists and nodded, "Hm!"

Zephyr scratched his head and Roshi bonked him with the cane, "Krillin, do you have any experience in Martial Arts?" Krillin nodded smugly, "I studied at Oorin Temple for 8 years!" Roshi nodded, "So you know the basics then! I want you to show me what you've got!"

He pointed at a rock, "There's about 100m from this rock to that tree. How many seconds do you think you can run there in?" he paused before adding, "Just because you can run fast doesn't mean you can become a great Martial Artist… but it'll prove you have solid legs and loins."

Roshi walked to the tree as Krillin snorted smugly, "Fufufu~ I'll go first. I'm fast enough to enter the olympics!" Zephyr looked at him and said, "The fastest I know is 9.58 seconds." Krillin flinched, "Well, not that fast…"

He ran off and passed the tree as Roshi praised, "Wow! 10.4! That's really something!" Launch thought it looked fun, "I'll try!" before sprinting to the tree extremely fast!

Krill, Goku, and Roshi jumped in shock, "10 flat!" Zephyr nodded, "Of course, Launch is the best!" Goku went up, "Gramps! Gramps! My turn!" before shooting off. Roshi nodded, "11 seconds. Not bad."

Zephyr stood at the rock and Roshi called out, "Don't use your powers." Zephyr paused and nodded before sprinting off quickly.

He passed the tree and Roshi nodded, "10.8 not too bad!" Goku looked at Roshi, "Gramps, can I change my shoes?" Roshi looked at his shoes and said "You broke them?" Goku ran back to the rock with new shoes and Roshi said "Start!"

Goku burst out, flashing by quickly!

Everyone's hair, other than Krillin, blew by as Roshi said in shock, "8.5!" Goku laughed happily, "Is that fast?!" Launch smiled, "You're so cool, Goku-kun~!" Goku laughed happily as Krillin said in disbelief, "What kind of training did you do?!"

Zephyr looked at Launch's expression and pouted.

Roshi looked at them and nodded, "You're all fast, which is good. But unfortunately, you're still at the human level. In order to continue down the path of becoming a Perfected Master of the Martial Arts, you must overcome the limits of the human body!" he took off the shell on his back, going to the rock, "Alright, watch me."

Krillin held a stopwatch, saying "Start!" Roshi burst out and blew by everyone, stopping next to them as Krillin burst into a cold sweat, "5…5….5.6!" Launch and Zephyr were dumbfounded as Krillin looked at Roshi with his jaw wide open.

Goku shouted in awe, "Wow, gramps! You're really amazing!" Roshi put the turtle shell back on, "That's what it means to overcome the limits of a human. All of you are young, as long as you keep training, you should be able to do it in 5 seconds. It's been a while since I ran like that… Krillin, can you go get me a beer?"

Krillin ran off and Roshi continued, "Knowledge is also necessary in Martial Arts, we're going to have to train you in that area, Goku…" Launch smiled, "I can help him." Roshi nodded and Zephyr cleared his throat, "Me too." Launch looked at him and rolled her eyes with a smile.

Roshi looked at him and said "You have to train even more to control your power…" Zephyr pouted and Roshi asked, "How are you feeling, Launch?" Launch smiled, "Great!" Roshi nodded, "Looks like you have a lot of talent too! Not even a bit of sweat. Alright, before dinner, I have one more task for you all. We'll start your full blown training tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn."

He picked up a rock while talking and drew a turtle symbol on it, showing them, "Look closely, you see it? Remember this symbol." The four all nodded and Roshi threw the rock off the cliff into a forest!

The four were speechless as Krillin asked, "Is this for throwing ability?" Goku looked out, "I really don't get the stuff you come up with, Gramps." Zephyr shielded his eyes, "Wow! That was far!" Launch looked off the cliff, "Oh well, bye stone." Zephyr covered his mouth, so cute…

Roshi waved his cane, "Nono! It's not a throwing contest. It's a Stone Searching Contest!" Only Zephyr wasn't stunned, the rest were baffled, "W-What?!" Roshi nodded, "The Act of Searching for things may seem unimportant, but mental prowess and concentration are both necessary! Additionally, in this case, you'll be using your stamina as well. The one who brings back the stone wins! And the losers get no dinner!"

The three were stunned and Zephyr muttered, "What about Launch?" Roshi added, "Also, if nobody finds the stone in 30 minutes, then nobody will eat. Good luck!" Zephyr ran off, climbing down the cliff as Goku jumped off. Launch ran down quickly, "Oh man!" Krillin was dumbfounded, "It's impossible to find the stone in 30 minutes… wait a minute! Hehe~!"

Zephyr was searching in the jungle, passing by dinosaurs and Sabertooth tigers! He was dumbfounded directly, this jungle is a little crazy, right?!

Finally after a while of searching, he came to a stone by pure luck!