
Dragon Ball- Universe's Strongest Human

Not going to be super omega strong, will hover around Goku and Vegeta, but the MC wants to be stronger than Goku! Goes through Dragon Ball- DBZ, DBGT, and DBS. read if you want, or don't~ This is pretty much my respect for Toriyama

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Mini Bulma? HMM...

By the time Zephyr woke up, the Tournament was already over! He sighed and looked sad. Launch stoked his head, "Don't be upset, you did really good!" Zephyr pouted, "Didn't win!" Launch waved her fist, smiling gently "There's always next time!" 

Zephyr paused and looked at her before blushing, "Hmm…" Launch giggled and Bulma rolled her eyes, Roshi came over and said "I was watching at the back! You three did excellent! But you must remember!" Goku and Krillin looked at him with doubts, Roshi said seriously, "There's always a step after the next step! Or as they say, a mountain above another mountain! There's Martial Artists all over the world, that Jackie Chun was just one of them!"

Goku and Krillin were awed, "Really?!" Roshi nodded, "Yes! That's why you have to keep training and don't relax! You're still young and have a lot of room for improvement! That being said, since you did so well… I'll treat you to dinner on me!" Goku cheered happily and everyone went to eat.

A month passed after that

Zephyr was standing in West City with his hands in his pockets, sighing as he looked at a Martial Arts fighter standing around, "If you can beat me, I'll give you 100,000 Zeni! Hahaha!" Zephyr took out a 50 Zeni coin from his pocket, bursting into tears.

His Milk Delivery plan was a bust!

Now he was poor… well he was never not poor!

Zephyr sulked over, "I'll fight…" The Martial Arts guy snorted, "Good courage!" Zephyr asked sadly, "Can you bump up the prize money?" The Martial Arts Guy's lips twitched, "Hey! Are you here to fight or what?!"

Zephyr pouted and muttered, "Maybe I should just rob a bank…" The Martial Arts guy flew over with a jump kick as Zephyr punched out, sending the guy flying into a brick wall.

Zephyr walked over and took the 100,000 Zeni before sighing. Suddenly, he heard a happy voice, "Zephyr!" Zephyr perked up and turned around happily, "Goku!" Goku grinned, "Heehee~! What are you doing here?"

Zephyr sighed and looked sad, "I'm poor! How can I buy Launch all kinds of nice things if I'm broke?" Goku was stunned, "Huh? Like food?" Zephyr nodded and said, "Yeah!" Goku frowned, "That's a big problem." he thought for a long time before saying seriously, "Well, good luck!" 

Zephyr nearly tripped and picked up Goku, who continued walking in the air for a few seconds, "Where are you going, Goku?" Goku stopped and looked at him, "I almost forgot! Do you know where Bulma lives?" Zephyr blinked and said, "No, I got lost a few hours ago."

Goku sulked and Zephyr added, "But we can just ask someone." Goku perked up again and he pulled Zephyr, "Come on! The Dragon Ball Radar is broken!" Zephyr gasped, "That's it!" Goku looked at him in shock as Zephyr continued confidently, "I can ask Shenron for Infinite Money!"

Goku was dumbfounded, "Wow! You sure are smart, Zephyr!" Zephyr rubbed his nose, smirking, "My genius is almost frightening sometimes…" Goku patted him, "But we should find Bulma."

Zephyr nodded and they asked around before finding a Policeman who drove them over to Capsule Corp.

Goku shouted loudly, "BULLLLLLLLLMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Zephyr looked at the intercom and pressed the button.

A robotic voice said, "Bulma is at school." Zephyr scratched his head, "Bulma is still in school?" Goku looked up at him, "What's school?" Zephyr looked at him, explaining, "It's like Training, but for nerds." Goku nodded, "Oh! What's a nerd?" Zephyr continued explaining, "It's a boring person that nobody likes."

Goku nodded seriously, "Oh! I don't want to go to school!" Zephyr nodded, "Me neither." The Policeman dropped a cold sweat, is that something you should be telling a child…?

Suddenly, Bulma flew over on a scooter!

She turned and smiled happily, "Goku! Zephyr! What are you guys doing here?" Zephyr pointed his thumb at her house, "Goku came to fix the Dragon Ball Radar so we can wish for Infinite Money." Goku nodded and said, "Are you a Nerd, Bulma?"

Bulma was dumbfounded, "A nerd? Also, Infinite Money? What's the point?" Zephyr wanted to cry, why is it so frustrating to talk to rich people… Goku nodded, "Zephyr said that School is for nerds and a nerd is somebody boring that nobody likes." Bulma nodded seriously, "Well, I left school so I'm not a nerd."

Goku nodded, "Oh! I knew it." Zephyr's lips twitched and Bulma waved, "Come in!" before glaring at Zephyr, "You're calling me a Nerd?!" Zephyr was stunned, "Isn't your reaction a little slow?!" Bulma waved her fists as the Policeman nearly fell over, "Oh! Um! Can you fix my scooter?" 

Bulma looked at him, "Huh? Sure, come in." before they walked into the Capsule Corp building as Goku explained his adventures so far.

After some funny business with Mr Briefs, Zephyr was given 9 glasses of Sake by Mrs Briefs and swayed before leaning on Bulma, who patted his cheek, "Hello!? HELLO!? LAUNCH!?" Zephyr jumped, "WHERE?!" Before Goku laughed, "Haha! You're still funny, Zephyr!"

Zephyr pouted and leaned on Bulma, "Why did you lie to meeeee~?" Bulma pulled his face in all directions as she complained while they walked outside to go look for the Dragon Balls together, "By the way, didn't you both promise to wish for my eternal youth?!" 

Zephyr slurred his words, "Who caress about your problems~ I need money to buy Launch a big houses!" Bulma rolled her eyes and Goku jumped on Kinton, Bulma paused and realized a problem, "Ah! There's only one Microband!"

Zephyr swayed and fell on Kinton, sleeping as he floated on the cloud. Bulma blinked, "Huh? It's different now?" as she jumped on, falling through before shouting, "WHAT KIND OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE IS THIS!?" Goku laughed, not understanding a single word, "Come on, Bulma!"

Bulma shrank down and complained as Goku put her in his pocket, flying off.