
Dragon Ball- Universe's Strongest Human

Not going to be super omega strong, will hover around Goku and Vegeta, but the MC wants to be stronger than Goku! Goes through Dragon Ball- DBZ, DBGT, and DBS. read if you want, or don't~ This is pretty much my respect for Toriyama

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Huh? No no, you see I found these things on the side of the road! Believe me!

Launch looked at the sea and asked worriedly, "Is he alright? He burst into flames!" Roshi waved, "He does that. Anyway, what's your name, girlie?" Launch smiled, "My name is Launch. Sorry for intruding." Roshi laughed and waved, "Don't worry about it, you can stay as long as you like!"

Launch smiled happily, "That's good, I seem to be on the run from the police again…" she opened a sack and sighed helplessly with a silly smile, "I must've robbed another bank~ Heehee~" Goku was blank and Roshi's eyes twitched.

He looked at Launch and asked, "Do you want to learn Martial Arts, Launch?" Launch pointed at herself in shock, "Huh? Me?!" Krillin dragged Zephyr back to shore, "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, Launch! Master Roshi is the Legendary Kame-Senin! A Worldwide Master of Martial Arts! The most powerful on the planet!" Launch gasped, "Wow, really? Well, I guess if that's alright with you!"

Roshi waved his cane, "Heh heh~ No problem! But we have to move, this island's too small." Zephyr was thrown on a boat as they boarded it. Roshi turned his house into a capsule and they left.

Launch poked Zephyr's face in the boat, "Hello? Zephyr?" Zephyr woke up, "Huh? An angel?" Launch was stunned and giggled, "It's me!" Zephyr sat up and looked nervous, "Oh! Haha…" before blushing.

Launch thought he was interesting, how could someone be so shy? It was really wonderful.

Krillin looked back with Goku, "Master Roshi is going to train Launch too." Zephyr's eyes widened, "He is?!" Goku nodded, "He's a nice grandpa." Zephyr cursed, "Probably watch her do yoga, right?!" Roshi nearly crashed the boat, shouting "Boy, am I so unreliable to you?!"

Zephyr nodded seriously, "Yes!" Roshi sweatdropped directly. Zephyr rummaged in his shirt while looking at the shop screen.

He had a First Time Free Purchase Cart Coupon with a limit of 3 Items under 100,000 points.

There were countless things in the Shop but luckily, there was a search function!

He typed in Martial Arts and found countless booklets, most of them were trash Chinese Techniques all of them were 1p, he directly skipped them. What a joke, who would need this garbage? 

If someone started a dojo, he could give them all as a gift.

Other than that they were useless!

He quickly found what he was looking for.

[Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist]

He added that to his cart and continued looking. It was on sale today for 90% off! How lucky! As a result he could buy it for free!

Then he bought [8 Gates] and a [Super Martial Arts Talent Pill]

He pulled out the booklets and Pill saying "Oh, I have these by the way." Krillin looked over and Zephyr handed him the 8 Gates before passing the book and pill to Launch, "Hmm… It's a gift…" Although it was a barely audible whisper, Launch still heard him, "For me? Thank you so much, Zephyr!"

Krillin and Goku looked curiously at the 8 Gates, Krillin shouted "Wow! What is this technique?!" Roshi looked over, "Whussat?" Krillin showed him the booklet and took the wheel as Roshi read the booklet seriously.

He was a real Master of Martial Arts after all!

With one glance he could tell this was the real thing!

Launch ate the pill, "Hm? Yum!" Zephyr held his hands on his thighs, "Hmm…" Launch read the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist and smiled. Roshi asked for the book from her and she handed it over.

Roshi read the booklet very seriously before finally asking "Zephyr, where did you get these?" Zephyr knocked on his head and paused "Huh? I forgot!" Roshi was speechless and Goku smiled, waving his tail that hadn't been cut off, "Zephyr fell from the sky and has amnesia. He doesn't even know where he's from."

Launch gasped, "Oh you poor thing!" rubbing his shoulder, Zephyr felt his hands and feet heat up, especially his feet, he felt like he was about to burst! He even turned red faintly…

Roshi coughed, "Well, Launch don't get him excited, we'll have to swim!" Launch pursed her lips and smiled before sneezing.

Suddenly, she changed into another person with blonde hair, "Where the fuck am I?! You kidnapped me, you bastards?!" Zephyr's eyes turned to hearts and she grabbed his face, "What the fuck are you looking at, pervert?!" before taking out a machine gun and blasting everyone, "Die!"

Krillin, Goku, Roshi, and Zephyr jumped into the sea as Launch stepped on the side of the boat, spraying bullets into the water, "Bastard kidnapping fucks! Die Die!" a breeze blew by and Launch sneezed, returning to Blue Haired Launch.

The 4 of them poked their heads out from the water and looked at her. Zephyr's eyes were still hearts, "Wow…" Roshi and Krillin shouted with sharp teeth, "YOU'RE A NUTSO!" Zephyr blushed and spat out bubbles, looking away.

Goku jumped up and laughed, "Wow, Launch! That was so cool!" Launch knocked on her head, spitting out her tongue, "Sorry, did I hurt someone again?" Zephyr blasted out of the water, shooting off towards an island in the distance, "SO CUTE!"

Roshi and Krillin looked at each other with twitching lips.

A bit later