
Dragon Ball- Universe's Strongest Human

Not going to be super omega strong, will hover around Goku and Vegeta, but the MC wants to be stronger than Goku! Goes through Dragon Ball- DBZ, DBGT, and DBS. read if you want, or don't~ This is pretty much my respect for Toriyama

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs


Zephyr held up the stone and laughed, "I found it! Really!" Goku appeared, "Huh? Aw man!" Zephyr held his hips, "Heheh… Jealous~?" Goku pouted "You're really good! I followed Gramps' scent and you still got here first!" Zephyr was speechless, "I was just lucky…"

Before they could continue, they heard a scream.

Zephyr turned murderous, "Launch!" as he blasted off the ground, shooting through the jungle like a tiger! Goku was stunned and chased after him, wow! Zephyr was really fast!

He flashed out of the brush, coming to a T-Rex chasing Launch! Zephyr flipped and his foot exploded with flames, smashing down on the T-Rex, crushing it into the ground!

He landed and looked at Launch, asking anxiously, "Are you okay?" Launch was stunned and nodded, "Thank you, Zephyr…" Zephyr twisted, "Oh…" blushing. Launch covered her mouth and giggled.

Goku looked at the T-Rex and his eyes lit up, "Wow! Looks good!" Zephyr paused and seemed to remember that the dinner was actually poisonous… He said "Goku, bring the dinosaur with you." Goku was drooling and dragged the T-Rex with him as they returned to Roshi.

Zephyr stuffed the stone in Launch's hands, stunning her as he shouted "Master Roshi!" Roshi looked over and said "Oh, Launch found it! And you brought dinner! Great! Where's Krillin?"

Krillin ran over while panting, "Damn! Actually got lost!" Launch looked at the stone in shock as Roshi asked, "Who can cook?" Zephyr, Goku, and Krillin looked back at him blankly.

Roshi's lips twitched and Launch muttered, "I can cook…" while glancing at Zephyr in the corner of her eyes. Zephyr looked away and pretended to look at the sky.

Launch made dinner, eating with Roshi as Goku, Krillin, and Zephyr watched on the side.

A while later

Launch came outside and saw Zephyr in a hammock, she brought over a plate of food, "Um… Here." Zephyr turned and jumped, "L-Launch! Um… Hi." Launch smiled cutely, holding out a plate of cooked meat.

Zephyr was stunned and pointed at himself, Launch nodded, "Otherwise I wouldn't have eaten today so… I made you some extra." Zephyr nearly fainted from happiness, taking the plate and devouring the meat on it in an instant. He chewed happily and praised, "Wow! It's so good! I can eat this all my life! Haha!"

Launch clapped her hands, "You like it?" Zephyr nodded, "I LOVE it!" as he swallowed, rubbing his stomach happily, licking his lips. Launch smiled happily and walked back into the house, "Well, I'm happy you like it. Goodnight, Zephyr~!"

Zephyr smiled slightly, curling up in the hammock, giggling happily.

She made me food!


Haha! WOW!


The next day at 4 am…

The four disciples were standing outside as Roshi nodded, "Today, we'll begin training in the way of Kamesen Martial Arts. Before we begin, let me tell you a bit about Martial Arts itself. The reason one learns Martial Arts is to win battles! Not to make girls say 'Ooh! You're so stroooong~! Uffuuuun~!' Studying Martial Arts will make you healthier in both body and soul and allow you to enjoy life more!"

He paused, "But! If you or another is ever threatened by someone committing an injustice, you must strike them down with a single blow! Understand everything so far?" Goku looked blank while the other three nodded. Roshi looked at Goku and said flatly, "Basically, just train hard and enjoy your lives, okay?"

Goku nodded, "Got it, got it!" Roshi looked at Launch, "If it's too hard, you don't have to participate." Launch snorted smoke with unknown vigor, "I'll try hard with everyone!" Zephyr was startled, looking at her. 

This was different, he thought she would give up!

She looked at him and smiled. Zephyr blushed and looked away with a smile, if before was just infatuation with the character, then now he was really charmed by her determination.

You have to know, before, Launch didn't train at all!

It seemed like she had a bit of reluctance to exercise. But now, she was snorting smoke and ready to train hard! This change made Zephyr's heart really beat hard! She was even more beautiful now than before! 

Ah, I think I really fell in love with her this time…

But there was also a burst of fierceness, although she's training, she doesn't have to fight! Zephyr thought of the enemies in the future and clenched his fists, competitions were fine, but I'm here!

Roshi nodded and said "We'll begin with some light running~" as they ran in a line, coming to a Milk Station in town. Roshi stopped everyone, "Alright! Stoooop~! Good Moooorniing~!" The Bullman looked over and smiled, "Are you the one who called yesterday? I really appreciate it!" 

Roshi smiled and nodded, "Of course! It's not a problem, sir!" The Bullman handed him a map, "Here's the delivery map…" Roshi looked at the map and nodded, "I see…" before pointing at the Milk Bottle boxes, "Alright, each of you grab a box!"

Krillin was stunned, "Delivering Milk!?" Launch poked her cheek, "Doesn't seem… difficult?" Roshi nodded, "It'll be a great workout!" the Bullman was dumbfounded, "You're going to run?! Aren't you going to use the helicopter?!"

Roshi shook his head, "If we did, that wouldn't be training!" he turned around and said "Alrighty, everyone~ After me! We'll skip the entire 2km to the first house!" the four followed Roshi, skipping for 2 kilometers.

They arrived and Krillin was panting, Launch and Zephyr weren't looking great either, but Goku seemed fine. 

Roshi pointed at the Milk Box, "Collect the empty ones and put in the new ones! The next house is 1km from here… Down this tree-lined path! Zig-zag around the trees everyone!"

Eventually they arrived at the next house and Goku was panting as Krillin and Zephyr were wheezing, Launch was still panting heavily.

Roshi looked back, "You're getting slow, Krillin, Zephyr! If you take too long, the milk will go bad!" Launch looked back and panted, "Come… on… Zephyr!" Zephyr was resurrected and roared "COME ON!" Krillin cursed, "Lucky… bastard!"

Roshi pointed at a mountain, "Next is up these stairs, you don't have to run if you don't want to!" Zephyr snorted smoke and rushed up the stairs like a bull, Roshi jumped and quickly followed. Goku ran up and Launch did as well. Krillin was wheezing and followed along, trying to run…