
Dragon Ball! Start With Selecting Super Saiyan 4

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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130 Chs


It's just that the roar can't teach him at all. At this time, Zamasu was a little panicked and a little scared, but it was too late.

Because the body is disappearing little by little, of course, this is Linze deliberately.

It is to make Zamasu feel his disappearance bit by bit, and be destroyed in fear bit by bit.

Fear, despair, pain!

But there is no way to resist.


Zamasu's painful and desperate shouts, each of them made Haz feel scared.

The current self, before absorbing the Seed of the Universe, his strength will not be too strong than Zamasu.

I remember that even Zamasu can be easily killed, if destroyed, then I guess the same result will be the same.

In a full minute, Zamasu and the glass girl Lagus had completely disappeared.

At this time, apart from the fighting Cooler, there are two Zvr lifeforms, and Hazy is left alone.

call out...

Linze's body instantly appeared in front of Haz.

In fact, Linze is not particularly annoying for this guy Haz.

Because although he is a villain, Linze does not hate Zamasu as much.

In fact, among the Dragon Ball heroes, Haz just doesn't want to be ruled by Zeno, so he can erase it at every turn?

That's why I want to kill Zeno.

This is very similar to the restraint that I tried to improve my strength and want to ask Zeno and Grand Priest...

It's just that he didn't have such a big fanfare.

From Son Goku's point of view, Haz is indeed a villain, but Linze feels that this guy is not too bad.

It's just rebelling against Zeno's arbitrary erasure method.

"Go ahead! How do you want to die?"

Linze raised the corner of his mouth, smiled and said to Haz.

Haz frowned slightly, and said, "I know you have the power to kill me."

"But I won't just give up resistance like this."

After Haz's voice fell, a huge crystal appeared on Haz's head.

The moment he saw the crystal, Linze frowned slightly.

This thing is the seed of the universe.

It absorbs the energy of the planets in the Universe and the powers of the planets, so there is such a thing.

Haz thought to himself, as long as he absorbed the power of the Universe Seed, even if he couldn't kill this guy.

But you can definitely escape!

As long as I escape today, I still have hope.

As for the guys like Kamba and Zamasu, just look for them later.

There are so many time and space, and there are many powerful guys in each time and space.


"In front of me, you have no right to resist."

Hearing what Haz said, Linze spoke lightly.

Even if Haz absorbed the Seed of the Universe, the gap between her and herself was still a world apart.

I can still pinch him to death with a little finger...

However, things like the Seed of Universe, can't they be absorbed by people like him?(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Well, today I will show mercy and give you a chance to survive."

"Follow me in the future and do things for me, you can live..."

If it were those of Zamasu, Linze would erase it without hesitation.

But Hazy, at least not annoying until the Dragon Ball hero is dying!

"Let's dream less, you can't kill me at all. Even if you erase me now, Lord King God will still resurrect me."

Haz seemed confident, and said to Linze.

The reason why he absorbed the Seed of Universe was for the recovery of Lord Wangshen.

Even if he was killed, Lord Wang Shen could still resurrect himself.

"Wang Shen? Who is it?"

Linze squinted his eyes and asked in a puzzled way.

In the Dragon Ball heroes, there is no such thing as King God...

So Linze is a little bit confused.

"Master Zeno, Wangshen is very likely to be the Supreme Kai, Mechkapura, who was sealed by Shiwang hundreds of millions of years ago."

At this time, Supreme Kai Kaiyin of Time behind him suddenly explained.

"Magic Supreme Kai?"

Linze was taken aback.

He had heard of this name before.

With this being said, it seems that the final boss is not Haz or Fu.

It was the Lord King God that Hazi said.

And Shi Wang, he really doesn't know much about...

It seems that in other universes, there are many big shots.

It's just not known to me, and it's not shown in the Dragon Ball animation.

"So you are working for the monster."

"Originally I wanted to keep you alive, but in this case, it won't work."

Linze shook his head, looked at Haz and said...

Supreme Kai, definitely not a good thing...

Haz does something for him, then disappear!

Otherwise, it is estimated that it will be a trouble in the future.

"Is it not so easy to take my life?"

Haz's eyes condensed, and then he was about to absorb the power of the Universe Seed.

Just at the same time, Linze gently raised his hand and shot a beam of energy directly.


When hitting the Seed of the Universe, the Seed of the Universe instantly dissipated.

Then it turned into a silver light spot, and then spread in all directions.

Linze did not directly destroy the Seed of the Universe, and once again restored the Seed of the Universe to the original thing.

The planet, there are people and gods...

"No... impossible."

"The seed of the universe was actually broken down?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Haz's eyes twitched fiercely.

This guy actually broke the Universe Seed...

That means!

My last hope was gone.

"Master Zeno unexpectedly restored all those things to their original appearance, great!"

Time's Supreme Kai Kaiyin looked excited.

Of course, the old Supreme Kai is also very excited.

This shows that Master Zeno's heart is still very kind.

"Damn, you bastard, dare to do such a thing."

"I will never forgive you..."

Haz is like a cat stepped on its tail.

Suddenly he looked at Linze angrily.

call out...

In the next second, his body rushed directly towards Linze.

The speed is quite fast.

Obviously Hazy was a bit too self-effacing just now!

His speed and strength are definitely above Zamasu and Kamba!

However, for Linze, there is no difference.


The next second, Linze grabbed Haz's fist.

"Trash recklessly!"

"All disappear to me!"

The moment Linze's cold voice fell, Harz's body disappeared.

Then Cooler, Carmin's and Olian's bodies disappeared completely.

Vegeta and Son Goku are dumbfounded.

The opponent who had been fighting for a long time just now, Zeno's words completely disappeared? .