
Dragon Ball! Start With Selecting Super Saiyan 4

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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130 Chs


Then Zeno-sama, are you satisfied with this game?"

"Linze and Jiren, do they still need to be punished?"

Grand Priest looked at Zeno and asked.

"Yeah! I'm very satisfied with this game, so Linze and the others, don't accept punishment anymore..."

"On the contrary, the other Gods of Destruction are too weak. How do you manage a universe with your strength?"

"If you are still so weak next time, then I will punish you-yo."

Zeno looked at the crowd of Gods of Destruction and spoke.

If none of the eight Gods of Destruction can defeat Linze, then these Gods of Destruction are indeed a bit too weak.

"Ming...I understand Master Zeno, we will definitely practice well when we go back!"

The crowd of Gods of Destruction quickly said tremblingly.

It seems that after going back, they must practice well, whether it is due to Lord Zeno or because of Linze, they must practice well.

"Well, if that's the case, then you all go back first!"

Zeno said to everyone.

"Okay, Master Zeno!"

Quitela and others nodded quickly.

Although the purpose of their coming is to sue, but now they seem to have done something wrong, and they can't wait to leave the Gods of Destruction world quickly.

"You guys go back too!"

"Grand Priest, you send them back!"

Zeno looked at Linze, Jiren and others, and then said to the Grand Priest.

"Okay, I know Master Zeno."

Grand Priest nodded, and then led everyone out of the Gods of Destruction world.


After leaving the world of Gods of Destruction, the Gods of Destruction of their respective universes were taken away by Angel!

"Linze, let's go back first, yourself... take care."

Jiren and Toppo spoke to Linze, and then left with Vados!

At this time, Linze and Grand Priest were left outside the Zeno Temple.

"Mr. Linze is very strong and has surpassed Angel. Do you have any plans in the future?"

Grand Priest suddenly asked Linze.


Linze was stunned, why did Grand Priest suddenly ask such a question.

Remember that in Dragon Ball Super, Grand Priest never seemed to care about such things, right?

Because although his strength is strong, it is definitely not enough to make Grand Priest interested!

That is to say, this Grand Priest is not the same as the Dragon Ball Super, at least the performance is different.

"I have no plans."

Linze shook his head.

Naturally, he would not tell Grand Priest that he wanted to stand at the forefront of this universe, control his own destiny, and overlook the inner thoughts of the gods.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"So... Is Mr. Linze interested in Angel's position?"

Grand Priest asked suddenly.

This sentence made Linze's body tremble slightly.

Where is Angel?

Is it possible that Grand Priest wants to be an Angel?

Aren't Angels all children of Grand Priest?

Although Angel's status is more distinguished and strong, but to be honest, he is not interested in holding tight.

First, I don't want to work for Grand Priest and Zeno.

Second, Angel has too many restraints. Except when protecting Gods of Destruction, he can't use his power at other times.

Once you use all your power, you will completely disappear...

For myself, I can't hold back if I don't fight.

And every day, he has to serve a Gods of Destruction who is so much weaker than himself. Isn't this just looking for sin?

However, it is obviously not good to refuse the Grand Priest directly, because this Grand Priest does not seem to be the same as the one I know in Dragon Ball Super.

And he has the power to kill himself in an instant.

"Whether this Grand Priest can let me think about it first."

Linze smiled and said.

What? Angel himself definitely didn't do it, because then, he really worked for these people?

It's like a bird in a cage, trying to surpass them under their noses is a foolish dream.

So now I must take advantage of this time to practice well...

Strive to improve your own strength in a short period of time.

"Okay, then you go back and think about it!"

"I believe Mr. Linze is a smart person. You should know that being an Angel is a kind of supreme honor, and it is also a good choice for you."

· ········ Ask for flowers····

Grand Priest's tone was very calm, even with a slight smile!

But to Linze, this is definitely a naked threat!

It seems that this Grand Priest is really something wrong.

"of course."

Linze nodded and said with a smile from the corner of his mouth.

"Well, I know Mr. Linze has the ability of Instant Transmission, so I won't send it!"

Grand Priest still said with a calm expression.


Linze nodded slightly, his body flashed directly and disappeared into the Zeno temple in an instant.


"Who is the guy who took you away just now? Are they embarrassing you?"

... ... ...

Back home, the 18th looked at Linze with some worry and asked.

Because she can feel Linze has something on her mind.

"Of course not, who can embarrass me!"

"But I might go to the Spiritual Time House to practice again recently."

"So... it may be hard for you these days."

Linze rubbed No.18's shoulder and said.

Although at this time, I should stay by the 18th and take good care of her.

But now, I cannot do this because I am facing a very dangerous situation.

As long as he doesn't agree to the requirements of the Grand Priest and becomes an Angel, Linze feels that the Grand Priest may attack him.

Maybe you will wipe yourself out directly.

I must never let this happen, for the 18th and the unborn child, and also for myself.

I must become stronger in the shortest possible time...

At least you must have the ability to survive in the hands of Grand Priest!

"Well, you go! I'm really not that squeamish!"

"But don't make yourself too tired..."

Looking at Linze on the 18th, he said seriously.

In fact, she could feel that Linze must have encountered a very troublesome thing!

Otherwise, he would never have such a solemn expression.

"Well, then I'm leaving now."

Linze nodded, then his body flashed, and he went directly to the Spiritual Time House in the Celestial Temple. mountain.