
Dragon Age: Tales Of The Trevelyan

A human is not meant to stand in the place of a God, those who had tried became darkspawn unleashing the blight upon this world. Then there was a man who didn't really care about all that stuff. A/N- I have three moods, Good, Bad and Horny, This novel is when I am in a good mood.

Tainted_Ghost · Video Games
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So I will do my best to explain the timeline.

So ages are divided into 100 years each age being called a certain name like 'Dragon', 'Blessed', 'divine' according to what the divine (The woman says) there is a different Trivinter one for the Black Divine or the True Divine, Elves have there own, and I think Dwarves have there own as well.

But the Andrastrian calendar is what is mostly followed.

So I will tell you the Major Timelines of events, I am not familiar with the graphic novels so eh?


Ferelden gets free -> 9:02 Dragon (9th age, 2nd year, and dragon being the name given)

Cassandra was born -> 9:04 Dragon 

Inquisitor (Kenric Trevelyan) -> 9:05 Dragon

Liliana -> 9:05 Dragon edit: 9:06

Dawn of the seeker -> 9:22 Dragon

Dragon age: Origins or the Fifth Blight -> 9:30 Dragon

Dragon Age II or the entire Kirkwall thing -> 9:30 Dragon to 9:37 Dragon

Dragon Age: Inquisition -> 9:40 Dragon

Trespasser-> 9:44 Dragon


Current year in the story -> 9:20 Dragon edit: 9:19 Dragon (and thanks @evergreen for the timeliness error)

Kenric is 15 years old.

If I am wrong plz do tell me.

Thanks for reading.