
Dragon Age: Tales Of The Trevelyan

A human is not meant to stand in the place of a God, those who had tried became darkspawn unleashing the blight upon this world. Then there was a man who didn't really care about all that stuff. A/N- I have three moods, Good, Bad and Horny, This novel is when I am in a good mood.

Tainted_Ghost · Video Games
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

A/N - 1350 Words

Kenric sighed as he woke up to find himself back in his room in Ostwick, getting glared at by his mother Reha. She looked at Kenric her dark red eyes digging into him as the kid decided to look elsewhere.

"Explain yourself, Kenric Trevelyan, You disappear from your room and then you send a message for help from a village that is being assaulted by Darkspawn?" she spoke as Kenric smiled weakly.

"I didn't know about the darkspawn raid...."

"Of course you didn't otherwise your two little elven guards of yours would have gone with you unquestioningly" she spoke pointing at the two elves standing on the side.

Kenric looked at them and smirked, they would have absolutely gone with him after all both brother and sister did whatever Kenric asked of them Unquestionably it was their way of paying him back for saving them.

"They did what they were told to do mother, I would have been disappointed in them if they just told you where I had gone" Kneric replied only to get a sharp glare from Reha.

"Seems like I didn't hit you enough didn't I" she spoke as Kenric just smiled avoiding the dark history of his.

His mother sighed as she looked at the two elves, "He is injured because you two let him get away alone, next time he goes on these escapades at least go with him. I can't trust him to obey my orders".

"Don't worry my lady we won't be letting him run free without us around" the sister elf answered as Kenric looked at her,

"Seriously Ilia? Kurut knock some sense into her please" Kenric asked the brother who just stared at him and then at his sister the decision was quite easy.

"I agree with her, you won't be running around without us" he spoke as Kenric looked at both of them holding his chest.

"It's treason then" he spoke wiping out the fake tear as Reha interrupted his Oscar-worthy acting...

"Stop with the act and rest we have been invited to dinner tomorrow by the House Vaughn, and you need to put up with their daughter no matter how much you hate it."

"Mother I am going to be frank with you, she is ugly" Kenric spoke as Reha scoffed

"Have you ever looked in the mirror?"

"Touché" Kenric replied knowing what a joke it was, he had inherited his looks from her after all, with Dark black hair scarlet eyes and a tanned complexion he had already started receiving engagement offers from the families of the free marches one of them being the Vaghn family.

Reha left as Kenric leaned back against the bed as he stared at the two siblings, before sighing after seeing that they wouldn't be bulging from their decision.

He couldn't do much since he was pretty sure escaping from the estate would prove to be a much greater challenge than just attending the banquet.

He stared at the ceiling it had been five years since he woke up in this world as Kenric Trevelyan,


That was the name of this world, a world similar to DnD but not, he had never been much into games as such wasn't familiar with a lot of things here but from the looks of it, the timing should be around the medieval ages since people and the culture were heavily leaning towards that. He was born as a son of a noble, with the title of Bann from the looks of it it was a low-ranking title

The order supposedly went like this: King, Teyrn, Arls, Bann.

(A/N- Tell me if I am wrong)

But that didn't mean that Trevelyan's didn't have enough connections They were a family that even Teyrn had to be careful dealing with, it was evident with the way Teyrn Vaughn treated them.

now thinking about it his daughter really didn't suit Kenric's taste not just because of her looks but because she was a bitch through and through He would rather die a virgin than marry her.

He was still in deep thoughts as his eyes began to droop and he fell asleep.




"Good job" Those were the words he heard as he stood in the office looking at the middle-aged man who stared at him his scarlet hair and eyes looked at him.

"Thank you Father" Kenric replied as he looked at his father Bann William Trevelyan, a renowned fighter who was considered one of the best swordsmen in the free marches, a retired Templar who had quite a high standing with the templar order of the free marches.

"I heard that you refused to join the templar order, or the Chantry for that matter." His father spoke as he got up,

"May I know the reason?" the question was an order, not a request.

"I am not religious, and it would be disrespectful to Andraste if I serve half-heartedly"

William sighed as he picked up the bottle of whiskey and poured two drinks handing one to Kenric who took it, as William took a sip,

"Cut the bullshit and tell me why?"



They stood staring at each other as Kenric sighed, guess he wasn't getting out of it without stating his reasons.

"Honestly speaking I don't want to join a group of fanatics" Kenric replied as William raised an eyebrow before smiling,

"Well we two can agree on that, but they are more than just religious fanatics. We both know that the good they do far outweigh the bad. Everybody has flaws you can't expect something as big as the chantry to be perfect everywhere."

"I don't have a problem with the bad things but I don't want to be ordered around by morons, moreover I am satisfied by where I am" Kenric spoke as William turned silent as he stared at his son before sighing.

"You will understand soon, that just being good with the sword is not enough...." William spoke with a smile his voice soft as he ruffled Kenric's hair,

Kenric looked at his father it was an unfamiliar feeling for him, he didn't remember his parents from his past life and grew up in an orphanage. So having parents did feel good for him.

"you can leave, inform your mother that I would like to meet her" William spoke as Kenric nodded before leaving the room he caught a glimpse of his father's back who seemed to be carrying a heavy burden on his shoulders.

He clenched his teeth as he didn't know why he felt like he had disappointed his father by refusing to join the Templars.....no he didn't want anything to do with them.



"Seems like he is still hurt by what he experienced in Kirkwall a few years ago" Reha spoke as William leaned back on his chair rubbing his eyes, as the couple sat in the office as William sighed,

"Maybe I had been too open about letting him run about doing whatever he wanted" he spoke as he stared out of the large window onto the training fields below where he could see the figure of Kenric practicing his swordsmanship against the twin elves who dodged his attacks while countering with their daggers.

"He would have experienced it one way or another. You can't just cover up the dirt for him" Reha spoke as she glanced at the small box placed on the table,

"Are you sure it won't harm you?"

"Once or twice won't affect me too much, and I never really fell for the addiction in the first place. Just keep Liya out of it she will throw a tantrum if she finds out" Willian replied seeing the concerned look on her wife's face.

"Just be careful, he isn't someone you can drop your guard against," Reha spoke as William just smiled,

"He sure takes after his mother" William spoke as he opened the box and smiled smelling the cool scent wafting through the air.

"I will get him ready for you" Reha spoke leaving her husband who was staring at the contents of the box.