
Dragon Age: Inquisitor’s Path

Follow the adventures of a “short” tempered Qunari mercenary with the worst luck… And how she makes the best out of the end of the world.

Lemon_Square · Video Games
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17 Chs

Haven For All II

It's been a hell of a week leading the search parties for Malika's comrades. Despite the endless searching, they have yet to turn up. But her endeavors have not been entirely useless, in this time Malika has saved dozens if not hundreds of innocent refugees, often leading them to Haven... She makes her way to the tavern after an exceptionally trying excursion into the wilderness, only to find Varric waving her over to the fire.

"Hey, come on over and warm up, you look like a nug-cicle." Varric throws another log on the fire as Malika approaches.

"Ha, says the dwarf with no shirt in the middle of winter," Malika smirks back snidely.

"Got me there, but it'd be a crime to hide this from the world." He flexes mockingly, eliciting a small chuckle from the downtrodden Malika.

"So, now that Cassandra's out of earshot, are you holding up all right? I mean, you go from being the most wanted criminal in Thedas to joining the armies of the faithful... Most people would have spread that out over more than a week." Varric's normal laid-back, fun-loving attitude takes on a more serious tone.

"Honestly Varric... And if you tell anyone this I'll freeze Bianca solid." Malika says with a mischievous grin before continuing, "But no... I'm not alright... My men are Maker knows where, and possibly dead. There's a Mage-Templar war threatening my folks back home. Hundreds, if not thousands of refugees with nowhere to go. Some sort of mark on my hand that may kill me or save the world from a demon horde, with my money being on both. And to top it all off! They ran out of my favorite mead in the tavern yesterday... So, I'm not alright... I'm just peachy." Malika says with an exhausted sigh... "Sorry for going off like that... A lot of stuff has been building up since this shitfest began... I appreciate you letting me vent like that."

"No problem, it's what shitfest buddies are for, right? I know it's not much but what was your favorite brand of mead? I might have a bottle lying in my stash if you're lucky." Varric says trying to give the conversation a lighter turn. "But only on the condition, you don't threaten my precious Bianca ever again, deal?"

"Deal, I like the Hinterfield's, Honey Mead. It's from a brewery near my hometown. I'll understand if you don't have it, it's not well known, or even the best mead around. But you can't help what you like, am I right?" Malika shrugs as Varric begins rummaging through his tent... A commotion can be heard at the main gate... "Oh Maker, what the hell is it now?!" Turning to see what is going on downhill she is left speechless... Hobbling through the gate is her company everyone's alive, though some look a lot worse for wear. Cronk, Dorloren, and Freemont were all being carried in on makeshift stretchers. Quintus had a terrible limp and was leaning on Smiles for support, who also had several new scars across her face... Finally, Corinth was covered nearly head to toe in soot, most likely her own doing the daft girl. Leading them to the infirmary was Crieger, the leader of the scouting party I had helped save on my first run on the Breach. As Corinth makes her way up the stairs she stops dead in her tracks as she locks eyes with Malika...

"Maker protect me! The Chief has come back through the Breach to haunt me for lying to her about drinking the last of her mead!" Corinth falls to her knees and begins praying, vigorously.

"I'm not de- YOU DID WHAT?! Oh, yes... I'm from beyond the fade... To bring judgment down on my stupid subordinates for lying about my Maker damned mead!" Malika does her best angry spooky ghost impression as she makes her way to her men.

"I'm so sorry chief! I didn't know it was yours until after I drank it!" Corinth begins to cry.

"Oh stop your whining you daft idiot, I'm not dead, see?" She lightly taps Corinth's knee with her foot. "You think a puny explosion is going to take me out? Give me a little credit."

"Y-you're really alive?" Corinth bursts into tears as she leaps to her feet to embrace Malika.

"Woah, woah, take it easy... This is brand new armor." Malika feigns distress as she's wrapped up in the dwarf's vice-like grip. Though, she's truly happy to have her men back safe and relatively sound as the embrace continues for several awkward moments. Crieger then makes her way up the stairs with the rest of Malika's men.

"Sorry to interrupt this reunion, but we should probably get the rest of these guys to the infirmary as soon as possible. Lady Adaar." Crieger leads the group to a small cabin where a local alchemist has set up shop.

"Lady? Our chief," cough, cough, "Ain't a lady, you must be mistaken." Freemont says, wheezing as he props himself up on the stretcher.

"Oh shut up before you make me kick a cripple's ass. We can all catch up after you've seen a healer." Malika says, moving closer to Crieger so they could talk without the rest of the gang overhearing.

"There's the chief we know and love," Freemont says as he settles back into his stretcher.

Malika whisper's to Crieger, "What happened, where'd you find my boys, and how are they this messed up?"

Crieger whispers back as the alchemist's cabin comes into sight, "I was making my rounds at the outskirts of the temple when I happened upon a large barn being surrounded by demons. I could hear the children crying inside. So I charged past and shouted at the demons to lure them away from the barn. As the demons all turned toward me, a dwarf girl throws several glass flasks in my direction and shouts at me to take cover. I dive out of the way as fire, ice, and lightning consume the demons in moments. She thanked me for the distraction before inviting me inside the barn. It appeared as though your men were protecting several families within that barn from the beginning. I told them about the Inquisition and how my job was to look for refugees and get them to safety. I then started getting everyone settled for the long trek back to Haven."

Speechless, Malika turns back to her men... "Thank you... For getting them back to me... I'll be forever in your debt. I'm not sure how I'd go on if these knuckleheads... Well, they're here now. And for your help, I'd like to make you an honorary Rowdy Roamer. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask." Malika turns back smiling at Crieger.

"Thank you lady Adaar, but I was simply doing my job... And if anything, it's the least I could have done since you saved my life back in the mountains... But, it's been a pleasure getting to know your men. And I look forward to working with them when they've had a chance to heal." As Crieger finishes, Malika knocks on Adan's door a rather grouchy middle-aged man comes to the door.

"For maker's sake! Can I not have five minutes to myself without interruption after interup-... Oh, it's you. What's the problem?" Adan's tone changes once he realizes it's Malika at the door.

"I've got some patients in need of patching up, and I'd view it as a personal favor if they didn't die." Malika says, making her way into the cabin. Beginning to clear space for her men inside.

"I'm no healer, I'm an alchemist forced to play mother hen... But, I owe you for finding my friend's work... I'll do my best, but no promises. Now go, I need to concentrate on my pati-... Work. Shu!" With a sigh of exasperation, he corrals the uninjured out of his cabin. Leaving Malika and Crieger to wait out in the cold. Before the silence can get too awkward, a messenger arrives telling Malika of a meeting where her attendance is requested in the chantry. And with that, she departs, leaving her friends in Adan's care.