
Ch. 561Emperor makes his move

When the volley of cannon fire rained down on the army of some human kingdom that Jade Thorn Rose had never heard of before and that the world would never hear from again after the sun set, the ground shook as if some enormous terrifying beats woken up from its slumber was rampaging through the hills and valleys outside of Port Woden.

The sound alone could knock a man down to the ground only to find himself blown apart by one of hundreds of explosions decimating the ranks of Sir Shanks. Other than bleeding ears he and his lord's newest strategist dog would go uninjured during the overwhelmingly one-sided battle. A much worse fate awaited the two of them as answers to burning questions would be ripped from their flesh in the most beautiful display of barbaric torture Gagaree would ever see.

Even time Sir Shanks would refuse to talk Jade Thorn Rose would say one sentence that would certainly haunt the man even in death.

"Don't talk, eat your own cock."