
Dragon's soul mate

Yuri was just a normal coffee clerk who lost his lover to his bestfeiend. His life took a huge turn when he met the Dragon Prince Victor. Dragons as sacred most powerful creatures ruled all kingdoms. Married to two beautiful wives he didnt love Victor felt lonely. His encounter with Yuri a fragile commoner who bravely stood up to him filled Victor with curiosity and wonder what life would be like with Yuri beside him. Disgracing the royal household Victor rapped and impregnated a commoner Yuri. With the burden of raising the children Yuri was blinded into marriage. Shion the ex-male wife of Victor, growing up never knew what feelings are. in the company of Yuri, his view of the cold world changed and he fell in love with him. These two day by day grew close, it was one-sided love for Shion. In the midst of a blissful love...old skeletons fell off Victor's shelf. The encounter with an old lover made Victor to lose all that he had. Tragedy befall on the royal household....bonds are broken whilst new ones are created. What is a soulmate? Two lovers fight a journey to save their marriage... Read more to find out how the story goes... Disclaimer...the art is not mine. Credits and thanks to the owner

DaoistvtdATq · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Volume 9 Lessons

The following day when they were having breakfast in the kitchen Nara noticed the ring on Yuri's finger, he exclaimed, "Why wasn't I invited to the special occasion?" Yuri hid his finger when Lord Usagi glared at him. Victor showing his parents the matching rings said, "It was a private moment. We wanted to get married, but Yuri refused." Lord Usagi spitted the water in his mouth, "You spoilt brat, how can you think of a wedding without consulting me first." Victor looked at his father and said, "Do you prefer your grandchild to be born a bastard." A month passed by like a breeze, Yuri had forgotten about his birthday mostly because it was midweek and the pressure of work was massive. Victor had prepared a surprise for Yuri, he left work early. Yuri saw Shion finishing up his work, Yuri said, "Are you done? We can ride home together." Shion had become friends with Yuri, a strange feeling came over him whenever Yuri was close by. Yuri saw the lights all turned off, he frowned, "This is unusual Shion. Do you know what's going on?" Shion was aware of the surprise, he avoided eye contact with Yuri. When Yuri turned on the lights everyone shouted, "Happy birthday!" Yuri was moved to tears; he saw Daniel holding present. Victor sand Happy Birthday as he moved closer and closer to Yuri, blowing over the candles Yuri said, "I am twenty-six, thank everyone for remembering my birthday. I almost had a miscarriage." Lord Usagi handed him a gift, he said, "Happy birthday your Majesty." Daniel smiled at Yuri as he was being showered with expensive gifts, Victor showed him a table filled with meat and vegetables. Yuri laughed and said, "You couldn't just leave the vegetables…" After supper Daniel took Yuri to the garden to talk privately. Yuri said, "I am pleased to know you came all the way here for my birthday, thank you." Daniel offered Yuri a cup of coffee, "I waited for a month to see you again, happy birthday." Yuri looked at Daniel and said, "I guess now it is clear to you, if someone told me l would end up marrying a man, I wouldn't believe them." Daniel placed his cup down, "You were pretty clear with your dreams of marrying a pretty girl on a beach." They all laughed out loud, Daniel saw the ring on Yuri's finger, "Why haven't you been officially announced? I watched news every day." Yuri saw Victor coming over to them from a distance, "I am safe behind shadows for now." Victor wrapped a shawl around Yuri, he said, "Your clothes are thin, its getting cold." The weekend of drama Yuri was waiting for arrived, Victor and Lord Usagi felt left out seeing their wives bonding over these paternity classes. Nara was recruited to the gossip tribe, every juicy detail that was happening Cara would fill the royals up. The night before the classes Victor was busy preparing running a bath for Yuri, "I am sorry I won't make it for the Father's day at your classes." Yuri was completely aware Victor had marked the weekend with a special meeting, "Don't worry, you have a special meeting to attend to." The following morning Victor left the house early, Nara and Yuri got dressed in their expensive clothes. Nara was ridding in the same car as Nara, with a smile on his face Yuri said, "I can't wait to see how Roy is going to react, if I were the wife, I would strangle the two of them." Nara looked at Yuri and said, "Wait, we are both mistresses shouldn't we be helping a fellow mistress…" they all busted out in laughter. Sam loved to hear these two gossiping, these two had the best chemistry. Yuri and Nara kept glancing at the young fathers, Cara filled them up on every detail of every man present. The teacher said, "Fathers please settle down…" whispering to Yuri, Cara said, "I heard that Roy is coming in with his wife." Yuri passed the info over to Nara, everyone kept glancing at the mistress seated on a corner. The teacher continued, "Today we have special guests, please join us." Yuri was busy placing his equipment in order, everyone bowed down to pay their respects to Victor and Lord Usagi. Victor held Yuri's hand and said, "Hey." When Yuri lifted his head, he was surprised to see these two, "Why are you here? What about your meeting?" Victor kissed him on the forehead, "You are my special meeting, I dragged father along." Nara quickly adjusted his manners when his husband entered. When Roy entered with his wife there was intense drama when the mistress attacked Roy. The teacher was embarrassed before the royals, "Please forgive me for all this ruckus." Nara was scared that Lord Usagi will insult him for signing Yuri in a regular class, "Nara, who were those people?" Nara explained to Lord Usagi all the details, he said, "I don't want to wake up in that guy's shoes." The lesson was bout bonding between parents, some of the poses were embarrassing for Yuri. Victor was happy he had attended the lesson, looking at Yuri dying at embarrassment he commented, "We should do this often, maybe progress to sex." Yuri was sitting on Victor's lap facing him, Nara was forced to join the classes. Daniel returned to his farm; Yuri promised to visit over once he had given birth. Yuri kept thinking about Victor's offer to have sex even though he was scared he wanted to have sex with Victor. Pacing up and down in the room whilst waiting for Victor to finish with his bath was thinking of an opportunity to have sex. Yuri took his tablet; he plugged in the earphones and began to watch videos to gain knowledge. Yuri mumbled, "They make it look easy but last time it hurt…but it felt good afterwards." Victor quietly stood behind Yuri watching the video, when he played the role play Yuri closed the tablet. Victor was hard, Yuri turned his head and saw Victor. Yuri wanted to stand when Victor slowly kissed him as they both fall on the bed. Victor coming back to his senses said, "I am sorry…" Yuri kissed him before he could finish his statements. Victor whispered, "I am scared I will hurt you again." Yuri was really shy, but he was also horny, "We can take it slowly." Victor passionately kissed Yuri from the mouth down to his stone hard penis. After he ejaculated his sperms Yuri noticed Victor was in pain, he said, "Let me help you also." Yuri was sloppy and terrible at giving a blowjob, but Victor appreciate his efforts. Victor loosened his lower part, Yuri erotic face kept turning Victor hard. Victor slowly inserted his huge cock in Yuri's butt, foul play had helped ease Yuri's mind. Round after round they had sex until they slept. Gia was watching standing at the door, Shion said, "Eavesdropping in other people's room is rude." Gia with a scary look on her face replied, "Other people's…he is my husband…why aren't you hurt that he is fucking another man in our home?" Shion sighed as he moved closer to Gia, "How can you expect him to love us when our families ousted us here…he set himself free from the misery and found his lover. Love isn't about producing an heir and bringing glory to our kingdoms…it is about being with someone who makes the world easier for you." Gia walked away; Nara heard what Shion had said. Shion looked at Victor and Yuri kissing before he closed the door, "You make everything bearable for me…damn l am hard." Nara was worried whom Shion was interested in.

Yuri went for his first scan to the hospital with Victor and his parents. When they arrived, Mike make a comfortable bed for Yuri, he said, "Just relax and look over the screen." Yuri looked at Victor and said, "I wonder how big my belly will grow, I believe this rascal is troublesome as you. Two of you are enough for me to bear." Mike frowned as he starred at the monitor the screen. He wanted to be sure before relating the news, Victor's eyes were filled with joy as he saw the small structure of the children. Lord Usagi and Nara were proud and happy to be future grandparents to the little bundle of joy.