
Dragon's soul mate

Yuri was just a normal coffee clerk who lost his lover to his bestfeiend. His life took a huge turn when he met the Dragon Prince Victor. Dragons as sacred most powerful creatures ruled all kingdoms. Married to two beautiful wives he didnt love Victor felt lonely. His encounter with Yuri a fragile commoner who bravely stood up to him filled Victor with curiosity and wonder what life would be like with Yuri beside him. Disgracing the royal household Victor rapped and impregnated a commoner Yuri. With the burden of raising the children Yuri was blinded into marriage. Shion the ex-male wife of Victor, growing up never knew what feelings are. in the company of Yuri, his view of the cold world changed and he fell in love with him. These two day by day grew close, it was one-sided love for Shion. In the midst of a blissful love...old skeletons fell off Victor's shelf. The encounter with an old lover made Victor to lose all that he had. Tragedy befall on the royal household....bonds are broken whilst new ones are created. What is a soulmate? Two lovers fight a journey to save their marriage... Read more to find out how the story goes... Disclaimer...the art is not mine. Credits and thanks to the owner

DaoistvtdATq · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Volume 36 Death of Nara

Yuri opened his eyes and saw his husband sound asleep beside him, touching his face he said, "Good morning honey." Kissing his wife's hand, he replied, "Good morning my love. I will bring breakfast for you." Shion met with Victor on his way to the kitchen, he bowed his head as he paid his respects. With anger Victor smashed the cup in his hand before he walked out of the palace, his demonic side was getting hard to supress. Daniel opened the door for the twins, he was holding a sleeping Takato in his arms. Shion said, "Good morning…I had missed you my little bunnies." Taking a tray of food to their bedroom Yuna accompanied his papa as she shared the Christmas activities with him.

Yuna jumped on the bed and warmly embraced her mama, Daniel threw pain relief patches at him, "I bought a little gift for you." Yuri with a warm smile on his face replied, "Thank you for looking after my children…and for the gift." Daniel waved his hand before he left the room, Shion helped Yuri to eat his meal. After having breakfast, the twins opened their gifts, Shion was filming their happy little faces. Shion knelt before Yuri as he gave him a small box, "Get up honey we are already married." Yuri kissed Shion on the forehead before he took the box, when he opened the box, he saw a ring with a combination of their names (Shiru) engraved in it. Shion helped Yuri to wear the ring, he kissed his hand and said, "It is even more beautiful on you." Shion wore a suit Yuri had bought for him, Daniel had a wonderful idea. After wearing matching suits and rings, Daniel took a picture of the family.

Shion had an important meeting, he could attend New Year at Nara's farm as promised but he had a little time to drop them off. The drive to the farm was filled with fun, Nara warmly welcomed his family when they arrived. Shion offered his greeting to the Dragon clan, after staying for a cup of tea Yuri escorted him to his car. Nara and Usagi were standing at the doorway, the twins ran over to bid farewell to their father. Shion lifted Yuna up high and said, "As soon as I am done with my meeting I will come and join you. I love you." Yuna gave Shion a peck kiss and replied, "I love you dad." Juan looking at Shion said, "I will look after Takato, I love Takato more…and I love you." Shion kissed him on the cheek, "We all know that…honey, take care. I love you." Yuri gave Shion a passionate kiss, "I love you, make sure you take care of yourself." Before entering the car Yuri gave him another kiss, they all waved goodbye to Shion as he drove away.

Victor arrived at the farm holding bags filled with gifts, Nara helped him to carry the bags inside. Nara was helped with Yuri to set up for supper, "You and Shion really take good care of this children, you created a home suitable to raise kids…" Yuna holding Yuri's phone said, "Mama, papa is on the phone." Yuri patted Yuna's head before she took the phone, "Did you forget something?" "I miss you already," with a whining voice Shion tried to trick Yuri to coming back home. Yuri busted out in laughter, "Don't forget the folder on the table, I complied all the meeting materials before I left." Nara eavesdropping on their conversation only smiled, Yuri sighed and said, "I wish you the best in your meetings."

The children left the table with a servant as soon as they were done eating lunch. Lord Usagi said, "I heard Shion's company is progressing quite well." Yuri placing his wine glass on the table replied, "He is working hard for us, his children are his priority." Victor violently banged the table, "What the fuck Yuri? Will you praise him in my face to fucking ruin my mood…" "Says the person who disappears on his children when they need him the most. I am glad the twins recognise Shion as their father more than you! You have to grow up and take responsibility of your own children!" Yuri raised his voice to answer back at Victor. Nara tried to calm his son, "Victor, please calm down…" Looking at Yuri with cold teary eyes Victor said, "It is always Shion! He poisoned your mind and used his dirty trick to get you…our children and even my parents. When all of you leave me for him should I sit back and smile like an idiot! I object all your stupid decisions…I am done playing the nice guy!" Nara held Yuri's hand as they walked out of the room.

After supper Yuri carried Takato to their to room to sleep, Juan shared a bed with his brother. Yuna looking at Yuri asked, "Mama, when will Papa return?" Yuri kissed her forehead and replied, "Tomorrow he will bring sweets for you." Nara was standing at the doorway listening, holding her mama's hand she whispered, "Papa usually gives me three kisses because I am his favourite." Yuri lightly laughed and gave her three kisses, "Good night Daddy's little Princess." When they went downstairs Victor was having a heated conversation with Usagi, Victor throwing the glass on the floor yelled, "You had no right to unify their souls into one!" Usagi slapped Victor and replied, "If I didn't unify them, then you would have hurt Shion. Your obsession is rotting your core, Shion is important to the twins and Yuri…I had to protect…" Yuri holding onto his heart said, "What are you two talking about?" Victor suddenly vanished out of the room, Usagi sighed, "I am sorry for acting on my own…" Nara and Yuri were startled to learnt all that Victor had done, "Yuri, stay with that dagger all the time."

Victor suddenly appeared in the middle of the forest, he changed into his dark Dragon form. His eyes and scales were black, a dark aura was floating around him. The trees around him all withered to death, Juan and Yuna felt his dark presence. Juan's eyes changed when he felt his father's dark aura, he held Takato's hand before he fell asleep. Usagi and Yuri were left in the study room, "The Victor you used to know is dead Yuri, when the time comes you have kill him. Listen carefully Yuri…"

Shion arrived at the farm, Yuna embraced his father before she asked about her treats. Sensing the dark magic her eyes changed, "Yuna, what is wrong with your eyes?" Yuri noticed the change, checking for wounds he titled her head. Yuna replied, "He is here…" Usagi had created a barrier to lock Victor outside, the arrival of Shion angered his inner demonic self and his dark powers were growing strong each as each minute passed. Yuri didn't want to stress Shion, he escorted him inside. As they ate supper Shion answered to all Lord Usagi's questions, the environment was better than he anticipated. Shion was hoping to see Victor but for the whole day he never bothered to show up.

Yuri fell asleep whilst snuggling to his husband, his body temperature was warm, and his scent had a calming effect. Yuri heard a strange noise coming from the dining room, he carefully slipped out of bed without waking Shion up. Yuri took the dagger Usagi gave him, slowly but bravely he walked towards the dining room. The atmosphere grew colder and colder as he walked towards the room. He faintly heard Nara's voice, "Please…don't hurt them…"

Nara spotted Yuri standing at the doorway, "Run…" Before Nara could finish his statement, Victor pulled out his heart and smashed it in his hands. His cold gaze stared at Nara's agonising eyes as life slowly faded away. Yuri felt a sharp pain on his chest, looking at the Nara's corpse he vomited. Victor slowly walked towards Yuri who was pointing a knife at him with trembling hands. "I am here to take you home my Yuri." Extending his hands Victor smiled at his long-lost lover. The twins stood before their mother; their eyes were glowing. Victor with a grin on his face said, "I have been patient enough Yuri…"

The outside door was suddenly opened, Usagi was painting from exhaustion. His whole world crumbled when he saw Nara lifeless body lying in a pool of blood, clenching his fists he said, "I should have killed you long back! Yuri, take your family and leave!" Victor busting out in laughter replied, "If you value your life, move out of my way."