
Dragon's soul mate

Yuri was just a normal coffee clerk who lost his lover to his bestfeiend. His life took a huge turn when he met the Dragon Prince Victor. Dragons as sacred most powerful creatures ruled all kingdoms. Married to two beautiful wives he didnt love Victor felt lonely. His encounter with Yuri a fragile commoner who bravely stood up to him filled Victor with curiosity and wonder what life would be like with Yuri beside him. Disgracing the royal household Victor rapped and impregnated a commoner Yuri. With the burden of raising the children Yuri was blinded into marriage. Shion the ex-male wife of Victor, growing up never knew what feelings are. in the company of Yuri, his view of the cold world changed and he fell in love with him. These two day by day grew close, it was one-sided love for Shion. In the midst of a blissful love...old skeletons fell off Victor's shelf. The encounter with an old lover made Victor to lose all that he had. Tragedy befall on the royal household....bonds are broken whilst new ones are created. What is a soulmate? Two lovers fight a journey to save their marriage... Read more to find out how the story goes... Disclaimer...the art is not mine. Credits and thanks to the owner

DaoistvtdATq · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Volume 29 I love Shion

Yuri was astonished by Lord Usagi's words, was it true that Victor would become a demon. Lord Usagi handed Yuri a case, when he opened it he saw a sword with a dragon symbol, "When the time comes use that sword…" "How can I possibly use this? I have zero experience with sword skills…what should I even use it for?" Yuri was confused, placing the case on the table he said, "I believe with therapy, there must be something we can do to help him." "You and your family are in danger Yuri; his transformation cannot be stopped…half of his core is already corrupted." Usagi's eyes changed, pointing at his eyes he said, "If you noticed his other eye has turned black, I felt it the night he attacked you…as dragons we respond to demonic powers. When you called, I was already on my way." Standing from his seat Yuri said, "Juan that night unconsciously attacked his father, I will try to help him…" "The only way you can help him is by ending his suffering."

Victor saw King Nara reading a book whilst drinking a cup of coffee, he gently knocked on the door, "Mother, can l come in?" Nara closed his book and replied, "Why didn't you tell me you were coming? Have you eaten yet?" Victor sat on the chair opposite him, looking at the people in the street he said, "I came here with Yuri, he is having a word with father." Nara smiled as he looked at Victor, "How is Anya? I was hoping you would come together." With a frown on his face Victor replied, "I went to see a race with Yuri and the twins, it was fun…it was good to see Yuri smiling…" "You know Yuri is married to Shion…you are married to Anya, she loves you…" Nara quickly shut her mouth when he saw Victor's scary eyes. Standing from his chair Victor said, "Yuri is my wife, excuse me mother."

Victor met Yuri on the passageway coming from Lord Usagi's room, closing the door he said, "Yuri, can we go?" Yuri was holding a suitcase in his hands, "I have to pay my respects to King Nara…" "He is asleep, let us grab a bite on our way." Victor grabbed Yuri hand as they walked to the elevator. Looking around the fancy hotel Yuri had an exciting idea to bring Shion for a date, just the two of them. Victor ordered food for them to eat, there was a message notification his phone. Victor frowned when he saw Yuri wallpaper, the wallpaper was of Shion and Yuri's reflection on the mirror kissing. Checking the message Yuri said, "I guess we can stay for long, Shion apparently is having fun with the kids. I am jealous." Victor placed his wine on the table, "Is it guilt that makes you admire Shion? I am aware he saved your life, and it is normal for you to feel grateful to him…but is that gratitude love Yuri." After responding to Shion, he placed his phone on the table, "I am grateful to Shion for saving my life but that isn't the reason I am married to him." Clenching his fists Victor asked, "Why then are you married to him?" "I love him." Yuri looking directly at Victor earnestly responded. "Did you fall in love with him because you were angry with me for cheating on you?" with a serious look on his face Victor asked, the waiter placing the menus on the table said, "Good…" "Get out all of you" banging the table Victor shouted at the workers and guards. Yuri knew this was the right moment to clear the air with his ex-husband, "I forgave you Victor a long time ago…" "If you forgave me why aren't you with me Yuri?" Victor squeezing the cloth in his hand honestly asked Yuri. "I felt helpless back then, I tried to conceal my feelings for Shion back then because I was married and pregnant with the twins. At first, I thought they were just friendly feelings, but the feelings grew each moment I spent with him…I realised my heart belonged to him…I am sorry." Busting out in laughter Victor said, "You are lying to me Yuri…you are lying to me!" Standing from his chair Yuri said, "Divorcing Shion is never going to be my option Victor because I truly love him. I am willing to help you only if you respect my husband. I will leave first."

On his way to the palace Yuri stopped his cars at a beach, walking barefoot along the shore helped to clear his mind. Yuri forgot his phone in the car, Victor kept calling nonstop. Yuri saw a figure running over to him, as the person got closer, he saw it was Victor. It was already dark and cold, Victor hugged Yuri and said, "I am sorry l shouted at you." His body was cold and trembling, "I am not angry at you, would you like to walk with me." They quietly walked on the beach, Victor said, "I think we should go to the palace…" "I was thinking the same."

Rose taking Yuri's coat said, "Good day my King." The house was quiet, he asked, "Is my husband already asleep? It is awfully quiet." Rose lightly giggled pointing at the dining room she said, "His Majesty had quite an adventure, when the kids returned from the park, they were quite active." Yuri and Victor quietly walked in the dining and saw toys scattered everywhere; the kids were all asleep on the floor with Shion. The scene was cute for Yuri, he whispered, "This is definitely my new wallpaper." Victor kept looking at a crazy Yuri who snapped pictures one after the other. Yuri slowly lowered his head to kiss Shion, he slowly opened his eyes, "Hey darling, when did you return." Yuri smiling at Shin replied, "I arrived a few minutes ago, how was your day at the park?" Shion remembering his exhausting day at the park…the children tricked Shion with their adorable eyes to eat one ice cream after the other. Shion lost Juan amongst the crowd, Yuna puked all over his clothes after trying the rollercoaster for the first time. Upon returning home the kids were quiet energetic causing trouble until Shion invented a tiring game for them to pass out. Yuri starring at a zoned out Shion asked, "Babe…are you alright?" Shion shaking the awful events out of his head replied, "I am alright honey…I am super tired. Can you give me a massage?" Victor saw Anya dining all alone, Yuri lifted the twins in both his arms, Shion lifted Takato as they climbed upstairs.

Anya looking at Victor said, "Good evening my Prince." Victor kept starring at Yuri and Shion who were walking with their kids upstairs, "I am tired, enjoy your food." Anya pushed her plate away, she followed after Victor and retire to sleep.

Yuri and Shion had the whole floor to themselves, they had a bad habit of leaving their bedroom door open. After taking a bath Yuri wore Shion's shirt, standing at the door he said, "Did someone order a masseur?" Shion removing his garments leaving him with a boxer replied, "Oh my God, I will invest in this firm to get all the beauties." Yuri climbed on top of Shion, he said, "I have no idea on how to give a massage." Shion busting out in laughter verbally assisted Yuri. "Am I good?" Yuri knew Shion's ears were sensitive, he whispered in his ears. Shion flipped Yuri over, leaning down for a kiss he said, "You did that on purpose didn't you…now get ready to face the consequences." In their midst of a romantic moment Victor starring at them knocked at the door. Shion quickly covered Yuri and himself, with an embarrassed face Yuri asked, "Is there something wrong?" Victor's face was red, covering his mouth he replied, "Yuri I wanted wish you a pleasant night. The door was open, so l let myself in." Yuri cleared his throat, "Thank you, may you have a pleasant night too my Prince." Victor closed his door on his way out, Yuri looking at a turned on Shion laughed, climbing on top of Shion hard dick he said, "Shall I receive my renumeration for the services my king?" Shion ripped Yuri's shirt and threw it on the floor, "I love you." Yuri with a flustered face replied, "I love you." Victor standing at the door heard all their moans and pleasure, the voice of Yuri turned him on the point where he felt weak to walk.