
Dragon's soul mate

Yuri was just a normal coffee clerk who lost his lover to his bestfeiend. His life took a huge turn when he met the Dragon Prince Victor. Dragons as sacred most powerful creatures ruled all kingdoms. Married to two beautiful wives he didnt love Victor felt lonely. His encounter with Yuri a fragile commoner who bravely stood up to him filled Victor with curiosity and wonder what life would be like with Yuri beside him. Disgracing the royal household Victor rapped and impregnated a commoner Yuri. With the burden of raising the children Yuri was blinded into marriage. Shion the ex-male wife of Victor, growing up never knew what feelings are. in the company of Yuri, his view of the cold world changed and he fell in love with him. These two day by day grew close, it was one-sided love for Shion. In the midst of a blissful love...old skeletons fell off Victor's shelf. The encounter with an old lover made Victor to lose all that he had. Tragedy befall on the royal household....bonds are broken whilst new ones are created. What is a soulmate? Two lovers fight a journey to save their marriage... Read more to find out how the story goes... Disclaimer...the art is not mine. Credits and thanks to the owner

DaoistvtdATq · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Volume 28 Family's outing

Yuri opened his eyes, he saw Shion sound asleep beside him holding his hand. Yuri kissed his forehead and properly covered him with blankets, he remembered what had happened. Yuri took his phone and dialled Usagi's number, "Father, we need to talk." Yuri hung up as soon as he was done with his call. The following morning Juan wasn't aware of what he had done, his behaviour was pretty normal. Shion rushed downstairs when he saw Yuri out of bed, his heart was beating faster. Yuri was at the table eating breakfast with the children, Shion cleared his throat, "Good morning love and my babies." The maids blushed when they saw a half-naked Shion. Yuri looking at Yuna said, "Princess, can you feed your baby bother? I need to help Papa upstairs." When they reached the bedroom Yuri said, "Where were you rushing to? Let me run a bath for you." Shion held Yuri's hand, "I am sorry I failed to protect you…I know I am not good enough…" "I will get angry if you keep diminishing yourself, you protected me for four years Shion. How about you take a bath and we talk about this later." Yuri gave Shion a kiss before he quickly walked out of the room, standing at the door his feet felt weak that he sat on the floor. Victor joined the twins in the kitchen, Yuna was feeding Takato with the help of Juan. Anya looking at Yuna said, "That isn't the duty of a royal…" "It is a duty of an older sister to look after her younger brother, I will not tolerate you bullying my children in my house." Yuri interfered as he walked over to Takato. Anya was humiliated in front of the maids and the royals, with a snap of a finger Yuri would seize her crown. Victor looking at Yuri said, "Good morning Yuri, did you sleep well." Yuri looking at Juan and Yuna said, "Juan, you should take Takato and dress up for the race, Papa will take you out as soon as he is done. Yuna, can you call Papa for breakfast upstairs." Once the kids left the room Yuri said, "That is very bold of you to ask me if l slept well after the stunt you pulled." Anya was unaware of the event, Victor placed his cup on the table, "My apologies for the inconvenience…" "Are you fucking kidding me Victor? You need to apologise to my husband properly," Yuri with cold eyes, looked at Victor. Anya cleared her throat, "Your Highness, please address the Crown Prince properly." Standing from his chair, Yuri said, "Your concerns aren't required Anya, I will address Victor how I see fit. I will only say this once Victor, stay away from my family." Victor broke the cup in his hand, Anya quickly grabbed a napkin to stop the bleeding. Victor pushed her away, he moved closer to Yuri, "Yuri, I am not a patient man…come home whilst l am asking you nicely." His eyes had changed, Yuri didn't flinch at the scary look in his eyes, "My home is here with Shion." The tension between the two would be cut by a knife, Shion holding Yuna's hand entered the lounge. Yuri smiled when he looked at Shion, "Honey, I was about to come and call you for breakfast. You have to quickly eat you promised to take the boys for a race today." Shion bowing his head said, "Good morning my Prince and Princess." Victor sat on his chair and continued to eat, Yuri plated food for Shion. Yuna looking at Yuri asked, "Mama, can l go with Papa?" Yuri with a smile on his face replied, "In that case let us all go together, you can go and change." Shion felt a death stare coming from Victor, he barely chewed the food in his mouth. Yuri gave Shion a peck and said, "I will go and change, make sure to finish your food, right love?" Shion in agreement only nodded his head, Victor cleared his throat, "I sincerely apologise for hurting you yesterday, please accept my apology." Shion dropped the food on his spoon, with a squeaky voice he replied, "It is alright…" "I can see the twins are fond of you, it hasn't been that long and yet they refer to you as Papa." Shion felt uncomfortable, standing from his chair he said, "I think Yuri needs my help, enjoy the rest of the day." Shion stormed inside the bedroom and saw Yuri wearing a sexy outfit, hugging him from behind he said, "The Crown Prince totally hates me." Yuri starring at the mirror replied, "Yeah I noticed…you married his beloved ex-wife." Shion looking at the reflection of themselves replied, "I love you." Yuri turned over to give him a kiss, "I love you." On their midst of a romantic kiss Juan and Takato stormed inside the room. Yuri pushed Shion away as he bent over to amend Takato's clothes, "Where is your sister?" when they reached downstairs Victor was fully dressed waiting for them, Shion lightly pinched Yuri, "Victor, are you leaving already?" His heart filled with joy Shion deep in his heart said, "Thank you for finally clearing the atmosphere…." "No, I want to spend more time with you and the twins. I have already sent Sam to clear the VIP area for us." Victor crushed Shion's heartfelt moment.

When the Royals arrived at the Racing match, everyone paid their respects to them. Juan with brimming eyes stared at the cars, Shion said, "Hey Juan, do you want to bet with…" Yuri smacked Shion's head, "Gambling is bad, you are a bad father." Shion rubbing his head smiled and said, "I am sorry honey, I was just trying to make the match more interesting for Juan." Takato was already asleep on Yuri's lap, Yuna was sitting beside Yuri. Yuri smiling at the boys said, "Here is an interesting bet for you two. If my car wins then you are on dish duties all week, and if your car win then I will do whatever you need for a week." Victor with a bright smile looked at Yuri said, "What if my car wins Yuri?" Scratching his head Yuri replied, "You can also name your price." Shion prayed so hard for his car to win, squeezing the ticket in his hand he crossed his fingers as the racers battled to cross the finishing line. Victor looking at his ticket smiled and said, "I will use my winnings well Yuri." Yuna patted Shion's head who drastically lost the bet, "Honey, why don't we all go and see the racers." Victor secretly kissed his lucky ticket; the racers were quiet friendly to the royal family. Juan was given one of the racers helmet, even though he had lost the bet spending quality with his family was priceless for Shion.

Yuri booked the whole restaurant to have dinner with his family, Yuna was looking forward to eating junk foods she saw on the television. Settling with three little rascals was difficult for Yuri, Takato was throwing a tantrum and Shion was on an important phone call. Victor as useless as he was around kids, he just stared at Yuri trying to calm Takato, the waitress came with the menus, "Good day the royal family, are you ready to order?" Yuna looking at the menu said, "I want all this section." Yuri buckling Takato on his seat replied, "Yuna, will you finish all that…Takato can you bear with me for a second honey." Yuna frowning her face, she replied, "Papa said l could eat what I want…" she broke down to tears, Juan was perfectly calm wearing his helmet. Yuri sighed, "Princess can you calm down, how about we wait for Papa to order delicious food for you…Juan remove your helmet at the table." Yuri buried his face in on the table, there was total silence at the table. Lifting his head, he saw Shion talking with Yuna, "Now my Princess, I heard that the burger here tastes amazing. Can we order a burger together?" Yuna wiped away her tears, she replied, "Yes we can." Shion removed Juan's helmet, fixing his hair he said, "If you keep wearing the helmet how will you eat? Plus, if you don't listen to mama, we will not go to see a race again." Victor was amazed to see how Shion was natural with the kids. Shion sat beside Yuri, giving him a kiss, he said, "I am sorry the call took long…" "How do you handle them so well?" Yuri with teary eyes was curious to uncover Shion's secret. Shion helped his little princess how to enjoy a burger, using hands was new but exciting for Yuna. In the presence of Shion, Yuri's smile was brighter than ever, "What does he do better than me to make you smile so brightly?" Yuri didn't quite hear what Victor mumbled, "My Prince, if the food isn't your preference, I will ask Rose to cook lunch for you." Victor eating his burger replied, "This is delicious." Shion wiped the sauce off Yuri's face, "Yuna needs a bath to clean all that sauce."

Shion suggested to visit the park with the children before returning to the palace. The twins were amazed with a new world unlocked before them; Yuri had to see Lord Usagi who had arrived at the palace. Before separating with his husband, he said, "Remember, don't feed the kids too much sugar. I love you." Shion agreed with Yuri, once the twins eat a lot of sugar, they were uncontrollably active and naughty. Yuri rode in the car with Victor, he felt super uncomfortable. Victor said, "Do you remember when we used to ride together to work?" Looking out the window Yuri tried to ignore Victor, "I apologise to Shion for my behaviour, please don't be angry at me." With puppy eyes Victor looked at Yuri, it was difficult to stay mad at him, "I am just worried Shion will have a difficult time with the kids all alone." Victor shifted his seat and sat beside Yuri, he held his hand, "I want to hold your hand till we arrive to the palace, remember we had a bet." The thoughts of Shion's warm touch and soft kisses distracted Yuri from the uncomfortable feeling he felt when Victor touched him. They arrived at a hotel, Yuri asked, "Why did we come to a hotel?" Victor showed Yuri the message, Lord Usagi and King Nara had signed into a VIP suite. Victor opened the door for Yuri, he whispered, "I need to see mother first." Yuri bowed his head to pay his respects, "Greetings father." Lord Usagi put out his cigar and opened the windows to let fresh air in, "I was hoping you would come with my grandchildren." Yuri pulled a chai to sit, "Shion took them to a park, I am sorry for calling you abruptly. I was planning to come this weekend." Lord Usagi poured a cup of coffee for Yuri, "You sounded really angry over the phone, what is wrong?" "Victor attacked me that day, when I looked in his eyes, they had this dark aura in them." Yuri didn't hesitate to pour his feelings to his father-in-law. Usagi looking at a nervous Yuri replied, "Victor is sick, actually he has been sick since the day you ran away from home. The sickness escalated when you were pronounced dead…" "What kind of illness is he suffering from? Why didn't you tell me? Can he be cured?!" Yuri's eyes were filled with tears. Usagi held Yuri's hand, "All I wanted was the best for both of you, to me both of you are equally my sons. I can't take the happiness of another son…I am happy you chose to marry Shion when you woke up. Looking back, he has was a better partner than Victor, I have no doubt you will raise those children with love and warmth they deserve." Yuri deep in Usagi's eye could see his hidden pain, with trembling hands he asked, "Father, can Victor be cured?" "His obsession over you is rotting his core…Victor's consciousness is dying." Yuri's world felt like it was falling apart when he heard the news, "How can he die like this?!" His chest felt tight and he could barely breathe, "What will happen is his core is completely dark?" Usagi patted Yuri's back, "It is a matter of time before he goes rogue…and once he goes rogue he isn't a dragon a but a demon."