
Dragon's soul mate

Yuri was just a normal coffee clerk who lost his lover to his bestfeiend. His life took a huge turn when he met the Dragon Prince Victor. Dragons as sacred most powerful creatures ruled all kingdoms. Married to two beautiful wives he didnt love Victor felt lonely. His encounter with Yuri a fragile commoner who bravely stood up to him filled Victor with curiosity and wonder what life would be like with Yuri beside him. Disgracing the royal household Victor rapped and impregnated a commoner Yuri. With the burden of raising the children Yuri was blinded into marriage. Shion the ex-male wife of Victor, growing up never knew what feelings are. in the company of Yuri, his view of the cold world changed and he fell in love with him. These two day by day grew close, it was one-sided love for Shion. In the midst of a blissful love...old skeletons fell off Victor's shelf. The encounter with an old lover made Victor to lose all that he had. Tragedy befall on the royal household....bonds are broken whilst new ones are created. What is a soulmate? Two lovers fight a journey to save their marriage... Read more to find out how the story goes... Disclaimer...the art is not mine. Credits and thanks to the owner

DaoistvtdATq · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Volume 2 The Secretary

Chapter 2

Yuri knew he was a dead man for slapping the Crown Prince, in his heart he thought, "If I face my death today at least l will die with no regrets. I will show this bastard of a Prince who l am, I can't believe l am about to die a virgin…" Yuri stood up from his chair, "If anyone is a son of a bitch it is you, who taught you those ill manners to throw money at random people as an apology! Didn't someone teach you how to use your words?!" Victor saw how scared and helpless Yuri was, the guards standing at the door were all terrified with the noise coming form the conference room Sam forbad them to interfere, they were waiting for instructions. Victor banged the desk and replied, "For someone who is about to die you surely are an idiot. You weren't looking were you were going either, why should l apologise. How dare you even talk to me like l am some common idiot?! One word from me and you are a dead man!" Yuri wanted to leave the room when Victor grabbed his jacket by force tearing it. Yuri filled with anger banged his head, "Staining my jacket wasn't enough! Now you want to shred it into pieces!" Their fight was of a fierce angry cat and an angry dragon. The guards were astonished by the courageous act of Yuri although he was a dead man, after an hour there was total silence. Victor called Sam inside, seeing the messy room and Victor's scratched face Sam was puzzled. Yuri was calmly seated with torn clothes; he was breathing heavily. Victor handed him a black card, "Buy him a new set of clothes, from now on he is my secretary." Yuri was trembling as he walked out with Sam, Yuri was absent minded until he reached home. When he closed the door, he took a deep breathe and excitedly screamed, "I got the job."

Victor arrived home looking a mess, Nara touched his face and asked, "Why do you look so tattered?" Victor gently held his hand, he replied, "I crossed path with one fierce angry cat mother, I shall take a bath and join you for dinner." Princess Gia was a cunning woman, her senses were telling her he was cheating. Princess Gia helped Victor undress for a bath, she said, "Forgive my insolence but can this maiden ask you a frank question?" Victor frowned and replied, "Go ahead." Princess Gia looked in his eyes, "Has this fierce cat taken a liking to the Crown Prince?" Victor took his robe and replied, "My interests are none of your concern, leave my presence." Victor relaxed in the tub and smiled as he recalled the conversation with Yuri

During the interview

As they were done fighting Victor asked, "How much of an idiot can you be? I am the Crown Prince, one word from me and your entire existence is wiped out. How dare a commoner like you slap me and even dare fight with?" Yuri clenched his fists, "I am a dead man anyway, but being a Crown Prince give you the right to be a jerk. If you are wrong you apologise no matter how noble you are. Am I going to leave or are you going to kill me?" Victor walked in front of Yuri, he smirked whilst holding his face, "You are hired, in fact no matter how much you grovel you shall serve under me…your life is now in my hands. Only death can set you free from me." Yuri was surprised, Victor sat on his chair as he lit up his cigarette, he noticed that Yuri wasn't used to the toxic air and said, "You are one fierce cat, Sam come in here…"

Victor joined his family for dinner, everyone quietly ate their dinner. Lord Usagi asked, "I heard you managed to hire a new secretary." Victor placed his spoon down, he looked at his father and replied, "Perhaps was my decision not to your liking my Lord, did you have a secretary in mind suitable for me?" Lord Usagi banged the table with anger, "What are you implying?" Victor glared at him and responded, "You asked your pet to do a background check on my employee, she did a clumsy job though." Lord Usagi was having an affair with his secretary Kim. Nara accidentally dropped his spoon, he smiled and replied, "Pardon my clumsiness, I am quite full please excuse me." Lord Usagi looked at Victor, "How can you hire an inexperienced person? I selected the best and you mocked me by picking the worst you…. ungrateful brat." Victor threw his spoon down; he left the table. Prince Shion followed him, he said, "My Prince, you haven't been eating quiet well. Should l serve you dinner in your room?" Victor knew Nara was hurting more than him because of his father's actions. Victor looked at Prince Shion, "I am not hungry." Victor could hear Nara sobbing in his room standing at the door, in his heart he wished, "If only I could take you away mother, you have suffered enough humiliation." Victor was summoned by his father in his room, he was smoking a cigar. Lord Usagi puffed out the smoke, he said, "As you are aware your rut will occur soon, it's the only chance you have to finally produce the heir of your own. Make a wise decision about the mother of your only heir." Victor knew his father meant choosing between Prince Shion and Princess Gia, he stood up and replied, "What choice do l have? I don't want my son to face the same fate as me…" "This is your last chance to bond; this is your duty…fulfil it." Victor returned in his room, he threw himself on the bed and said, "I want to die." Victor had a weird dream with Yuri. The following morning, he saw Prince Shion choosing clothes for him to wear for office work. Victor said, "What time is it?" Prince Shion offered him a robe bowing down he replied, "It is time for your bath my Prince." Victor asked Prince Shion to help him take a bath, all the maids were dismissed. Prince Shion removed his clothes, he joined Victor in the shower. Shion climbed on top of Victor, he said, "How can l serve you my Prince?" Victor grabbed his head and began to kiss him; he recalled the dream with Yuri. Victor stood up and left mumbling, "It is no fun with someone being too obedient."

Yuri was punctual for his first day of work, he was dressed in his new suit looking adorable. Kim gave him a tour and strict guidelines to follow. Everyone admired Yuri, even though his serving period was bound to be short. Yuri was surprised to see his monthly payment; he signed the paper with a smile on his face. Kim said, "Every secretary is given a company car and a house. This weekend we are invited for lunch where you shall meet King Nara, Lord Usagi's wife and Crown Prince Victor's wives who are Prince Shion and Princess Gia." Yuri had read about the Royal history, he was surprised to learn shocking facts that Victor was married to a man and woman, the one to give birth would officially become the Queen. Victor had a meeting that morning, Yuri was briefed about how to take down the minutes and the preparations. Victor was impressed on how Yuri managed the meeting. Victor sent Yuri to one errand after the other till midnight, he was sad and devasted to miss on his drama episode. Victor saw Yuri sleeping on his desk, Sam tried to wake him but Victor stopped him. Sam was instructed to drive him to his new company house, carefully he lifted Yuri up and sent him home. Sam tacked Yuri in bed, when asleep he was the most beautiful person ever. Victor was shocked by his lovely face; his heart could stop racing till he reached the car. Yuri woke up in a comfortable bed, a maid was already holding a tray of food. Yuri startled the elderly maid when he screamed, "Forgive me sir, I am Rose your new maid." Yuri looked around the strange room and asked, "Where am l?" Rose explained to him, Yuri was relieved, realising he was late for work he rushed in the bathroom and quickly prepared for work. When he arrived, he saw Victor already settled down, "Was the bed comfortable that you forgot about work?" Yuri bowed down and apologised, Victor smirked, "Surely I can't forgive you easily…" Victor's stomach growled as he was hungry, Yuri's sixth brilliant sense kicked in, "How about I treat you to breakfast?" Victor was looking forward to see Yuri fail, "In that case, cook something for me in the company's office. If it tastes good l shall turn pardon your lateness." Yuri saw a variety of ingredients in the kitchen, Sam asked, "If you need more inform me sir." Yuri took an apron and replied, "This is enough, thank you Sir Sam." Victor patiently watched Yuri as he was busy preparing breakfast for him. After he was done, he served good looking dishes to Victor, he was impressed but did they taste as good as they looked. Victor took a spoon and tasted the omelette first, he felt like his tongue was in heaven. Victor said, "This is so much better, are you sure you made this." Yuri saw how Victor was eating, after breakfast a stuffed Victor said, "Each time you are late you shall cook breakfast for me. What's the schedule for today? I am full to even move." Sam was shocked to see Victor eating so much food with a happy face like he was home. Victor held a meeting with K group about the oil project they were planning, the meeting was tense but successful the young President of the K group was Victor's only friend, his name was Junta, he looked at Yuri and said, "I can see we have a new secretary again, can I have fun with him?" Victor looking at the documents replied, "He is one fierce man, why are you still here?" Junta was used to his cold tone, he chuckled, "I can see you aren't pleased that l milked million out of this company. I will leave when you give me his number." "Heh" with an astonished face Victor looked at Junta. Junta was shocked that Yuri didn't have his personal assistant number, none of them lasted for long for him to care. Junta and Victor lit their cigars, Yuri came holding a tray of coffee the smell made him to cough. Junta helped him drink a glass of water, he said, "I am Junta, President of the K group lets get along well in the future. Here is my card, my door is open for you if this hedgehog kicks you out." Yuri bowed down as he collected Junta's card. Victor sighed, "You can go home early to settle down, I am sure there isn't much work left for you." Yuri left the office, he saved Junta's number before he retired home. Yuri's stuff was packed in one suitcase, the hotel room he was given was well furnished. Yuri had one close friend who lived at the outskirts where he used to stay, he decided to video call him to share the good news. His name was Daniel, he was handsome and had a major crush on Yuri for quite a while, he was devasted to learn his friend was straight and had no hope of ever falling for a man. Yuri placed his cell phone on a stand to give Daniel a better view of him and the room, Daniel smiled and replied, "I am happy for you Yuri, will come for a housewarming party after my harvesting time is over." Yuri smiled as he looked at Daniel in overalls, "I am looking forward to it, I am going to unpack my stuff now take care." Daniel waved goodbye to Yuri before he quickly hung up. Yuri undressed to watch his telenovela, he fixed himself a snack and sat on the sofa. In the middle of watching his series he heard a knock on the door, he opened the door and saw Victor holding a bunch of food stuffs. Victor handed it all over to Yuri, he said, "I am here to see the new place, I was expecting to see a bunch of your friends having a house welcome party." Yuri placed the groceries down and replied, "My dear friend leaves quite far, thank you for the food." Victor noticed that Yuri was watching the series his mother loved, he frowned as he looked at the television. After inspecting the house, he quickly left, Yuri continued to watch his Isabella telenovela.