
Dragon's soul mate

Yuri was just a normal coffee clerk who lost his lover to his bestfeiend. His life took a huge turn when he met the Dragon Prince Victor. Dragons as sacred most powerful creatures ruled all kingdoms. Married to two beautiful wives he didnt love Victor felt lonely. His encounter with Yuri a fragile commoner who bravely stood up to him filled Victor with curiosity and wonder what life would be like with Yuri beside him. Disgracing the royal household Victor rapped and impregnated a commoner Yuri. With the burden of raising the children Yuri was blinded into marriage. Shion the ex-male wife of Victor, growing up never knew what feelings are. in the company of Yuri, his view of the cold world changed and he fell in love with him. These two day by day grew close, it was one-sided love for Shion. In the midst of a blissful love...old skeletons fell off Victor's shelf. The encounter with an old lover made Victor to lose all that he had. Tragedy befall on the royal household....bonds are broken whilst new ones are created. What is a soulmate? Two lovers fight a journey to save their marriage... Read more to find out how the story goes... Disclaimer...the art is not mine. Credits and thanks to the owner

DaoistvtdATq · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Volume 17 An old lover

Yuri's pregnancy began to show, a change of wardrobe was needed, Nara offered to accompany Yuri to shopping. Yuri woke Victor's shirt, to him it was an oversize which was comfortable and covered his belly. Lord Usagi gave Nara his black card to shop to his heart's content, Victor gave Yuri his card competing with his father. Yuri felt uncomfortable wearing trousers, he had zero intent to walk with a dress. The shop keeper knew exactly what Yuri needed, "He took him to a section filled with traditional wear, the material was comfortable, and it was men's wear. Yuri looking at Nara said, "For now I am good with Victor's shirt, but I can get a few of these when l am on my final trimester. Who really wears these nowadays? This is driving me nuts." Checking the balance Nara spent Lord Usagi felt a sharp pain on his chest. Victor slowly decorated the children's room, he painted the walls and set up the twin's beds. Yuri on his own dropped out of work, the pregnancy on its own was heavy work, Shion dropped by everyday to see Yuri. Shion moved out in his bachelor pad, he quit his secretarial job to focus on his father's company as per Yuri's advice. Yuri visited the park with Shion, meeting at the coffee shop felt boring. Walking down the park and seeing the kids running around melted Yuri's heart, Shion bought cotton candy for Yuri. Shion looked at Yuri and said, "You are getting bigger and bigger each time that l see you, the chubby cheeks are cute." Yuri laughed on Shion's comment, "I am easily getting attached to our Friday routine, thank you for bringing me to the park. The change of scenery is quiet delightful, although this mask is suffocating me." The weather was getting chilly, Shion wrapped his scarf around Yuri, "I never knew the park was an exciting place…" "I am sorry we didn't do all the fun stuff because of my condition. Once I am free from these two bunnies, we will visit the park together again." Yuri felt guilty that Shion didn't explore the park. Shion looking at Yuri said, "Nothing beats the fun of hanging out with you. I have started to watch the new telenovela you recommended, one of the characters reminds me of you each time l watch the series." Shion and Yuri had become close, their friendship made Victor feel uneasy but his trust for Yuri cleared his insecurities. Shion and Yuri went inside a photo booth, starring at the photos Yuri commented, "You really are the most handsome man l know, especially when you smile. Is it true that you are getting remarried?" Shion was puzzled, he replied, "My father had suggested on the issue, but I refused, his health is deteriorating, and it is his wish to see my wife before he dies. I am the Crown Prince, so the pressure is severe…" "Isn't Prince Junta older than you?" Yuri asked focussing on the cotton candy in his hands, the area had few individuals, he removed his cap. Shion took a bite of Yuri's cotton candy, he replied, "We are half-brothers, his mother is my father's mistress. I am sure you are aware of how the system works. This cotton candy is too sweet, do you want water to wash it down." Yuri felt guilty to have brought up an insensitive topic.

Victor was packed up with meetings, one after the other he totally forgot about Yuri check up with the obstetrician. Mike was present to support Yuri; the female doctor was a friendly middle-aged woman. Shaking Yuri's hand, she said, "I am Doctor Lucy, I am honoured to work with you." Yuri felt scared all alone, fidgeting his hands he replied, "Thank you Doctor Lucy." Shion stormed inside the room, he was painting from exhaustion, "Yuri, are you alright?" Yuri with a puzzled face replied, "Where are you rushing off to?" Shion showed Yuri his text, "Hurry up, I am not feeling alright. I am meeting my obstetrician in room 309." Shion stormed out of a meeting with the shareholders to meet up with Yuri, before the car was properly, he stormed out of the car. Lucy looking at Shion said, "Greetings my Prince." Yuri offered him a seat beside him, he said, "Thank you for coming, I am sorry for sending that text." Lucy explained his main concerns with Yuri, an operation needed to be done immediately to enlarge the womb area for the children. Shion held Yuri's shivering hand, "Doctor Lucy, what risks should we expect from this operation? How soon are talking about?" Doctor Lucy handed Shion a booklet, "According to my research the twins are highly luckily to be born premature. We just need his Majesty to carry the twins in his stomach till five or six months, and then from there we shall establish an artificial womb for them." Shion was pleased with the research however it was theoretical with zero past experience. Yuri was trembling down his boots, Shion said, "Can I privately have a word with his Majesty?" Mike had never seen a supportive friend like Shion, he left a couple of missed calls on Victor's phone. Shion looking at Yuri said, "Hey, look at me." Yuri looked at Shion, the news were hard for him to bear, "Shion, what if the babies get hurt, they are too young to face all these procedures." Shion hugged him, he kissed his head and replied, "Calm down, remember stress isn't good for the baby. Let us go and have ice-cream at the park, that sounds great." Shion informed Mike to postpone the meeting for another day, Shion cleared the rest of the day. Yuri felt relaxed in an open space eating ice cream, he said, "I am sorry for burdening you with my problems. If you weren't there, I would have collapsed with the all the operations and details." Shion wrapped a coat around Yuri, with a smile on his face he said, "I am sure these twins are strong like you, they will make it. I read in a book that stress create ugly babies…" Yuri laughed looking at Shion, he felt relieved and grateful to see Shion.

Shion was pleased to see Yuri in a more relaxed state, Yuri decided to drop by Victor's office to have dinner out. Shion dropped him at the front of the building, he drove away when Yuri walked inside the building. Victor was having a word with Anya; she was sent by Junta to represent K group. Anya looking at the portrait of Yuri said, "Have you truly gotten over my feelings Victor? It was quite unfortunate my father married you to my brother and sent me away." Victor looking at his phone sighed, "How could l forget? He must be really angry right now." Anya knew Victor was avoiding the topic, "Back then we truly loved each other, remember Victor... I wonder if our love story would have had a different ending if I married you instead. I can see it in your eyes that you still love me…" "We had our chance and it didn't work out, why did you come back?" Victor was starring at Anya with cold eyes. Anya walked in front of him, "He doesn't know the truth, doesn't he? I was the one whom you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, I am your soul mate. Look in my eyes and deny that you no longer love me." Yuri was standing at the doorway listening, his heart began to beat faster. Victor roughly grabbed Anya's hands, "I love Yuri! He is my partner and stay away from him." Anya dropped tears, she asked, "You say you love him…How long have you been in love with him? What made you to love him? If its true that you love him then why would you risk his life like this? You are aware that when he gives birth he will die, when he dies, I know you shall come back to me. Till then I will wait for you." Anya kissed Victor, "It is my turn to wait for you Victor, I shall take my leave now." She took her purse and walked out of the office. Yuri arrived at the palace, he held back his misery, shortly after Victor arrived. Victor dishing food for Yuri said, "I am very sorry I missed our appointment; I was caught up in a meeting." Yuri barely touched his food, looking at Victor he said, "Did you change your cologne?" Victor sniffing on his shirt realised when Anya kissed him some scent was left on him, standing up from his chair Yuri said, "It is too strong, do you mind changing it?" Yuri walked away, the food on his plate was untouched. Victor knocked on his door, he saw Yuri asleep, kissing him on the forehead Victor said, "Yuri are you asleep? You barely touched your food today, are you sure you are alright?" Yuri was facing the wall; he had his eyes shut but he was wide awake. Victor squeezed his hands, he said, "I know you are angry at me for skipping our appointment…" "I really needed you there you know, all the information they were relating to me was scary. If Shion wasn't there I would have died of shock…" Yuri gently replied to Victor half assed apology. Victor smirked, "I was wondering why he stormed out at the middle of a meeting. I brought snacks for you if you get hungry, I love you. Sleep well." Victor went to take a shower, he sighed, "This is all giving me a headache, I need to clear up the weird atmosphere with Anya. Why do l always face problems?"