
Dragon's soul mate

Yuri was just a normal coffee clerk who lost his lover to his bestfeiend. His life took a huge turn when he met the Dragon Prince Victor. Dragons as sacred most powerful creatures ruled all kingdoms. Married to two beautiful wives he didnt love Victor felt lonely. His encounter with Yuri a fragile commoner who bravely stood up to him filled Victor with curiosity and wonder what life would be like with Yuri beside him. Disgracing the royal household Victor rapped and impregnated a commoner Yuri. With the burden of raising the children Yuri was blinded into marriage. Shion the ex-male wife of Victor, growing up never knew what feelings are. in the company of Yuri, his view of the cold world changed and he fell in love with him. These two day by day grew close, it was one-sided love for Shion. In the midst of a blissful love...old skeletons fell off Victor's shelf. The encounter with an old lover made Victor to lose all that he had. Tragedy befall on the royal household....bonds are broken whilst new ones are created. What is a soulmate? Two lovers fight a journey to save their marriage... Read more to find out how the story goes... Disclaimer...the art is not mine. Credits and thanks to the owner

DaoistvtdATq · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Volume 12 The punishment

Victor secured the room before he left with Gia to attend to the meeting, he left guards and forbad anyone from entering the room. When he arrived at the palace, he saw Shion and his family waiting outside, bowing down Shion said, "Greetings my Prince, how is his Majesty feeling?" Gia was obediently following Victor; a loud roar was heard from inside. Victor led the way to the royal meeting room, when he arrived, he saw his father in his dragon form and the royal begging for mercy. Victor threw Gia on the centre of the room, "I caught the little rat you sent, how will you escape King Dairus." Lord Usagi turned back in his human form, he was gently holding Nara in his hands. Lord Usagi left the room holding Nara in his hands, Victor looked at Sam, "Strip them." Lord Usagi had taken Nara in his room, his body still internally healing his wounds. Victor sat on his throne, waiting for his father to arrive. Lord Usagi returned with a cold gaze in his eyes, "The court stands here to discuss a judgement upon King Dairus and his subordinate charged with treason." Victor bowed before his father, seeking permission to speak, "My Lord, treason is only punishable by death, I suggest all those who stood by King Dairus to be executed immediately or banished to the barren lands where no man can escape." Lord Usagi looked at the only royal family standing, he asked, "Do you have any words in favour or against these criminals?" King Henry who was Shion's father replied, "My apologies my Lord for the troubles you encountered today, I agree with Crown Prince Victor's verdict. We all witnessed what King Dairus and his court did, treason is only punishable by death." Gia looked at Victor and said, "You caused all this Victor! Even in my death I will haunt you!" Lord Usagi stood up and enchanted a few words, the portal slowly opened, "A king protects his people and stands for justice, you swore an oath to serve the kingdom. I might be a royalty and my wife might be a commoner, love is what joined us as one. One shouldn't discriminate, one should respect everyone despite their tittle." Victor's eyes glowed gold, Lord Usagi's eyes glowed red, a sign appeared on their forehead as they changed in their dragon form. Victor's scales were gold he had silver scales on his stomach area it was silver. Everyone in the room bowed down, "As the guardians of this world, we hereby sentence you to the barrens land of this world, where no man nor creature roams. Reflect on your sins before the earth swallows you up…" King Dairus shouted, "No! I will not be sentenced because of commoners!" All those who stood against Lord Usagi were taken to the barren lands, only Shion's family remained. The portal suddenly closed, Lord Usagi and Victor sealed the entrance.

The meeting was long as Victor and Lord Usagi spent three consecutive days appointing new royal members to replace the banished ones. Victor didn't even get the chance to see Yuri, but Mike updated him on regular basis. Lord Usagi was relieved when Nara gained consciousness, Nara was offered water to drink. Nara clenching the glass in his hand he said, "I am sorry you were humiliated because of me…" "Calm down it is not your fault." Busting out in tears startling Lord Usagi, a hurting Nara replied, "I have started a war between royals, everyone is hurting because of me. I am responsible for hurting Yuri and the…" Lord Usagi knew there was one way to calm him down. He grabbed his head and passionately kissed him, "Do I have your attention now?" Nara with a red flushed face starred in Lord Usagi's eyes, the eyes that looked at him coldly were filled with love. Lord Usagi hugged him and said, "I am happy you are awake, to me that's what matters." Nara could hear Usagi's heartbeat, he slowly tightened the grip as he hugged him back.

Yuri woke up, he felt a sharp headache, but Mike gave him painkillers. The wounds on his forehead were slowly closing up. Yuri with a panicking face asked, "Is the baby alright?!" Mike sighed as he closed the door, "The babies are alright." Yuri was relieved processing the information he asked, "Excuse me, babies!" Yuri was showed by Mike that he was having twins, he had closely examined the scans. The other employees heard by Shion that Yuri was injured and in the hospital. Half of the firm decided to drop by to see him after they were done with work. Yuri was informed that the employees were coming, he felt grateful to their kindness. Yuri was still processing the news; he was mainly concerned if his stomach was big enough to carry twins. Mike assured him to do his utmost best to take care of him and the twins. The guards cleared the playground, Yuri was relaxed by the swings waiting to clear his mind, he banned the guards from following him. Victor left the house as soon as he returned from the last kingdom, he wanted to surprise Yuri. Yuri received a text from the manager informing him that they had arrived, Victor had also arrived. Victor panicked when he saw an empty room, one guard informed him that he was well protected sitting by the swings. Victor rushed over to him; at the same time the other employees were walking to the park. Yuri saw Victor running towards him, embracing his lover Victor said, "I had missed you so much." Yuri didn't notice the employees behind him, hugging Victor tightly he said, "Doctor Mike informed me that we are having twins, I was worried if I will be a good father to one but now, they are twins…" Victor held Yuri hands, tears poured out of his eyes unwillingly, "My happiness has been doubled, I can't believe I am going to be a father to two babies." Yuri worries faded away when she saw Victor tears of joy, "I love you Victor…" Victor kissed Yuri passionately, Yuri popped his eyes out when he saw the employees standing behind Victor. Prince Shion bowed down, "Greetings my Prince and Your Majesty, I hope you are well." Yuri tightly squeezed Victor's jacket, the manager and others paid their respects. Victor's cold gaze quickly drove everyone away, Mike encouraged Yuri to spend one more night at the hospital. Victor fed Yuri dinner; he was slowly liking the vegetable even though they tasted horrible. Victor sat behind Yuri on the bed, he googled a book, Victor said, "Today my little babies we are going to read a story about the two little rascals…" "Absolutely not, they will copy bad behaviour." Yuri exclaimed whilst covering his stomach area. Victor held his hand, "My apologies my darling, how about Adventures of the lost kitten 2" Yuri slept before Victor was halfway down, Victor careful leaned towards the desk to place his tablet down. Victor looked out the window, he sighed, "I love you very much Yuri, I think I will die if you leave me." Nara softly opened the door; he had visited with Lord Usagi. Nara softly held Yuri's cheek and said, "I can finally relax now that l have seen you are alright, sleep well our little prince." Victor kissed Yuri on his head, he replied, "Yuri is pregnant with twins, each grandfather has his own grandchild." Lord Usagi dropped the banquet in his hands, "Since the beginning of time, I have lived to witness the miracle of two baby dragons! You have indeed made this Dragon proud! Our blessings have been doubled!" His voice startled Yuri, he was surprised to see Nara and Usagi inside the room. Yuri looked around the room, neither Shion and Gia had come to see him. Yuri said, "Where are Prince Shion and Princess Gia? I wanted you to help me clear the misunderstanding of you divorcing them. Princess Gia was very upset, I understand why she lashed out like this." Victor wanted to lie when Lord Usagi said, "The crimes they committed is punishable by death." Yuri was disheartened to hear the events that transpired, he said, "I could see in her eyes that she really cared about you, I feel like all this is my fault." Lord Usagi had seen the scenario before, Victor replied, "This is not your fault, the divorce was long time coming. Your safety is my top priority, now forget about this and let us focus on our two bunnies here."