
Dragon's Secrets

A boy falls into a world of dragons and an eternal war. BL Arcave lives a normal life but when his childhood friend appears at his door with a mysterious and attractive boy his life gets turned into a dramatic war. Watch him discover romance and his love of dragons in this book series The Dragon's Secret

Connor_Owen · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: A Boring Day Arcave:

I woke up again on an average Tuesday morning. My mom had made pancakes again for me and Thalia.

"Yo! Dipshit you're finally awake!" Thalia shouted.

Thalia is my sister, she's tall, pretty, smart and an all out asshole. Her pitch black hair and bright blue eyes were the first things anyone ever notices about her.

"It was a good day until I saw your ugly face." I smiled at the annoyed look on her face.

"Be nice Arcave." My mom said.

My mom is the best mother in the world, she's never angry... or upset. She's cheery and 100% favouritises Thalia.

"You two get to school or you'll be late." Mom reminded us.

"Oh my boyfriends picking me up! He should be here so bye!" Thalia rushed out the door and I follow.

A few things about Thalia's boyfriend... He is extremely attractive, popular, the prom king And a total cheating, lying douche.

I walked passed his car and start walking Yo school.

Stereotypical British weather. Rain and gloom, cloudy, barely any sunlight... just how I liked it.

It suddenly got dark. As if something cast a shadow over me. So I looked up and saw a large figure flying over me. I couldn't quite figure out what it was so I just brushed it off as a plane.

... How wrong I was.

I arrived at school and sat in my normal seat. I had no friends like Thalia... I was quite alone, ever since the rumours.

I should tell you about the rumours, people started spreading around that I'm gay. It's not entirely wrong but the school I attend is extremely homophobic. After that rumour people avoided me or bullied me, whatever was easier at the time. I've grown used to it. Sat at the back I looked outside and let my imagination run.

I do that quite often, creating universes of fantasy and mythology. It was the only thing that made me happy anymore.

I patiently waited for school to finish, it felt like forever before the final school bell finally rang and I ran home.

When I got in no one was at home. Mom was probably at work and Thalia was with her friends. Looking back I wish one of them would've been there...

I decided to lock myself in my room and draw the new ideas I got at school. I drew a dragon, large and toxic looking. The Dragon Prince is what I named the picture. As soon as I finished adding colour I heard a crash outside.

I ran down to the backdoor and opened it. I couldn't believe what I saw...

A dragon was laid there teeth, claws, wings and all. It reminded me of the picture I drew. Although much more realistic, it's scales glowed a toxic green colour even tho they were a dark volcanic black. But what worried me the most was not the danger it brought... or the fact dragons are real. It's that the creature was injured.

I slowly approach the dragon and the scar was open on its chest. The dragon growled softly.

"Hey buddy... you OK?" I know it was weird... me talking to the dragon. But I didn't know what else to do.

The dragons eyes shot towards me and I don't know why... but I think it was asking for help.

I got closer and the dragon doesn't stop me.

I placed a hand on his scales and the area around us started glowing. Toxic green symbols ran up my arm and then vanished. I felt like I was about to pass out but then the dragon stood up and roared.

I smiled, the dragon was beautiful and majestic and... he wanted me to get on his back.