
Dragon's might

What happens when you like games and you get the chance to be inside one but there's one small molecular problem... you don't have skin, you have scales, you don't have nails you have claws...yup you're a dragon?! Follow Lucille as she finds out WHY the heck she was sucked into a VR game that was on her christmas wishlist and slowly unravel the mysteries behind her reincarnation. ----------------------------------------- May be gore! Nothing too detailed though? Probably?

Asmaroth · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Oh dear

Roused from her peaceful rest by guttural growls...wait gutteral GROWLS? Now fully awake, she looked down to see 5 wolf like creatures with horns on their heads and spikes on their spine's. Overall they looked quite fierce, evolution slipped my mind as she saw them sniffing the corpse that had been unceremoniously left to rot beneath her tree.

She really is an airhead, she should have realised that carrion would attract scavengers. "sigh" way too much is going on and this was only her second or third day on the reincarnation train! She didn't even have any cheat skills other than the fact that she was a freaking dragon...

She decided to watch the spiky wolves from the safety of her tree before seeing if she should take them out or leave them be.

"appraise" She sent the mental command and a transparent panel appeared before her.

Lvl17 (no name) Draconic wolf(adult)

Health: 120/120

Mana: 200/200


-Wind slash lvl2

slash of compressed wind that can dissect weaker enemies.

-crushing bite lvl3

A lethal bite that can crush bones.

-haunting howl lvl2

Calls in all packmates and adds a speed buff to all allies in the vicinity.

Strength:24 Speed: 45 intelligence: 15

Lucille looked over the stats, she could definitely take on 2 or 3 but perhaps not 5. Time to put her neurones to good use, the wolves didn't seem to be very intelligent, fact that was very clear after seeing their intelligence stat.

Their other stats were quite disappointing as well compared to their level. Her stats were higher when she was only level 10, how laughable. "Must be because I am of the draconic race...Interesting" she mused, she may not have cheat abilities, but her obviously superior race was a nice boon. If she could flame 2 of them, she could definitely deal with the rest of them.

Casting her aprehension and fear aside, which didn't prove to be a bad choice with the ground dragon, Lucille flexed her small wings and dropped down on one of the spiky furballs.

A pained yelp escaped the creatures muzzle as it quickly turned around to snap at it's attacker. Alas, the wolf was too slow, Lucille had already propelled herself off of the wolf's back and was building her flame up in the back of her throat.

A burst of bright purple flame was birthed from her maw, bathing the wolf in smoldering flame. Turns out these wolve's pelts are quite flamable? Or perhaps her flame was a tad OP...

The flaming furball was a burning mess, panicked barks rang out in the clearing. The noise alerted the burning wolf's packmates who cautiously made their way towards the jumping ball of flame. After a few failed attempts at dousing the flame that was eating away at their comrade, the wolves decided to turn their attention to the perpetrator of their packmate's unlucky fate.

Lucille had long since prepared for the wolve's sudden bloodlust for her and had already readied her flame. "BURN YOU OVERSIZED CANINES!" she screeched as purple flame once again burst from her maw causing 2 of the foremost wolves to catch on fire. Without hesitation, she lunged towards the 2 wolves that were lucky enough not to b caught jn the blaze and slashed at them with her talons. Of course being a newbie, her slashes were quite clumsy and only barely connected to the wolve's flesh as they had bearely managed to dodge. Guess that speed stat wasn't for nothing. Lucille backed up, keeping a close watch on her two canine adversaries. They snarled and snapped their jaws waiting for a hole in her defense. "Not going to happen" she thought as she jumped backwards onto a large tree.

Digging her claws into the smooth treetrunk, she was now in a horizontal position and once again fired up her deadly flames. Too bad that trick had worked twice but not thrice. The wolves quickly realised what she was about to do and before she could release her flaming breath, the wolves had distanced themselves from her. It seems she underestimated their limited intelligence!

Canceling her cast of darkfire, Lucille turned and skittered up the tree to hide herself in the foliage. She watched as her enemies approached her tree, muscles tense, ready to use their speed to dodge any of the young dragon's deadly flames. Meanwhile the 3 wolves Lucille had flamed finally turned into piles of ash, their pained yelps no more. Lucille was awarded 1200 exp for felling them which reminded her, didn't she have an evolution to catch up on? She had made it to level 20 and it seemed like the wolves hadn't thought to use windslash to easily cut down her tree.

She hunkered down on a comfortable branch ignoring the annoying barks below her.

"Now to see what goodies are available to me now" she grumbled. She pulled up her stats panel and opened the {evolution available} tab. A list of evolutions popped into view.

Young adult darkfire dragon:

The next growth stage of the player's current race. This evolution grants a boost in size along with denser musclemass which allows player to pack more of a punch. Along with the augmentation of bodymass, the wings also see a big change in size and strength, enough to support the weight and size of the young adult dragon. The wings allow player to be more agile and dexterous (may take some practice to be able to fly).

This evolution balances speed agility and strength.

Young adult armored darkfire dragon:

large boost to strength and HP, this dragon is a tank, able to withstand lots of damage thanks to heavy plated scales all over it's body thus hindering the speed and agility of the dragon as well as flight. This dragon no longer has wings as it is much too heavy and it mainly dwells in cave systems deep in the earth. This evolution favors strength as well as a large health bar and a very big bodymass.

Young adult dark poison dragon:

Almost the same as the darkfire dragon except instead of fire, this dragon has poison as it's main element. Instead of spitting fire, it spits acid that can melt most metals. It is also slightly smaller than the two other options allowing stealth and speed to be it's specialities. This dragon is the equivalent of an assasin.

After a few minutes of intense thinking, Lucille had made her choice. After confirming her choice, she sunk into an intense dizziness and blacked out but not before heckling the two wolves.