

In the world of Neftahar, the people live in harmony and peace until the day when their peace changed into their nightmare. Velderina, the world's most feared creature - a black dragon has a secret that no one knows. Come and join us to uncover the world's strangest secret.

Veteran_Weeb · Fantasy
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Where am I?

"Ouch, my head hurts. "

[Velderina who just regained consciousness, could not understand the situation.

Just moments ago, she was brainstorming on what she should do about this sudden marriage arrangement.

And now, she was wondering about what happened soo suddenly to her. ]

"What happened to me? I was clearing talking to Spiru.

Waittt. Spiru, where is he?"

[Thought Velderina]

[Before she can call his name, she realizes that her mouth was taped and her hands were tied with rope. ]

"What is this? Ahhh, I can't remember anything. "

" This place is very dark too and why does the ground keeps shaking. "

[When Velderina was in deep thought of figuring out her situation. Something started moving under her dresss. The thing rustled up her dress and reached towards her face, then a strong beam of light shook her eyes.

And then, a dear and familiar sound came. ]

"Chuuuuuu" Spiru, the mighty squirrel was here to save the day.

[Just kidding, he's a normal squirrel. ]

[Spiru removed the tape from Velderina's mouth but was unable to untie the rope.]

"Spiruuuu, my friend. " cried Velderina with happiness.

"You are fine, right? Nothing happened to you?"

"Chuu, chuu"

"Glad, you are fine. "

"Say what's going on here. Do you have any idea what happened? "

"Chuu, Chuu. Chuuuuu chu. "

"I see, so someone struck my head with something and I fell unconscious. "

"Huhhh, but how did an object get by pass my dragon skin.

What about you, Spiru? Did you saw who hit my head?. "

"Chu. Chuu chuu" [moving his head sideways]

"No, you don't have to be sad. You did good by hiding in my clothes.

Also, it seems we are in a carriage. "

[Velderina was laying down with her hands tied down. She could feel the ground shaking and hear the sound of wheels moving.

The carriage from inside was made up of completely wooden material. It had a rundown door, but there was no windows in the carriage. A kreakkk sound could be heard everytime, the carriage felt a little unstable. ]

"It seems you are awake. Come out and eat something. " heard Velderina.

[The voice came from the cockpit. The voice was sweet but at the same time it was husky too.]

The gate of the carriage opens. Velderina gets up on her knees and move towards the gate. Bright sunlight lights up the whole carriage.

Stricken by such strong light, Velderina opens her eyes.

"Whereee Am I??????? ".

[To be Continued]