

In the world of Neftahar, the people live in harmony and peace until the day when their peace changed into their nightmare. Velderina, the world's most feared creature - a black dragon has a secret that no one knows. Come and join us to uncover the world's strangest secret.

Veteran_Weeb · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Man in black robe

Velderina, still flabbergasted by the situation came out of the carriage.

She noticed that she was in the middle of nowhere, with green trees surrounding a muddy pavement.

Spiru was still hiding under her clothes. Velderina took a long roundabout glance, to figure out where she was.

When convinced that she had no idea of this unknown place, she looked at the man who called her out.

[The Man was wearing a black robe which was covering his head and face. He was tall in stature and was wearing leather boots. He was dressed as an adventurer, carrying a dagger and a jute bag.

All Velderina could see from the robe was his eyes and hair. His hair were black and shiny, while his eyes were the same color of ruby, which would attract anyone towards him. ]

Velderina who never saw such attractive features before felt a little flustered inside and blushed a little, but keeping her calm and not showing her emotions on surface asked -

" Who are you? "

"You will find out the answer yourself in the future, in the meantime why don't you join me and come eat something? " answered the man in the black robe.

"Join you where? There's no where to sit. "

Velderina asked commandingly.

"What you want me to build a castle here or something?. "

The man sighed.

"There you see. Go sit on the fallen trees over there. "

"Huh, you think that I will listen to you, you kidnapper. " said Velderina with her mouth's puffed.

"Who's the kid , All I see is a dragon granny here. " replied the man.

"What did you say? A granny?" shouted Velderina feeling annoyed.

"I'm only 18. I'll have you know. Hmph"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say. "

[The man started gathering firewood. The fallen trees were covering the ground in a rhombus ring .He gathered all the wood and placed it , in the center space. He put dry leaves above them and placed a large wooden stick as a stand.]

[The man snapped his fingers and the leaves caught fire themselves. ]

"Magic. You can do fire magic? " exclaimed Velderina with surprise.

"Oh, I can do much more than you think. "

[To be Continued]