

In the world of Neftahar, the people live in harmony and peace until the day when their peace changed into their nightmare. Velderina, the world's most feared creature - a black dragon has a secret that no one knows. Come and join us to uncover the world's strangest secret.

Veteran_Weeb · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Black Dragon

"Velderina - Velderina, alas where did this girl go now? " said a middle age woman with dragon horns. 

Then , at that instant a teen looking beautiful girl jumped from the tree. 

"Gotcha" said Velderina. 

Velderina was a teenage beauty, who can anyone's heart skip a beat. She had an adorable blue dragon tail, combined with her blue dragon horns and silky hair. 

"Ah, do you really like giving your mother a jump scare?" 

"Can't you imagine how worried I was? " said Velderina's mother. 

"Come on, Mom. You know me too well" giggled Velderina. 

"Your Father is waiting for you, go fast. " - Velderina's mother. 

"Fine, but why is father looking for me? " asked Velderina curiously. 

"You will find the answer yourself. "

Velderina departs towards her father. 

[ Velderina approaches towards a magnificent castle with blue walls and roof heads. She enters the castle passing through a grand gate.

After the entrance, a courtroom type structure was present, with many throne like chairs on the sideways. The most magnificent and attractive was the throne at the end of the path with having many jewels embedded in it.]

Velderina moves towards the man with sitting on the blue throne. 

The man on the blue throne was a dashing handsome man with blue horns and tail like the others. He had long eye lashes and there was a golden Trident adjacent to him. 

"Why did you call for me father? " asked Velderina. 

 "Come here, my child." exclaimed the man on the throne. 

"I've a very happy piece of information for you." said Velderina's father pointing towards the other two gentlemen sitting beside him. 

The Two gentlemen were different from others instead of blue , they had red horns and tail. 

One looked the same age as Velderina while the other was a middle aged man. 

When Velderina was starting to notice them, her father said (excitedly)- 

"Your Marriage has been decided. "

Velderina screamed " WHATTTT"