

In the world of Neftahar, the people live in harmony and peace until the day when their peace changed into their nightmare. Velderina, the world's most feared creature - a black dragon has a secret that no one knows. Come and join us to uncover the world's strangest secret.

Veteran_Weeb · Fantasy
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5 Chs


"Velderina, behave yourself. Are these the manners we taught you? " scolded Velderina's Father.

" Marriage, but why father?"

"Why did you suddenly arranged my marriage? " - Velderina

" You were the one who was always yapping about marriage and love."

"What seems to be the problem now? "

- Velderina's Father

[Just when this whole argument was going on, the older man and his son glanced at each other. They seem to be communicating with their eyes only. ]

" King Floyen, your daughter doesn't seem very pleased with this arrangement."

" Did you not inform her prior to our meeting?

" No, Brother Flames, it's not what it looks like. I just wanted to give my daughter a surprise. " - King Floyen

" Well, it's looks like it's more of a shock for your daughter than a surprise. " - Flames

[King Floyen hinted Velderina to greet the guests with his eyes. ]

"Come here, my child."

[He points towards the guests. ]

" This is Brother Flames, King of the fire dragons and this young boy is Prince Fire , his son."

[Prince Fire was a young man, similar in age to Velderina. He had sharp eyes with pointy eyebrows. On first look, he looked a promising young man.]

"Ohh, I was told that I was going to marry a blue dragon but no one told me she's as pretty as a fairy. " - Prince fire

[Although Velderina felt awkward to his remarks, but for the face of her father, she respectfully greeted them.]

"Ohh, I forgot. Mother wanted to see me for some urgent work.

It seems like, I have to excuse myself. "

"Wait, Velder--"

[Just when her father tried to stop her. King Flames interrupted. ]

" No need to stop her, we have plenty of time to spare.

We still need to discuss about the marriage functions, hahaha." - king flames.

[ Velderina felt annoyed and took the opportunity to escape from the scene.]


[ Velderina looking upset, sitting under a tree seems to be mumbling something.

Spiru, Velderina's pet squirrel and her only friend was sitting on the palm of her hand, listening to her worries. ]

"How can father do this to me? Can you seriously, believe this, Spiru? "

"Chuuu" - Spiru [with concerned expression]

"You're right, I shouldn't be sad. I must think of some way to avoid this marriage."

"Chuu, Chuu" [Excitedly]

"Ohh, I know how about I--- [Thud]"

[To be Continued]