

In the world of Neftahar, the people live in harmony and peace until the day when their peace changed into their nightmare. Velderina, the world's most feared creature - a black dragon has a secret that no one knows. Come and join us to uncover the world's strangest secret.

Veteran_Weeb · Fantasy
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5 Chs


A long time ago, in the world of NEFTAHAR, the people lived in harmony and peace. The world was a very beautiful place for everyone here. The Aristocrats cared for their people very dearly.

In the kingdom of Dragonia, in a remote village named Draslre, lived a demi human race. They were physically weaker than an average human.

"Mom, look a dragon." - the child shouted excitedly. 

" There you go again , with your wild imaginations. " said the mother in a nagging tone.

"No, Mom look above , there's really a dragon." the child exclaimed.

" Seriously, stop with your jok---" just before she could complete her sentence , a large shadow covered the village. She glanced towards the pitch black shadow.

"DRAGON" she screamed with fear. She grabbed the hand of the boy and started running towards the shelter.

"Run, Everyone run." shouted the man near the well.

[Before we get too much into the details, let's understand why the villagers reacted like this. For this, lets meet with the village head who will explain us this world's setting.

Village Head - Even though we are living in peace for many centuries, the kingdom of Dragonia had a terrifying past or should I say - a myth. For generations , people have believed that a black dragon is a symbol of misfortune and the end of the world.

Author - Thank you, Village Head for providing us with a better understanding of the situation. It was pleasure meeting you.

Village Head - haha, I hope you invite me again.

Author - Sure, if I ever need an NPC like character, then I will call you, HAHA

Well, let's move on towards the story. ]

 When everyone was running with fear, all our Dragon was thinking of was- Ah, I almost revealed the secret. (Silly me)