
Dragon's Hope

A young child bears the hope of the most ancient and powerful race to exist. Can he bring back what was lost? (This is my first go at something like this so feel free to leave any critique or criticism)

Sangnz · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Trouble comes a knocking

Alex just stood there until the last guest left, the moment the door, "Lily, Anna can you help me to a seat please if I try to move I'm going to collapse", came Alex tired voice.

The two girls still in demi dragon form leapt to Alex side lifted his arms across their necks and wrapped a supporting arm around his waist from each side, they essentially then dragged Alex to a nearby couch and gently sat him down on it, he just slumped backwards, "Man I'm worn out I think I'll sleep for a week".

Vale and Kayla approached with concerned looks on their faces, "You ok Alex?" they asked in unison.

"Yep, just low on mana and once I let all the tension out of my body I almost dropped", Alex mumbled.

"What would have done had they not caved?", came the Queens voice.

Alex didn't respond.

"Boo Alex is ignoring me", the Queen pouted, Lily lent over him, and giggled softly, turning back she quietly said, "He has fallen asleep is all, you will have to ask your question later".

"Besides shouldn't you be off organizing the aftermath of this little event your majesty?", questioned Vale.

"Well I just want to talk with nephew", the Queen said defensively.

"Your Majesty Alex worked himself to the point he practically couldn't move and passed out you the least you could do is ensure his hard work does go to waste don't you think", a cold tone edging into Vale's voice

The Queen looked as if her favourite puppy had just grown a second head and breathed fire at her.

"I've spent enough time with you now your Majesty to know you are nowhere near as air headed as you make out, and you also seem to have forgotten my ability no".

The Queen sighed and dropped the act, "You're to damn clever for your own good girl, if you weren't Alex's fiancé I would poach you to be my personal aide but I'm pretty certain you wouldn't leave his side".

"Not for anything", agreed Vale.

Sighing again the Queen smiled, "Well I had best be off to perform my Queenly duties or nephew would be pissed at me for screwing up".

While the Queen walked out Anna and Lily picked up Alex between them and carried him to his room.

In the Arcvien delegates quarters.

The elder and two young mages where still in a state of shock. One of the young mages turned to his friend, "Hey pinch me make sure I'm not dreaming".

"Of course you're not dreaming I saw it as well" He snapped back, then with awe on his face "What was that spell".

The elder finally spoke, "That was a tactical class spell" he said, "That kid has taken the concept of the fireball spell and pushed it to a tactical class spell".

"What!", the two younger mages cried out.

"Remember what defines a tactical class is, a spell that determines the outcome of a battle or causes enough damage to a city, could you imagine the kind of damage that thing would do had gone off on the ground", explained the elder.

"Thank goodness we made a good impression on him", said one of the young mages.

The elder nodded, "The omni magus mentioned that Alex is traveling the continent to see the sights, the two closest domains from here are the beast tribes and Arcvien so there is a decent chance he will be visiting us in the near future, I need to report this to the mage council the moment we get back, we can't afford to offend this young man.

The Valent delegates quarters.

"Thank god those three idiots didn't cause to much trouble", said the delegate.

"I told you we shouldn't being those fools along, we were lucky Alex was so lenient with them, I was half expect him to dismember them then and there".

"Come now Shem you're joking aren't you", the delegate laughed.

"Not in the slightest sir, those three idiots forced him into 4 death matches he was so annoyed by the time the fourth one came around he showed what was going to happen if it continued by flaying the man alive in the centre of the arena".

The delegate shuddered at the thought, "He seems an amicable lad I find it hard to believe he could do such a thing".

"He is very easy to get along with as long as you don't threaten his loved ones and treat him with respect he will do the same, but cross him or try harm his girls and you are bringing the wrath of a dragon down upon your head", Shem explained.

Two days later.

Alex woke up to find himself asleep in a bed, they must have moved him after he fell asleep on the couch, he wondered how long he had been out for, seeing no one around he threw on some clothes and wandered out of the room padding around in bare feet as he couldn't find his boots anywhere in the room.

He checked on the condition of his body while he padded along the corridor, everything seemed to be functioning properly, but he felt absolutely famished. His mana reserve seemed to be back at peak capacity, damn did that fireball take it out of him, but that's not a surprise it was only the second time using a blue fireball and never had he done something of that size , thinking about it he was quite lucky that it worked like he intended. He continued to prowl around the palace, it was strange he hadn't seen a single person, thinking something might be taking pace he headed towards the audience chamber, suddenly he heard a roar and a voice roar out "Tell me where he is you bitch".

Worried all of a sudden Alex sped up walked up to the guard at the door, "What is going on there?", Alex asked the guard

"Lord glad you're awake, it's a group of beast kin, they arrived yesterday demanding to see you".

"Guess I better introduce myself then", Alex responded with a grin.

"Certainly my Lord", the guard chuckled and he opened the door for Alex.

Alex padded in wearing nothing but trousers and a rumpled shirt, his hair was still all tousled from sleep and was bare footed, but still somehow grabbed everyone's attention.

"Yo", Alex called out raising his hand in greeting, "What's happening here then?".

He scanned across the room and was not happy with what he saw, which was Vale with a swollen face being comforted by Anna & Lily while Kayla faced off against a beast kin warrior.

Alex face went cold and a murderous light entered his eyes, a voice cold as death came out of Alex, "Who touched her?".

The warrior facing off against Kayla, turned to face Alex and said proudly I did, and I challenge you to a duel, challenger takes the hand of Kayla!".

"I don't duel vermin I stamp them out", came the reply as if talking a piece of trash on the street. Putting action to words his lightning armour and windwings materialized, moving faster than anyone could keep up with he appeared at the side of the beast kin his fist already flying. The fist landed on the side and a whump sounded as if an air cannon fired something which pretty much had, sending him flying only for Alex to appear directly in his path and axe kick him face first into the floor.

He turned to the remaining 3 beast kin and in a tone that sent shiver up their spines "If he is still alive he can consider this his lesson not go around hitting other peoples loved ones, if he is dead it will be your lesson to teach manners properly in future.

He walked past the three beast kin and up to Vale, Lily was already applying some salve to the swollen area.

Alex smiled and crouched down in front of Vale and gently stroked her hair, "Looks like we are going have to teach you some moves if you plan to go toe to toe with beast kin in the future".

Vale smiled and seeing the emotions in eyes, felt truly blessed that she could claim even a little part of this mans heart , "That may be a good, idea reading emotions may give me a leg up but without the training I can't put it to use".

"Don't worry about it I'm planning on staying here for a while anyway, we keep putting off awakening magic in Kayla, and I need to dig up an assessment orb from somewhere for you and me. So we will be here for a few months at least, so much deserved R&R after all the drama recently".

Alex turned back to the visiting beast kin, "Do you have other business aside from antagonizing me, asked Alex.

"My apologies for my subordinates actions, he is more prideful than his skill allows him to be. This led him to start propositioning Lady Kayla the moment we got here, your young elf lady told him to stop looking at her with such disgusting eyes and that she already had a life mate, he lost his temper and struck her".

"I don't blame you for her being struck that person is lying there drooling into the floor, I'm blaming you for firstly bringing such a fool on a diplomatic mission and secondly for no reeling him in the moment he started towards Kayla".

"Again I apologize I had no choice in the matter has his father demanded he accompany use for experience". Bowed the beast kin

"Pray tell who is the morons father", questioned Alex.

"Well his father is king of the beast tribes".

Instead of seeing panic or worry in the young lads eyes, he simply looked like he didn't care that he just beat up a prince of the beast kin.

"Well I hope the right to rule isn't hereditary or you're in for a hard time of it with no brains in charge".

Anyway I will meet with you tomorrow, you had best take the moron get seen to, and make sure you drill some sense into him cos if tries this again I will kill and I don't care who his father is", he said in a firm tone.

On a roll today, well I think I've decided to do the beast kin arc before moving on Arcvien.

I'm thinking about bringing in a new member to the harem soon so look forward to that I guess XD

Also yay chapter 30, not much of a milestone but I'll take what I can get.

PS thanks for the powerstones et al lets me know you are enjoying the novel even if you don't comment or review so big thanks.

Sangnzcreators' thoughts