
Dragon's fire: Heir to the Kingdom Of Night

The story follows Young Night'Tail, Hide, who's fleeing from his mother as she arranges his future wife for him. He's been too difficult for his mother to deal with, so now, she's tried tying him down to one of the three princesses of the Ocean. How will he escape? Where will he go? Who will he meet?

Your_local_author_ · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 5

Hide looked shocked as Takashi stood to his claws, looking angry.

"Mind you're own business, runt. I have no business with you." He said, inching closer to Hide.

Tsuki got up, stepping in Takashi's way.

"We won't harm our guests. That's a rule you set for me, it's the same for you. Don't think you're the exception to that rule." Tsuki said harshly.

Takashi huffed smoke out of his nostrils.

"Takashi. I want an apology right now. I don't care if you want to or not anymore. Apologize." Tsuki huffed.

Takashi turned his attention back to Hide, his tail lashing.

" I'm sorry." Takashi forced.

"Was that so difficult? Oh right, it's always been hard for you to get over your ego for five minutes." Tsuki spat.

Takashi snorted out a new batch of smoke.

Tsuki swatted her tail, watching an electric blue, glowing ring surround her talons. It had these rune-like symbols inside of it.

He felt off. He knew these dragons were dangerous. He could feel it in their aura. That Tsuki bird dragon had a sharpness to her that made Hide nervous; and Takashi? Well the fear is iminant. He's a massive, red dragon with amber eyes that kill, a jaw that can crush armored wanderers, and the massive body to crush Hide. He had to get out of there, and if he made it to the cave's entrance fast enough, he'd be able to escape, and hide in the forest.

Hide quickly ripped the aloe leaves and cobwebs off of him, running towards the entrance, before hearing a loud roar.

"I know that roar! They've finally come for me!" Tsuki squealed, sprinting towards the entrance.

Takashi extended his long wing, blocking her way.

"I love you, but he's not here for you. He's been missing for months. He's just now coming back. Why would you trust that." Takashi said.

Hide kept sprinting as far as his legs would take him, before being yanked by the tail.

"What the hell are you doing? Both of you need to take cover. Now." Takashi whispered.

Tsuki went into a dark corner of the room, blending in, before pulling Hide over into the corner she was in, with her tail.

Takashi watched as Arison flew past, headed north. Arison was with Kira, as well as his team. A gray-blue dragon kept behind for a moment, staring inside the cave.

Once they noticed Takashi, they dropped onto the ledge.

"Sir, have you seen the prince of the Moon Kingdom? His name is Hide Yashira, he's a male, and Prussian blue. The queen is looking everywhere for her son and is sending only her best dragons out to find him, and have you perhaps seen a dragon that was banished two years ago? The queen is hoping they changed their mind about her." The dragon said.

"Have you ever heard about breaking into a stranger's home? Obviously, I'm not from the moon kingdom, so get lost" he said, his tail swaying as he sat.

"Sir, I'm only looking to ask a few questions-" They began.

"No. I'm sorry, but I have no clue who you're talking about. Now get out." He said.

Takashi got up, his wings slightly extended, making himself look as big as a giant.

The dragon's ears sunk, and they quickly nodded, sprinting away, trying to get back into the air, and after Arison.

"Now you guys can come out." Takashi called.

Hide went rolling, while Tsuki fell onto the cool rock.

"Why are you two on the ground?" Takashi asked, looking unimpressed.

"I was up on my back legs too long." Tsuki said, fluffing out her feathers in annoyance.

"And I was being pulled by my tail, to make sure I'm not moving." Hide said, flexing his wings out, cooling himself off.

"I never thought you were moronic enough to escape on Tsuki. With those dragons on you're scent, you can't go anywhere alone. We're escorting you somewhere safe." Takashi said.

"What happened to hating me?" Hide asked, sarcasm lacing his voice.

"I still do. However, you won't last one second outside with those guys chasing you. Besides, I can't be here all alone, while you're out getting yourself killed. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night." Takashi said, his wings lightly flapping.

"Well, you're at least knowledgeable. You still remember a lot of things you learned from your kingdom." Tsuki said.

Takashi nodded, and Hide looked confused.

"So, Hide, what was that guard talking about? You're last name is Yashira? That's interesting." Tsuki said.

"The Yashira's are a court of dragons who watch over moon. Making sure it's safe from dangerous dragons, or any harsh biome conditions. Those dragons are blessed with the moon's blessing. A special enchantment that helps them heal in any conditions, so long as the moon is out." Takashi ranted.

"That's correct." Hide said.

"Why would you keep that from us? That's amazing! Now I know how to help your wing heal!" Tsuki said.

"No reason." Hide lied.

Takashi rolled his eyes, picking up an old bag, sitting atop a branch on the perch.

"Well, you're burns look fine now, so let's leave." Takashi said coldly.

"No, you're not leading this operation. You're going to let us decide where to go, and when." Tsuki said.

Takashi scoffed.

Tsuki smiled, looking proud with her power over him.

"Well, it goes without saying, but my name is Hide." He said.

Tsuki nodded.

Takashi huffed out more smoke.