
Dragon's fire: Heir to the Kingdom Of Night

The story follows Young Night'Tail, Hide, who's fleeing from his mother as she arranges his future wife for him. He's been too difficult for his mother to deal with, so now, she's tried tying him down to one of the three princesses of the Ocean. How will he escape? Where will he go? Who will he meet?

Your_local_author_ · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 19

Hide closed his eyes, feeling them become blinded by the light surrounding him. He saw Tai squinting her eyes before he closed his own. Within the blink of an eye, Kinkijou was breathing raspy breaths. Hide flapped his wing, feeling it hadn't felt stale. It seemed like whatever that thing was, wiped the feeling of the curse right out.

"Kid.. was this you?" Kinkijou asked, looking at Tai.

"Yep. Just saved you from death. You're welcome." Tai said, flashing a toothy grin.

"Oh don't bluff. Look at what's in my talons. I opened it, and it seemed to suck in the curse within a second." Hide said.

Kinkijou looked at Hide with alarm, and pleasure.

"This object is called the Yoake prism. It takes in whatever disease, curse fallout, or desperate, and heavy measures. It restores the area to it's former glory, without moving the timeline." Kinkijou explained.

"Well, I gave him the idea to open it-" Tai lied again.

"Don't be so self-righteous Tai. I opened it. Point, blank, period." Hide said.

"Well-" Tai started.

"Enough sand dragonet. It doesn't matter who saved me, it only matters that someone did." Lady Kinkijou interrupted.

Tai gave Hide a dejected look from across the hall.

"In any case... Are you feeling any better?" Hide asked.

"Very much. Like I'm young and pretty like you two." She said.

Hide smiled, but a million thoughts of dread circled his mind.

Why the hell is she alive? The prophecy says she'll die one day, why did she get all spaz-like a second ago? Why was Tai trying to take credit for my deed? Why is there an underground arena? Who could have been here alongside Lady Kinkijou? Are there any other ancient dragons out there, still alive? He thought.

"If you don't mind, my lady..." Hide attempted.

"Another question? Dragonets these days, are so inquisitive. I suppose I can spare my wisdom." She said.

"Well, do you know of any dragons in your time that could either be alive to the modern day or could have been in this arena?" Hide asked.

Kinkijou stared blankly at him for a moment, seemingly off-put by his questions. Hide was hoping she'd say something thought-provoking, or meaningful. He could maybe talk about it with Tai, or maybe try reconnecting with Tsuki and Takashi and asking them.

"Well, Moon Dragonet, I presume only the clan leaders may still be alive. Not the kingdom rulers I'm afraid. Too much drama with heirs, and how to gain access to the throne. The clan leaders like myself, are blessed with different elements of the different gods they worship. I was blessed with endless prosperity, and thus, my rainforest, and all the dragonets living inside, are blessed with endless food, currency, health, and anything that you could imagine. Pine forests, sand fields, Rocky Mountains, and any clan still out there has a different god, and a different blessing to come. Some clans are so poor, they may only eat once a year if they're lucky." Lady Kinkijou ranted.

Hide's heart sank. He was barely lasting now. He had last eaten a few weeks ago, during dinner with his mother. It was all too insane to cope with. Dragonets of his size would have to eat at least four times a month, but he'd gone with only two meals that month, and he was starving. His imagination was filled with thoughts of dragonets like Tai, Tsuki, Takashi, and the hell they would endure on that kind of diet.

"So, that's a no?" Hide questioned.

"Not necessarily. What I mean is, many demigods like me could still be alive, but I would have no clue where to find them. The council of gods dispersed before Kingdoms were even made. Mother of Gaea, maybe before dragons were forming their differences on where they lived. We don't think it was before that though. Considering there were ten different dragons on that Council. All as old as bats. I believe it's to conceal their clans, before creating kingdoms. When this place had dunes crawling all over it, I heard a few theories from some dragonets. They all looked like they were a scholar in the subject." Kinkijou went on, and on like everyone was listening.

"So you're just telling me of the long no?" Hide asked, his tail flicking back and forth.

"I wouldn't say that! I'm giving you information!" She bargained.

"Useless information. When will I ever need this on my journey?" He asked.

"Oh, how cruel. Hide don't miss out! This is the kind of stuff you can't find in scrolls. Enjoy it!" Tai said.

Hide heard wingbeats in the distance. They didn't sound like they were inside the temple yet, but it sounded like they were drawing closer by the second.

"I hear someone coming. Hide, now!" Tai barked.

He quickly flashed into the pale-yellow walls around them, using the darkness of the shadows as her hiding place. Hide quickly pulled Tai in, hiding her too.

"I don't need you. I can find a suitable hiding place without your shifting scales." Tai whispered.

"Hush. They may hear you." Kinkijou whispered back.

Without much time passing, there were two pairs of wingbeats, suddenly stopping, as if they were landing.

"Hello? Hide, you there? We're sorry about earlier!" Someone shouted.

Hide's eyes almost popped out of his head at hearing her voice.

He quickly spiraled Tai out of his wings, and into the air, following the echoed voice.

"I don't think he's here Tsuki. Why would he want to come to some abandoned building? That doesn't sound like him." Another voice echoed.

Hide realized how far down he'd fallen. It seemed to be a pit, the size of two, massive sculptures, about five Takashi's high each.

"Takashi! I'm down here!" Hide called, hoping they wouldn't leave.

Hide looked up at the bright light above him, seeing two shadows pop out. As soon as Hide saw them, he beat his wings as fast as he could, crashing into them on his way out.

"Ow- What the..." Takashi grumbled.

"Hide!" Tsuki cried.

Hide wrapped his wings around both of them, keeping them as close to his body as he could.

"Easy, my tail is still healing," Takashi muttered.

Hide nuzzled his snout in between them. The scent of Cacti and rock hit his nose first, then the scent of dry air, and finally, their scents. Takashi always smelled like someone's burnt cooking, and Tsuki always smelled like nature. Like large cherry trees, and faint willow trees lingering.

Hide heard wingbeats from the hole, but finally felt at home.

"So, you've got some explaining," Takashi said, in his bad-cop voice.

Hide had soon found himself looking back at the hole for a moment, waiting for the infamous pale-yellow dragon, and odd snake-dragon. Before much longer, he saw Tai's head popping up from the inky darkness below.

"Oh, why are you guys back? I thought I took care of you guys." Tai asked.

Takashi huffed smoke in her direction.

"What's she talking about?" Hide asked.

"You wanna tell him, or shall I?" Takashi asked, looking at Tsuki.

"I'll go with my version. After all, I was the one who got impacted the deepest. In a literal sense." Takashi said, glaring at Tai.

"Before I get into details, I'll just start off saying, she told me to off myself." Takashi began.