
Dragon's Breath Mystical technique

In a world torn apart by war between humans and giants, a young warrior named Thomas discovers a mystical technique that grants him strength and long life. Along with a small team of elite fighters, he must protect a remote human settlement from the marauding giants that roam the wilderness. But when Thomas stumbles upon a hidden figure manipulating events from behind the scenes, he realizes that the war may be more complicated than he ever imagined. With the fate of humanity at stake, Thomas must harness his newfound power and uncover the truth behind the conflict, even if it means facing the darkest aspects of his own humanity. A thrilling tale of magic, battle, and redemption, this epic adventure will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

chao_gate · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

The Bloody battle

Author Note:

Hey as this is my first chapter I would like to tell my readers to please stay steady for the wonder full journey


Thomas stood at the edge of the human settlement, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. He was a tall, muscular young man with short, messy brown hair and piercing blue eyes. His face was set in a determined expression as he gazed out at the vast wilderness that surrounded their small community.

For years, the humans had been at war with the giants who roamed the land. The giants were fierce and powerful, and they showed no mercy to the human settlers who encroached on their territory. Thomas had grown up in this world, and he had seen firsthand the devastation that the giants could bring. He had trained for years to become a warrior, honing his skills with sword and shield until he was one of the best in the settlement.

But this battle would be different. The giants had amassed a massive army, and they were planning to launch a full-scale assault on the human settlement. Thomas had been tasked with leading a small team of elite fighters to engage the giants and slow their advance until the rest of the human forces could arrive.

Thomas looked over his team, taking in each of their faces with a nod of acknowledgment. There was Lucia, a lithe and agile fighter who moved with the grace of a dancer. Next to her was Markus, a burly brute of a man who carried a massive two-handed axe. Then there was Saria, a quiet and deadly archer who could hit a target from a hundred yards away. Finally, there was Jakob, a wiry and nimble fighter who specialized in hand-to-hand combat.

They were outnumbered and outmatched, but Thomas knew that this was their best chance to buy time for the others. He felt a sense of responsibility for the safety of his fellow humans, and he was determined to do whatever it took to protect them.

With a deep breath, Thomas stepped forward and began to lead his team out into the wilderness. The forest was thick and dense, with towering trees that blocked out the sun. The air was thick with the scent of pine and the distant roar of the giants' advance.

As they moved deeper into the forest, the tension in the air grew palpable. They could hear the thunderous footsteps of the giants and the sound of their battle cries echoing through the trees. Thomas signaled for his team to take cover, and they hunkered down behind a large boulder, peering out at the approaching enemy.

The giants were massive, towering over the trees and wielding crude weapons made from the bones and tusks of other creatures. They were fearsome to behold, and Thomas felt a twinge of fear in his gut as he gazed upon them.

But he pushed the fear aside and focused on the task at hand. He signaled for his team to attack, and they leapt out from behind the boulder, charging towards the giants with swords and shields at the ready.

The battle was fierce and brutal. Thomas fought with all his might, his sword flashing in the dim light of the forest. He parried blows and delivered crushing strikes, moving with a fluid grace that belied his size and strength.

But the giants were too many, and they pressed in on all sides. Thomas felt a sharp pain in his shoulder as a giant's axe grazed him, slicing through his armor and leaving a deep gash in his flesh. He gritted his teeth and pushed through the pain, redoubling his efforts to hold back the enemy.

The battle raged on for what felt like hours, but eventually, the giants began to fall back. Thomas and his team had succeeded in slowing their advance, giving the rest of the human forces time to prepare.

As the sun began to set, the sound of horns signaled the end of the battle. Thomas' heart was still pounding as he made his way back to the human encampment. He could feel the weight of his injuries, but the adrenaline kept him going.

As he approached the camp, he saw the anxious faces of the other soldiers waiting for their comrades to return. He made his way through the crowds, his mind racing with thoughts of the battle and the friends he had lost.

As he reached his tent, he stumbled, his wounds starting to take their toll. He collapsed onto the ground, his breathing becoming labored. Just as he thought he was about to pass out, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Thomas, are you okay?" It was Michael, his closest friend and fellow soldier.

"I'll be fine," Thomas grunted through the pain. "Just need a moment to catch my breath."

Michael helped him to his feet and they made their way inside the tent. Thomas collapsed onto his bedroll, feeling the weight of his injuries even more now that the adrenaline had faded.

"I'll get the medic," Michael said, his voice urgent.

Thomas nodded, trying to ignore the pain that pulsed through his body with every breath. As he waited for the medic to arrive, he couldn't help but think about the battle and the Mystical technique he had stumbled upon.

He knew that it had given him the strength to fight, but he also knew that there was a price to pay. The technique was dangerous, and he had seen firsthand the toll it could take on a person's body.

But despite the risks, he knew that he had to continue using it if he wanted to survive in this war-torn world. He had to get stronger, and the Mystical technique was the only way.

As the medic arrived and began tending to his wounds, Thomas closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. He didn't know what the future held, but he knew that he was willing to do whatever it takes to survive.

The battle may have been won, but the war was far from over. And Thomas was ready to do whatever it takes to come out victorious.

As the medic finished bandaging his wounds, Thomas thought about the Mystical technique and the power it held. He knew that he had only scratched the surface of what it was capable of, and he couldn't wait to explore its full potential.

With that thought, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, his mind filled with visions of a future where he was stronger and more powerful than ever before.